Why are you even lifting when the only thing that matters is having a good face?
cuz im kinda pretty so my appearance isnt obstacle to anything.
>he doesn't mew
About 150k give or take
More like 1/10th of that senpai
Stop breathing through your mouth
does anyone else feel like their looks range massively depending on lighting?
I go from a solid 8.5 to a 4 when I step under direct downward lighting, its like it shines a light on these HUGE bags under my eyes which are literally invisable in other lighting... It drives me crazy mates as I have litterally seen on womens faces the moment when the light hit me wrong and they went from being turned on to repulsed.
I feel you man, with the right lightning I look kinda cute but if sunlight shines on me I look like pure shit.
>that jew nose
Money well spent t b h.
>tfw you will never have a good face
>tfw you will never have random girls smile at you
>tfw you will never have chicks hit on you
>tfw the stars will have to align for you just to get a 4/10 girl
>tfw you will never feel the validation that good looking guys feel every single day