Been in relationship with this 4/10 for 2 years

>been in relationship with this 4/10 for 2 years
>she told me all the time how lucky she was to have a goodlooking guy like me
>didn't leave her for over 2 years because she gave amazing head and treated me like I was a god
>finally decided to leave her because I thought I could do better
>she got a bf in just months and I still haven't even kissed another girl

Did she lie to me? I finally believed that I was actually decent looking but I couldn't even get another chick before she got another guy. What do Veeky Forums I miss having a gf ;_;

well, you might be good looking but still not that hot that girls are flocking around you. go out, watch the reactions you get and engage a conversation with a girl when you think shes interested.
its not sorcery lol

Being good looking and having money is literally not the key to getting girls worth being around. That's a fact.

Post pic and I'll give you a honest opinion. Also you may want to socialise with girls/people in general

made one just now for you

Lose the beard or trim it properly

Usually have it even longer so it blocks more of my shit face desu senpai

you look pretty average desu

Thought so. Thanks senpai
Had some girls call me cute, mind you they were all not so good looking themselves though.

You're shallow scum and getting what you deserve

having a gf just to have a gf: you failed at life, you dont understand how it works.

Then how does it work?

Learn from your mistake and get girls and options lined up BEFORE you dump ur current

>this guy
>cannot get a grill
Fuck it, gonna buy some rasorblades and have a warm bath

you do know girls don't just visit your house out of nowhere when you're single right? You have to actually meet them and talk to them without acting autistic.

You fucked up because you left her before you had another girl lined up. It's like quitting your job, you gotta find a new one before you leave your old one.


>I miss having a gf
You're not supposed to have a girlfriend just for the hell of it. Actually find someone you like

>get fucked over being a narcissistic sociopath ending a long-term relationship over Internet memes and entitlement

Good for her, glad to see she's upgraded


Aight I'll be honest with you, The reason you left your GF isn't great (unless you simply didn't love her enough), but frankly you are a very attractive man. I'm not gay, but I browse Veeky Forums, so take that as you will. 8/10

Spot on

OP you crushed your ex, your lucky she didn't attempt or threaten suicide to get you to stay. She could of made your life hell.

Come on guys I couldn't stay in that relationship if I wasn't in love with her. That would be unfair to her too.

Getting kinda mixed signals here but at the least Im average then I suppose. Thanks for the opinions bros

That moustache needs sorting, fuck even I find that shit intimidating. I take it you style your hair when you're out, if not I have some news for you...
Apart from stuff you can actually change, your appearance is definitely 8/10 (no homo)

Advice: don't go out looking for girls, even if you don't mean to, you'll come off looking desperate and full on. If it happens it happens, don't obsess over it. Just talk with girls without any intention of going further, act like you're hardly interested and they'll swarm.

p.s. if she's hot, talk to her uglier friend more and she'll fight for your attention if she's into you

>just talk with girls
I would if the opportunity arose, but I never go outside apart from going to uni

Agree on the moustache, wish my moustache beard area would connect nicely but it doesn't. Don't like clean shaven either though
>I take it you style your hair

The problem isn't you left that was inevitable, the problem lies in settling for a 4/10 when you know she isn't enough of a woman to hold you