Just wondering how you all sleep?

Just wondering how you all sleep?

>night owl or morning person
>nap or no naps during day
>sleep aid or no sleep aid
>pee or no pee in middle of night
>dream vivid or no dreams
>wake up often or sleep all night

>Night owl
>No Naps
>Haven't taken a prescribed sleep aid, but otc doesn't work
>No pee
>Lucid dreams
>Sleep all night

>night owl
>no naps
>no sleep aid
>no pee
>vivid as fuck (lately)
>wake up 2-3 times that I remember

>night owl
>no naps
>no sleep aid
>no pee
>no dreams
>sleep all night

overall, sleep is a boring experience and i hate the fact that i have to do it

>night owl
>No naps
>No sleep aid, HTC and melatonin work tho, or benedryl
>Pee in the night (drink hella water)
>Vivid dreams
>Sleep thru if no pee

OP here..

Night Owl all the way
no naps, make me feel worse
sleep aid one night a week
pee 1 to 2 times
vivid dreams. inception
wake up 3 - 7 times

Morning person
No naps
No aid
Pee (cause I'm fuckin old)
No dream pre-pee, amazing dreams post-pee
sleep all night, barring pee break

There is no feeling as good as crawling back into bed after trying to put out a five alarm blaze in your toilette.

I should sleep more do to my physical activity both at the gym an working construction but it's just 8hrs no naps.

I pee like 3 - 4 times a night. I would be worried but it's always been like this.

Used to suffer from sleep paralysis. Shadow men came and choked me at night.

>why are you curious about this?

>morning man
>nap big
>all natty sleep
>pee in middle of night
>dream big
>sleep all night (don't even wake up to pee fml)

I was wondering if there is any connection to deep vivid dreams and wake up more than once a night.

My sleep is awful.

I have a hard time going to bed, I have to be awake for atleast 15 hours to sleep and then when I do Sleep I need about 11 hours. so thats....25 hours. So over time I go to bed later and later and sleep in later and later.

Once I was working a regualr 1st shift job and had to wake up at 5:30am and would go to bed at 10pm. IDK why but it absolutely was killing me. NO amount of sleep makes me feel good. I can sleep for 15 hours sometimes.

Night owl
No Nap
No sleep aid
No pee
Vivid dreams
Wake up often

>tfw nonap

Morning person
no naps
no sleep aid
night pee
vivid dreams everynight, but I always forget them
wake up and go straight back to sleep

feels health man

Yeah that does sound horrible.
Sounds like a nutrition problem honestly.
You excersize harder too.

You should excersize harder*

>sleep bros

How late into the day do you drink caffeinated bevvies, lad?

work nights until 00:00. sleep until 11:00 am.
no naps.
does magnesium count?
no pee.
sleep soundly.

people that exercise and don't take stimulants (coffee or otherwise) sleep like babies. people that trade 8 perfect hours of restful dream-filled sleep for coffee that they NEED to function are insane.

>Not at all.

Wake up at 6am so I can be at the gym by 7.
No nap, no sleeping aid but want to get one now because neighbor's baby daughter cries loudly.
No pee, dream vivid and usually wake before the alarm clock.

>now because neighbor's baby daughter cries loudly.

Earplugs are still natty.

You bein cool about it user? Remember they have to deal w it too.

>morning person
>no naps
>no sleep aid
>no pee
>Vivid dreams
>sleep all night

I do P/P/L

Ive been this was for 11 years or so with gym and without gym.

I was thinking about getting a white noise machine, I don't like earplugs because I don't like to feel penetrated.
I haven't complained about it because it's a natural thing, it's not their fault.

My total caffeine intake is around 100-200mg a day and I try to not drink it around 5-6 hours before bed.

>Night owl
>sometimes nap during the day
>sometimes I take melatonin, but don't really need it
>pee before I go to bed. Never during
>vivid ass dreams
>sleep all night usually

>I haven't complained about it because it's a natural thing, it's not their fault.

You're a good lad.

If I have a single cup of coffee after 1400, I can't fall asleep until 0200. Push that caffeine back, friend. Try it for me and see if it works.

night owl

naps a few days/week depending on school work and shit

no sleep aid

occasionally pee


wake up often

I sleep like shit because I have near constant anxiety, shit sucks so much...makes recovery incredibly difficult and has been slowing down my progress a lot I think

How late do you drink caffeinated bevvies ladfam?

only have one coffee per day when I wake up

Sorry about the anxiety lad. Hope you have people to talk to.

thanks mang, working on it

I aim for 9hrs a night. No naps unless I hiked that day. No sleep aid. Pee if it's unbearable. Vivid dreams 9/10 times. Restless often but wake up rarely.

I do need a 33oz bottle of water by my bed every night though. I sip a lot of water before bed (as I am settling down for sleeps) and upon waking.

Also, pic related. I have a fitbit watch that tracks my sleep

what the fuck is going on in this picture?

>Night owl, only early rise a couple days a month.
>no naps
>smoke weed when I have, then sleep listening music or some lecture
>pee before bed and drink a glass of water so I force myself to get up to pee 6-8 hours later and not just keep sleeping for 12 hours
>vivid and lucid dreaming most of the times
>wake up every 2 hours, cant go back to sleep for 10 minutes, browse phone, sleep, repeat.

I'm fucked

>Night owl
>no naps
>no sleep aid
>pee before I go to bed
>Dreams are rare, but sometimes right before waking up. Usually forgotten afterwards
>Deep sleep. Like a baby.

Gotta work on getting more sleep. Right now, trying to sleep at 12am, wake up at 7-8 AM on weekdays to get ready for classes.

How often do you guys have dreams?
Do you remember alot of them?

Most recent one I remember was me being the size of an ant fighting bugs in my bathroom.
This happened about, maybe a week before inauguration

>night owl
>no naps
>no sleep aid
>no pee
>vivid dreams
>wake up often

>mostly morning, sometimes night owl
>since stating no fap, naps
>very rarely pee
>dream, I used to know when I was dreaming but since starting no fap I've been dreaming while thinking I was awake
>wake up and change sides then fall back asleep

>no structure, typically night owl
>nap for 30 minutes avg 3-4 times a week
>melatonin, alcohol both maybe once a month at most
>pee maybe twice a week, I avoid hydration a few hours before bed if I can
>either no dreams, or disturbing dreams
>probably sleep all night

I have been sleepy since the new year. I'm also pretty stressed out in my daily life. Do I have to have my life together to wake up feeling good and have energy during the day? This has been awful.

>Twilight owl (work from 10pm to 6am)
>no naps
>blindfold to keep sun out
>no pee
>occoisionally I get dreams where I see a small useless snipit of my future
>sleep all the time

>night owl or morning person
usually a night owl
>nap or no naps during day
nap before lifting
>sleep aid or no sleep aid
nope, usually pass out fairly easily
>pee or no pee in middle of night
>dream vivid or no dreams
depends, mostly sleep talk as if I'm still at work
>wake up often or sleep all night
sleep all night unless dogo bothers me for some reason

>Just wondering how you all sleep?
>>night owl or morning person
Usually a morning person, not lately
>>nap or no naps during day
Naps sometimes, less than an hour
>>sleep aid or no sleep aid
Melatonin some nights
>>pee or no pee in middle of night
Occasionally pee if I'm tired and frustrated enough
>>dream vivid or no dreams
Don't remember dreams often
>>wake up often or sleep all night
Wake up constantly, feel like I'm awake more than I'm asleep

It didn't used to be like this. I'm miserable lads, I need to sleep again so I have the energy to lift. Can somebody save me?

>night owl
>no naps
>no sleep aid
>no pee
>no dreams
>sleep all night

i sleep extremely well, can easily manage 11 hours a night
only problems are that i have huge trouble getting up in the morning, doesn't really matter cause study/job starts late anyway
its good being a night owl, get a lot of time to myself, get the gym to myself, and have an easy time staying up all night when i go out with no drugs

>Just wondering how you all sleep?
Pretty fucking well.

>night owl or morning person
I sleep when it's night and I'm awake when it's bright.

>nap or no naps during day
No naps.

>sleep aid or no sleep aid

>pee or no pee in middle of night
No pee.

>dream vivid or no dreams
Can't remember shit most of the time because I'm often high when I go to sleep.

>wake up often or sleep all night
I sleep on the floor, so I wake up every now and then to change position or to get my pillow back in order.

No problem though. I don't think the the human body is made to lie on soft mattresses, sleeping all through the night like a stone.
Body basically gets massaged when sleeping on the ground and waking up every now and then to listen for weird noises or to check if the children are still there seems pretty natural.

>night owl
>no naps, they fuck up my sleep schedule
>no sleep aid
>dream vivid
if i stay up too late, i wake up later, and i really have trouble waking up

> go to sleep at 6am
> wake up every hour or two throughout the night
> get up at 2pm
> probably barely get 4 hours sleep total

my sleeping got completely fucked ever since i started taking finasteride, but i'm off it now so hopefully it will clear up. the only time i can sleep for more than a few hours at a time is when i take benzos or phenibut, but i keep that a maximum of twice a week.

>morning bird, like to wake up at 6
>sometimes comfy afternoon nap if sunny spot is hitting my bed nicely
>chamomile tea sometimes
>pee right before bed so no interrupts
>very vivid dreams, I wake up exhausted from how realistic they are
>sleep through entire night unless I accidentally flopped onto my stomach and stayed for too long and then I'm woken up by back pain (tfw 21 with back of 70 yo)

Nap BEFORE LIFT?? how do you not fall asleep on the bench

>morning person
>no naps
>no sleep aid
>vivid dreams a few times a week
>sleep all night

Night owl
No naps
No sleep aid
Pee in middle of the night
Dream vivid
Wake up often