>sell all dota items
>remove dota
>send gold to some dude in my guild
>remove WoW
>remove games
>going to sign up to gym after I pass my exams in college
Am I winning boys?
Sell all dota items
>>going to sign up to gym after I pass my exams in college
make time now
>already procrastinating
u allready failed, sorry bro.
try your luck next year
It's a long journey friend, start now to beat the pack, it's almost summer and you aren't ready,
You're fucking stupid just stationary cycle on recovery days while you play vidya.
>>going to sign up to gym after I pass my exams in college
>going to
nigga no better day than today
>giving up fun things to try and force yourself to be better
You've already lost
Youll win when u start doing and stop talking.
Now delet blogpost and go lift heavy shit.
>start after
lemme guess you're a virgin too. You need to start today, hit on a girl today or she will fuck Chad tonight
Buy me hearts of iron IV so I can play with my friend.
Here's my steam trade URL
Dont listen to the fags
Quitting video games is one of my beat decisions
You really don't realize how much you are wasting your life doing things that don't matter
I compare it to being dead. Play dota 2 for 5 hours and when you go back to reality, reality resumes where you left off, the Dota 2 having done nothing to impact it aside from taking 5 hours.
You may as well not have played it at all. You may as well been dead.
you're losing less.
signs of winning are obscured by hard work
>going to sign up to gym
First mistake
First you run
You run a lot
You get your stamina to a good level, read, educate yourself on running and how important cardio is
THEN once you're no longer an out of shape faggot you can do some learning here on Veeky Forums or other parts of the internet on what you want to get out of going to the gym
Every motherfucker who starts off going to the gym right off the bat runs you not the problem of fucking up and wasting months of precious time because they didn't know what they wanted and they were starting from literally the bottom
Be pragmatic
Be informed
I hit 1800 hours in dota2
Im the guy you are replying to
I hit over 2000
They're not criticizing him for not playing video games you tard, they're criticizing him for delaying his work outs.
25,000 hours in WoW over 10 years
ama me anything
But you can just play video games after gym.
Did you beta orbit aNY girls in the game?
>giving up completely something you enjoy that isnt harming you physically just "because" and not doing it in moderation
>going to
Yeah no.
hell yeah I did. met my fiance from WoW after orbiting
I play like 2 hours of vidya every day and I'm happy with it, it's all about balance. Thank you for reading my blog
Right thread at the right time.
~2000 hours in Dota and am about to fuck up my thesis because of it. I will delete this shit right now. Only lifting and writing from now on.
>First you start off by running a lot.
I always play a game of dota before the gym and before I go to sleep, its the best game
I have near 8000 hours in that sweet sweet TF2, I haven't touched in a year and I really don't miss it at all. Only "downside" is that nearly half of my friends waste all their time wih vidya, so I kind of lost contact
>delete everything because you cant manage time
no you aren't winning.
Games are the best things to relax with after gym hours.
nigga it aint even spring yet
I only started going to the gym three weeks ago and I have no urge to play any games
Haul your ass to the gym whether you feel like it or not.
I was in a similar boat as you, and after forcing myself to go when i don't feel like it, I feel better afterwards than sitting on my ass playing games.
But his advice remains though: playing videogames does wastes a lot of time, specially when hitting over 20 hours a week. Yes, that shit is almost a part time job
>You may as well not have played it at all. You may as well been dead.
this is pretty much everything besides lifting and studying tho and fuck if I'mma spend all my time doing that.
Y'all realize that manly ass men play VG, yeah? The new Superman almost missed his audition because of his WoW raid.
t. video game addict
Quitting all the things I thought were 'fun' (vidya) have improved my life tenfold in less than 2 years.
what do you do with all your time now
because I quit weed and now I just spend all day on the chan
>remove dota
already lost
Get a job.
>Arma 3
Im in school...
Study harder then fag.
You are manchild, kys.
i study as much as I can
ur useless
No you haven't done anything yet. Come back in a year and ask that question.
Were you at least in a world first guild? 25,000 hours you could have mastered two different professions in real life.
You're the only person ITT who has me beat on time spent in dota.
I could've been a neuro surgeon by now. But fuck it, 6k mmr is better, right? Kappa
this, fpbp
but dota and wow are complete time sinks, you can't just play them for 10-30 mins to relax you get sucked in for hours at a time.
Yeah p much. My gf made the remark that when I get on dota she pretty much just kisses me and says bye for 6 hours until I'm ready to cook dinner.
My post workout dota games are intense breh. Can't get enough.
I would get so mad every game when I played dota, really glad I gave it up.
I do enjoy watching streams of it now and then but have no desire to play again, even though the latest patches look fun.
I only play games like overwatch and hearthstone now because they are fairly short rounds and I don't feel bad if I lose.
I play video games maybe 5-8 hours a week. Not really an addict. Everything in moderation friend.
Idk I'm finally climbing mmr pretty well and getting noticeably better at the game, so it feels even better desu with all the metrics and stats they added to your profile. I can literally see after a good game exactly how well I've played in comparison to the past, and replays are a lot better now too.
Plus 7.00 is fun as fuck. The new patch made a lot of heroes more interesting and viable, and huge comebacks are still possible, and I live for that shit. I still fucking hate techies though.
Oh and did I mention valve implemented a soft region lock? I actually have teams of English speakers now instead of Peruvians 24/7. It's really never been better in dota.
I still get insanely angry at the game like you said, but I kind of like it all the same. I've been competitive my entire life and this is my outlet.
How's overwatch? Never really gave it a second thought after it came out.
This. Your work out will not be more than an hour three days a week.
t. nigger
Get your ass into the gym today you fucking panzy ass faggot!
lol you actually 6k tho?
overwatch is fun, i liked it because it has some small moba elements in it like ability cooldowns and wombo combos.
How did you have the time?? Where does your money come from to pay net/rent/food?
So all you do is lift and work?
Do you not have any other enjoyable hobbies?
Who /overwatch/ here
he's in high school I'm guessing
I stopped playing vidya since my graphics card broke 9 months ago. It's been a big improvement to my life, I do a lot more productive shit now.
I know you're 'not meant' to sell your Steam account but can you get away with it? It's a depreciating asset that I'm not using anymore.
>I do a lot more productive shit now
like what
I started new hobbies. I learned to scuba dive, joined a rowing team which does weekday evening training, read more books and meet new people in real life.
On Veeky Forums now because I'm in a car journey from a family funeral. Obviously I still crash out and watch TV sometimes, but it doesn't suck me in for hours at a time like video games did.
meant for
the thing is i stop smoking and stop vidya and just spend hours on Veeky Forums
idk man
Internet shit is still a weak point for me, especially as I have a smartphone, but I'm still glad I kicked the video games. I don't miss them all.
Thank you based Nvidia for your shitty hardware.
Mien niger. Got over 130 hours with 1/3 of that time as d.va
>motherboard died on September
>got back into College, piano lessons going great. Making gains at the gym and have a gf
>be stuck with Xbone and 3DS
>be playing those for awhile, get bored with vidya after an hour or so
I've started to read books now. I practice piano for about 2 hours a day now. I cook my own meals as well as sometimes for the family. I still work brunch at a nice restaurant in Park Slope (nicer area in NYC). And I go to the gym regularly versus the sparse schedule I'd have before
Video games are great, but ultimately a waste of time if youre playing them for hours and arent professional. My motherboard dying was one of the best things to happen in terms of my productivity. I thinl about buying it again but I have a laptop which is all I need for school. Even then, games just aren't as apppealing as they used to be. I could be learning things, which is much more stimulating
I would think it takes longer than 5k hours to be a neuro surgeon, takes 10-15 years of experience in the field before u even do any operations
hit 4k 7-8 games into 7.00 patch. Haven't played since, in favor of Overwatch with my friends. I can't justify wasting 3 hours in dota anymore, especially if u lose 3/4 games or seomthing awful. At least in Overwatch a loss doesn't take 45 minutes out of your life.
sold my csgo knife
bought dota items
won dota tournament last week
just hit 1/2 next is 3/4 and already beautiful before lifting
i already won and i just play games to simulate me losing
dota Veeky Forums when?
Yea buy me Hearts of Iron IV so I can play too. Thanks user.
post dotar goal bods
kinda makes me think how fit dota is.
post sven, new enigma and shit
wow i thought i had alot with 1300 hours
also im getting that wow itch again, thankfully im banned till may
moderation is key
No. What he's saying is that the pockets of time that add up till that 5000 hours caused him to lose the opportunity of becoming a neurosurgeon.
After making video games my whole life I quit cold turkey for awhile a got my shit together. I have some free time still so I tried them again and had zero interest. Honestly feels kinda bad, need to find a new identity now but it's nice having more control.
> First you run
> You run a lo