Weighted Dips

How many of you actually do em?

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My shoulders are mega fucked,
I still struggle on supported dips.
I've never seen anyone in the gym actually do weighted dips, though.
Even just dips are rare.

My favorite triceps exercise, works all the heads best imo.

i have long arms so dips aren't really suited to my anatomy

Me. I don't lift much though. Just one plate lol for 3 sets of 12. Used to be able to 90lbs but my form was horrid

after I hit 2pl8 binch I stopped doing it and replaced them with dips

its great

Just started a few weeks ago as I wanted to get into more bodyweight exercises and less machines in the new year. On top of switching pull downs for wide-grip pullups (I can do 4 unassisted now, I weigh 239 so feelsgoodman.jpg) I switched from overhead tricep extensions with an EZ-curl to doing weighted dips. I put 70lbs on a dip belt and I do them straight up so it's a tricep exercise not chest.

Homegym mustard race here, I'd do them but I have no equipment to do weighted, so I just ended up doing 3 sets of 40 reps

I regularly do dips in my workout at 4 sets of 8. I think you should only start adding weight when you can comfortable do 20 dips in a row.

Overall, I think they are a really beneficial exercise and not enough people do them. They have built my chest a lot more than bench press ever did and are a great way to target the triceps. They also are a great way to develop strength and gain upper body mass.

I started doing them but currently only do them with 5-10kg and last set I do dropset with bodyweight dips. Hopefully I'll get stronger soon, but I'm going for lean gains and aesthetics is #1 for me.

Just put a dumbbell between your legs

Weigh 185 do 3 plate dips for reps..any good?

I'm barely getting in to unassisted let alone weighted.

It hurts my hands just with bw. I'm 120kg, could be why.

I thought i was the only one
Started lifting 2 months ago,still can't do 3x5 unassisted dips and can't do more than 3 pull ups,no more than 12 assisted

Not your wrists hurting?

I enjoy having shoulders and elbows

Ever since I started doing chest dips my bench has shot up. I want to start doing weighted soon.

That is perfectly acceptable in my opinion.
I started in September. Had to use a THICC band for assistance on dips.
Now I use a small stringy one to finish 3x10 and can do 7 unassisted.

Can do pullups/chinups too and have never been able to in my life. Solid 3 in a row now.
Helps I've lost 70lbd too.

>i'm a weak little bitch who doesn't wanna get too bulky


My favorite fucking exercise. I'm not lifting right now due to a hernia but when I was I was doing 3x12 with 30kg. Such a satisfying lift.
It's the easiest lift to force out extra reps just when you think you have nothing in the tank.

I really like them as an assistance exercise to the bench press, and do them every other workout.

Can someone explain what makes weighted dips bad?

My favorite exercise if I ever want to fuck up my rotator cuffs.

Goat tier i do em

they make my left shoulder scream in pain when I do them with 2 plates

I just started adding weight to mine. I did 3x8-9 reps of 8 kgs yesterday. I also do 3x8 pullups with 10 kgs.

Can't even squat 100 kgs though and my deadlifts are even worse than my squats.

3x6 or 3x8 depending on my mood with two plates attached.

Started not even able to do 20 now im doing 10×4. Monday was the 1st day i did weighted ones granted it was only a 5 lb plate but gotta start somewhere and build up

I can barely do a set of 10 unassisted, so like nah man, I'm too weak

73kg / 21yo / 5ft8

On Tuesday I did 4,4,3,3,3 with 55kg

My fav exercise along with weighted pull ups

Wow. Are you fat? Then it's probably your weight, if not just keep going, your noob gains will quickly get you there (don't do SS)

Dips in general are god teir. One of the best compound movements for building size on your upper body. Helped me break through bench plateaus and filled out my chest much more than any other lift. Great for tris as well

Ikr what a bitch

t.orthopedic surgeon


My arms are the weakest fucking things ever,literally my worst body parts,they're string beans i'm not even kidding

40kg dips x7. It is the best exercise

This. Hits the center of the chest way easier

Dips fuck my shoulders up and I get a weird feeling in my sternum area, so I just stick to CGBP and tricep extensions.

M8 my arms were literally 10 inches at 17 and i was taller and same weight as you but i could still bust out 13 pullups easily, its about the lats.

>No equipment

That's called a home

I can only dip with about 20kg dumbbells but not because it's too heavy- because it slips out of my legs otherwise.

83kg bw for reference

I think they are too dangerous. I only do pec flys and triceps extensions

That's not an argument. People fucked their shit up with every possible exercise. So many people bitch about knee pain from squats, back pain from dls, shoulder pain from lat pulldown/bench/pull ups/whatever. If you'd listened to stuff like this you should just kys already because you might get hurt when standing up from your chair.

0/10. nice try, weak little bitch. lol.

t. magical elephant with 4 golden wings (i can make shit up on the internet, too, retard.)

Whenever I do heavy dips i get it too in the middle of the chest. An old gymbro told me thats just my muscles that are hurting. Is he right or is it the ribcage thats is damaged?

>skip arm day, more legs bud

One of my favorite triceps exercises. I do 5x10 with 45-55 lbs and have heavy days where I do 5x5 with 75-85lbs

mirin' arms


I love them, do them at the end of my workout 3x10 @ 1 pl8, same setup as OP pic.
Im 5'10 and 160lbs, so being smaller helps

Just started with 25lbs


I like dips though, once you get used to them they feel so good

kind of unrelated, but my elbows hurt right at the tip of the pointy bit like in the pic when I do skullcrushers. should I stop doing them? should I stop doing any sort of tricep extension and press? ice obviously but I don't know what else to do or not do

I don't do dips because I already fuck up my shoulders enough with OHP.

Get some rope and tie plates to your body

3x10 with 50lbs dumbbells
3x25 body weight

what chain is good? everything on amazon looks cheap as fuck

6'2" btw

they're just chains I don't think there's a way you could choose the wrong one


There's no way that guy can do weighted dips

This is actually my favorite exercise. I only just started bulking, and can only do BW+45 though

2 plate weighted dips for 5 reps, but now my sternum hurts when i do them heavy even with good form so i just go light and do reps, its quite nice

If you do weighted dips but can't bench more than twopl8 then there's something wrong with you

>he doesn't weigh himself whilst wearing the loaded dipping belt so that he can actually keep decent track of his lifts
whew laddy

not him but yes that's natty

Doing weighted dips instead of bench. Also OHP. My shirts are getting tighter.. regards homegym-masterrace from Finland


Yea stop. Mobile is being a bitch so I dont know if your also complaining about dips but dips are really easy for people to do wrong. If done wrong your putting a huge amount of stress on the shoulders and elbows so if you get pain from dips just stop and find other exercises. Also skullcrushers can destroy your elbows. Happened to me. Basically my advice is do every rep of every arm (bi or tri) exercise slowley and focus on form. Make sure your arms arent moving side to side and do them strict. Youll prolly have to lower the weight this way but youll still make gains. If you still get pain go to physiotherapy. And yea stop doing skullcrushers and dips if they are hurting you.

I can't even do unweighted dips yet.

try doing mobility/warm up shit
arm rotations, finger movements, idk
warm up more.
you're probably fuckin your tendons up/have tendinitis or something

Bad news, as always.

>it's a fucking bench

I don't think I notice it when doing anything other than skullcrushers, even tricep extensions on the cable machine. Definitely not dips. I used to have shoulder pain when doing dips but not anymore. It's just the elbows right now. I'll pay more attention next time

you got something to say, buddy?


I have other equipment too. Too lazy to take pics though.

He's just posing. He can't dip that much weight


> dips
Enjoy your shoulder snaps

very impressive


>i have long arms so dips aren't really suited to my anatomy
I'm 6'1 with a 6'6 wingspan and do dips every time i hit chest

You're just a pussy

I just started doing them now that I'm making progress on my bench (stalled for a while).
3x10 with 20lbs added. Theyre pretty fun and the chains clanging as you dip is alpha as fuark

Almost never use extra weight :|

Rear delts where

I completely replaced bench press with weighted dips.

Bench press fucks up my shoulders. I just cannot get the form down. Also, I feel more chest activation from dips.

I would like to bench again someday, but I do not see the point of it. I'm not a power lifter, I just want to get stronger and more aesthetic.

I feel like bench press for chest is similar to doing barbell rows for back. It's a good lift to complete a routine, but it's not necessary when you can just add weight to dips/pull ups.

Protip: Don't go beyond 75 degrees when doing heavy dips (2pl8+)

Also I get sternum pain when I dip this amount

this spot pops for me when i do tricep extensions. it doesnt' hurt, it's just annoying

Ten isn't bad. Keep at them, you'll get stronger.

two plates on each side, or both sides of the bar?


I do a warm-up set of 10 and a cooldown set of 10 with bodyweight. In between I do 3x6 or 3x8 or something like that... 30 lbs added is the most I can manage right now with good form. Sternum always hurts the next morning but not very badly.

I do it at the end of workouts where I hit chest

Up to 70 pounds for 3X10

Yes mam


Just came here to see this

>He can't do addition

Long arms affect it the guy you responded to is right, also clavicule lenght (shoulderspan) has a major factor too

How? I weighed 189 over the summer and knocked out sets of 10 with ease.

I usually stick to bodyweight, 3-4x20, also god tricep exercise as well, usually load up 25-35 pounds then.

>Helps I've lost 70lbd too.

Thats inspiring!

lol no it's about the weight you dumb fuck