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Health #403
No goal body thread?!
/CGT/ - Current Glutes Thread
ITT we post food items that we originally thought were massively unhealthy but have a solid macro content
Is it possible for a woman to workout without being an arrogant, attention-whoring bitch?
2 glasses of milk in the morning, or one glass or orange juice and one glass of milk?
People SERIOUSLY argue that he is natty
Veeky Forums humor
Is my deadlift form garbage?
Well Veeky Forums bad things have happened
Why lift when it's all about the face?
Martial Arts
Nice muscles user but what kind of car do you drive?
Estimate Body Fat Thread
Tfw I was legit contemplating on killing myself and how to do it
How do you make her feel that shes the lucky one instead? Its getting tiring to be the one always chasing...
Ugly clenched butt
So user you ready to go to the beach and pick up some sloots?
Why aren´t you not a buddhist yet Veeky Forums ?
TFW tried to make some Chess gains because of the thread on Veeky Forums
What do you like to drink after a workout?
Calves thread?
Do you think she's going to make it, Veeky Forums?
20yo college fag
Well well well, look who just arrived!
Did he fake his death?
Just did a ECY stack and I my heart is palpitating
How is it to have a gf? What do you do besides work/school/working out? Do they smell...
Balding general
/plg/ Powerlifting General
Should i skip leg day if my legs are massive t-rex stomps since i used to bike professionally as a kid?
If you want to lose weight you should consume less sugar and dairy and do more sports
Are the olympics the pinnacle of human bodies?
Bulking extreme
Reminder to all those manlets who still haven't learned
Vegan boy is benching one hundos for reps
Historical Mirin
Do autistic people know they're autistic?
If humans had to pick ONLY ONE source of nutrition and had to survive, what would it be? No mixes, just one...
Are these for gay men? What the fuck are men's tights that I see Nike always coming out with even meant for...
Existential crisis
Leonard and the House of Filth
The skinheads are training at my gym again
No time like 1:30 EST for a fucking Fridge thread
Would you cheat on her Veeky Forums?
SARM thread
I lost 70lbs over the course of 8 months and gained 40lbs back over two years
Female friends
Hey Veeky Forums. How do you get over or get an ex back? It's been over a year since she dumped me...
Get a hot gf
When did you realize speed>power?
Buy creditcards on alpha bay
The most aesthetic Veeky Forums body
I think I might switch from Strong Lifts to Greyskull. I heard it's a better routine and aestheticaly it'll look better...
Diagnosed with testicular cancer
Is ottermode the best type of body ?
You were out chasing those damn gains all night again weren't you ?
Tfw skinnyfat low T
Ctrl + f
Not listening to ASMR before sleeping to have quality sleep and make better gains
What happened to this guy?
I honestly cannot believe how people can say Chicken breasts are tasteless, this shit is fucking delicious
Be you
Mom is forcing me to pay for my gym membership, cellphone bill and supplements
Go to the gym with my gf
Tfw leave fat mode
I posted this on /b/ but barely got any help. This isn't really fitness related but it is health related
I wish there was treatment for mouth breathing as for any other illness
At least twice a day bro
This is all I want guys, will people notice me? will it look like a lift with a tshirt on?
How do I get rid of a small pouch of fat beneath the belly button?
Losing weight on Psyche Meds
/Cutting/ General
Best rep range for OHP?
What do I need to do to become 'Chad' physically? What's the routine?
Lifting will cure your autism!
/fraud/ - steroids general
Is sushi the ultimate gains food?
Be me
Every single one of the most muscular and aesthetic guys at my gym do a typical 5 day a week 1 x frequency per muscle...
This is your daily reminder that your life sucks and working out wont fix it
What's the consensus on Omar Isuf?
410 Bench at 154 bodyweight
Long winded, but just wanted to see if you guys have any experience with this type of shit
Fatty General
Fucked up thyroid gland gave me ED
No fap causes fluctuations in your test levels in the first week...
The Last 2 Digits Of Your Post Count Multiplied By 11 Is Your New Deadlift PR
Tfw no high test Bavarian gf to keep your stomach full and your balls empy for optimal gains
Anyone else starting to think the typical "bodybuilder" look, i.e. the right side of the picture looks shit ?
That guy that uses superhero shirts in the gym
Unflavored protein powder
/Knowledge Gains/
I cant into OHP fit
/plg/ - powerlifting general
That guys who wears basketball shorts to the gym
You're at the gym and this thing slaps your girlfriends ass
How much Tuna do you eat? I don't really trust whey as a good source of protein, so I'm trying to eat 4...
Tfw too intelligent to stretch
Unconventional Lifting Song Thread
Greentext gym
Fictional goals
Should I bulk or cut?
Reminder that this is what girls want
Best food in the world
Best Veeky Forums pawg?
So im in a conundrum Veeky Forums and i need help
Will squatting and deadlifting only once a week make my core wider...
Anyone taken adderall regularly, forced enough food down to hit your macros, and still made godly gains?
What is a really good hunger suppressant
How was your valentines day, Veeky Forums?
Real Human Bean General
TFW too sad to lift
The Natty Limit
Walking down the street with your girlfriend
Are there any drinks besides milk or water that are okay to have during weight loss
How many of you actually eat properly
What routine to achieve this?
Can those delts be natty?
What is Veeky Forums sippin' on right now?
Tfw no thicc gf
Hi Veeky Forums
Tfw binged and ate all the chocolates my Dad bought my stepmom for valentines day
Skinnyfat thread
How do you guys train your pet manlet?
Mom = 5'5
Is chiropractic a scam?
Tfw ignored / made fun of by women in highschool
He fell for the vegan meme
6'5 vs 5'2
Best Hollywood Physiques
/plg/ - powerlifting general
Fitizens post your faces/gains and tell how was your valentines day
Jesus christ, Veeky Forums, i need help. I went from healthy and fairly fit to a hungry...
Be done with gym
What made you start working out?
Post your workout routines Veeky Forums
Diet rate
What will fitness be like in 100 years?
Underrated exercises thread
I've went from 3 plate to 4 plate to 5 plate and half way to 6 plate
How could I lose to me little sister?
Which type are you and which type do you want to be/think is best
Is she really already seeing someone?
What mode is this?
Tfw I look like a twink in the gym and some bigger guys look surprised when I deadlift 250lb six times
TFW you wasted THOUSANDS of hours on Veeky Forums instead of doing something productive
Whas your opinion on pescatarian diet (ovo-lacto vegetarian + fish) ?
Deadlifts are necessary for aesthetics
What is the GOAT routine and why is it 5/3/1?
That guy who front squats in the back squat rack
Tfw not fat, and decently fit. can jog at a solid pace for 15 minutes straight (can do 3k in 15 minutes)...
Anybody ever use one of these? Looking to make my pencil dick thicker
4Square Ideals
Daily reminder you're probably under 6'
Get up early for work
Unusual equipment that's actually useful and good
Can anyone tell me what the actual fuck is wrong with me? I am pretty much always on my period...
Having a small dick
Examples of perfect form and rom
/JAWLINE/ thread, post em chinlets .. Mirin' my average jawline?
Red pill me on frozen veggies fit
Started as a disgusting fat fuck, now I'm just a fat fuck
People manage to eat 1500 - 2000++ calories everyday consistently
What do you do when you're not lifting or on your computer?
Lifting isn't your only hobby, r-right user?
Captain America bench 1100 Lbs
Are you taller than your dad Veeky Forums?
Rate my progress
Explain to me how wrestling isn't the best sport to keep you in shape?
How the HELL do you break a weightloss plateau
How the fuck is this kid so strong ? hes so fucking small and young
Mfw im drowning my valentine's day sorrows in weights and chicken
Be me
What kind of body do feminine 18+ boys like and how do I achieve it?
What is the best all around shoe for fitness, comfort, and aesthetic?
you enter your parents bedroom when suddenly you see this man fucking your mom
What age do your wrists stop getting bigger? I'm 18 and I still have little bitch wrists...
It't /dinnertime/
What would happen if you got 100% of your calories from soda? Short vs long term?
Hey /fit, /mu here
Is this routine legit for noobs? bbro claims natty and did this from day 1
Forearm thread
Who Ralph today?
/plg/ powerlifting general
Enter gym
/plg/ - powerlifting general
How do I escape from this move?
Fat People Hate FPS/FPH
Grills want?
College student who commutes
What mode is this and how can i enter it?
/fraud/ - steroids general
Is this accurate?
Reminder that THIS is what girls want
How do I give up porn addiction lads
All these colors and you got brown eyes
/thicc/ - Post thicc inspirations & goal bodies, discuss how to get thicc, specific training styles, nutrition...
Fresh CBT
At what age should you kill yourself if you cannot yet grow a full beard?
Right in the feels
Is "Starvation Mode" truly a myth?
How do I get Veeky Forums and /drunk/ at the same time?
This is what men REALLY want
Did you use your gorilla mindset at the gym today Veeky Forums?
Cutting weight general
Is it even possible to fix these?
Let's get a webm thread going
How to get rid of open pores on nose?
ITT: characters that inspired you to start lifting
21yo dyel
How do I raise my testosterone levels?
Currently on a 3 weeks keto diet, I'm finally getting lean, my abs are showing and flexing muscles feels great...
You must be 100% natty to compete in the crossfit games
14 weeks until summer
Starting accutane
What are good cutting macros?
Any alpha Veeky Forums bros here condition their girls not to give a fuck about vday?
Have you ever been mired by a girl because of your gains?
You guys have those girls at your gym that only do glute exercises? Squats and those weird looking reverse leg raises?
Engaging your lats during deadlift is a meme. Prove me wrong
Whatever happened to supermang?
Can I vape test with my RDA? I just got everything for my first cycle but I'm terrified of needles lads
Is this achievable natty?
I go to the gym 3 days a week because it's closed on Sunday and I go AxAxA
What is the best routine for achieving herakles mode?
Since scoob's obviously on TRT, who's the new natty king of Veeky Forums and why is it Scottie the hottie?
Tfw have loads of different martial arts in my area, but the boxing class is the only one that fits my schedule
ITT: Reasons to stay natty
How do i gain muscle if i'm a literal skelly girl? :^(
Would you use steroids if it was as easy as going to the store to buy groceries?
When did you guys realise that
Who here 1/2/2/3 master race?
Should women be allowed to lift?
Why aren't you Muslim yet?
/plg/ - powerlifting general
/rg/ - Routine General
Go the gym
Have fun at the gym today, virgins
Failed my 100 kg 1x5 deadlift yesterday due to grip strength
Explain carbs vs calories like im 5
What is the most overrated body part aesthetically speaking and why is it the chest
Tfw ex is posting valentines pics with her new boyfriend
Veeky Forums theory
Why don't you have a Valentine's this year Veeky Forums?
Ywn EVER have a tomboy gf with a femdom fetish
Cara please come back
Reminder that girls do not care about legs
What is the better ab exercise: Planks, barbell rollouts or plain old crunches?
Fat Cunt wants to lose weight
Powerlifting is a mental illness
ITT: The perks of being strong. I'll start. Carrying groceries is easier than ever before
This is gonna be good
Alright my iron brothers. I'm going through a divorce. I'm taking a weight lifting class at my local university...
What do women actually find attractive? How big is too big?
I'm going to lose my v-card tomorrow Veeky Forums I have condoms and everything, any tips or warnings?
FPH fiery fat people hatred
Not doing /startingsquire/
Tfw a girl actually gives you attention
I've lost the will to do anything but lift and watch anime
Will lifting get me a qt gf? Or is ist all about HEIGHT FACE and FRAME
Are these realistic gains for someone who's just started working out or are they trying to sell me something?
Could you fight him and win?
Approach girl for the first time in my life
/bwg/ - BodyWeight General
Drinking milk is considered neo-nazi/white supremacist
Umm, why are you lifting again?
Family member wants to lose weight
Memes aside, does drinking milk aid in gains?
I'm a rural farmer in Norway and the closest gym is an hour away by car
CBT: Current Body thread
School me on power cleans. Also, should they go before squats and deads?
Can't go to the gym atm, what calisthenics routine can I do at home in the meantime...
How do I achieve this mode?
Is there such thing as an Asian Chad?
Prove me wrong Veeky Forums
If you could go back in time and give your 16 year old self advice, what would it be?
/mewing/ general
Which diet is better low carb or low fat?
Have you ever dated a Veeky Forums girl?
Who do you lift for/fit/?
Who else here /small/
Have any of you actually "overtrained"? Or is it really just a meme?
When she loves you
How do i work out my chin and jaw?
/fraud/ - steroids general
Best lift to combat frequent suicidal urges?
Veeky Forums, what makes women store so much fat in their ass?
ITT: Veeky Forums memes you fell for
Be me
Are tights acceptable yet? Do they show off to much?
Appetite suppressant
Drive to gym
Comments from your dyel friends
Griplet thread
What is this mode called and how do I achieve it?
Grillfriend currently spends 5 hours (5 FUCKIGN HOURS) a day doing absolute meme exercises
When did you realize he is a hack and gives shit advice?
Dieting infinitely harder than lifting
Dumb questions thread
Enter gym
Getting Veeky Forums will cure your autism
So, it's Chest/Biceps day and I was wanting some input on this routine...
When you break the 500 lb. mark on deadlift, people start coming up and initiating conversations
Which Hollywood actors used steroids to prepare for a movie
Just be confident, bro
You are given the ability to program a pill to contain the exact nutritional content you need for each day...
Mental/Emotional Health Thread
Why does he wear that thing on his knee?
/plg/ - Powerlifting General
Fruits of labor
So the nigger who has been shilling himself for the past days can barely squat 2.5 plate
Guys I just joined a gym and im fucking anxious of being laughed at
How's your love life, Veeky Forums? Are you happy with it?
Give her the D general
Eddie Hall when he was 14 years old looks better than 99% of Veeky Forums
What the hell did you get me into Veeky Forums
Will lifting turn me into an alpha male?
Phenibut Users
My old roommate was a super ultra giga Chad...
Is veganism healthy?
What are you eating tonight alone Veeky Forums?
Are there any scales that aren't big pieces of shit, Veeky Forums...
Living off Huel
Are cold showers a meme?
Started eating vegan
That guy who claims to be a serious lifter and doesnt squat
Favorite insta fitness sloots thread
Are these a meme, or do you guys use these?
Step inside the gym
Is there a secret to losing weight? I've been struggling to lose 30 pounds of body fat for about a year now...
What kind of fish oil does Veeky Forums take?
If you take the pill you get 3 inches to your height, BUT your lifespan shortens by 15 years. Do you take it?
How are you gonna spend Valentine's Day?
Pullups vs. Chinups
I work as a lawyer. I don't have the time to work out like a moron. How do I lose weight?
Stop Barbell Squatting
He can still make it, r-right guys?
When did you guys realise that deadlifts are completely unnecessary if your goal is hypertrophy?
My squat is the same as my deadlift
Archeology student
Women are great
This weekend I have had sex three times and all three times I ended with a migraine
Plateauing at 1pl8 bench and 0.5pl8 OHP for 4 months now
Veeky Forums I need some help, pomade doesn't hold my hair for shit...
Changing character and personnality
You are bulk.. what do you mean user? take off your shirt already!
Itt: Fictional characters who get you motivated as fuck for a workout
/plg/ - Powerlifting General
No phone before sleep (NoPBS)
Underrated exercises
Veeky Forums now thinks this is a good natty physique
Best Program: 5x5 or 8-12
How is my cut going guys?
Tfw you will never be like Connor
If SS is bullshit, what routine am I supposed to do? I'm only want to be thicc :/
So my 1-2reps maxes are around 1/2/3/4
/plg/ Powerlifting General
This long ass article busts a lot of myths, i found It very useful and i wanna share It. Some interesting conclusions:
/YFG/ YouTube Fitness General
Reminder that you never truly make it unless you can grow out a luscious mane
Weight Loss & Getting Lean
Alpha moments
Just broke up with my girlfriend. I ended up yelling at her that it was over and left her crying...
How would Veeky Forums Stop chad thundercock from reaching your qtpi gf?
How do I make chess gains?
CBT: talk me out of bulking edition
High test girls
What the fuck is up with this bitch?
Shitposting aside what is the optimal height for building muscle...
Veeky Forums BTFO
Give it to me straight, Veeky Forums, do I have klinefelter syndrome?
Do i really need 8 hours of sleep?
How good is a 275 pound bench in all honesty? IMO its okay, but nothing impressive...
*blocks your path*
This guy slaps your ass in the gym lockeroom
Would you rather be a 6'2 CHAD and live until 40 or be a 5'4 manlet with no facial aesthetics and live until 80...
Look on Amazon for protein
Is it possible to bench 225 as a natty?
How do you guys react to a girl trying to embarrass you like pretending to forget your name in front of a ton of people...
Starting strength is the best
Stop using dumbbells
Most underrated lifts
Lifting shoes
These are G O A T for liftan
Diet soda
Frat workout
When did you realize Veeky Forums were the real chads?
Low Test Thread
What is the most overrated body part aesthetically speaking and why is it the traps
How fast can you go from skinny to muscle? Under 6 months?
How long did it take to remember who you are? My mom, called me again today...
Pushup Thread
Facial aesthetics matt-
/plg/ Powerlifting General
Does Veeky Forums approach girls?
How the fuck did Ezra Miler increase his lower jaw?
How do I respond?
I'm a girl looking for a /fit bf. Where can I find them, besides the gym, the grocery store, their apartment...
Post here if one of your younger sisters is taller than you
Yo guys
What's the easiest way to get my gf in shape? She's super lazy and never likes to do anything...
Height matt-
Can I get a bodyfat estimate?
What would Veeky Forums be like today if Zyzz had lived?
Veeky Forums movies
Tell my gf about no fapperoni
I've been bulking and working out 5 days a week all winter and this is all I get
Tfw some guy at the gym comes up to you and tells you how you're doing the exercise 'wrong'
How do I into Bateman mode?
Squat outside power cage
This guy used to be middleweight champion and his physic is laughable. I bet he'd never squatted once in his lifetime
Fatty General
Tfw a guy at the gym keeps avoiding me because he thinks I'm a homo
What mode is this?
Would you let your daughter go out like this Veeky Forums?
Is Connor Murphy the new Zyzz?
Why don't i feel shit in my chest when i do chest flys and chest press?
Am I abnormally weak?
Fitness cringe
Polyphasic sleeping
How much Weight has Veeky Forums lost? How long has it taken?
Is One-Punch Man mode achievable natty?
Taking days off
/sexual health general/
A... a gallon you said?
How do I get an ass like this?
So I just came back from the gym for the first time in my life, how long am I supposed to be in pain for? This sucks...
Veeky Forums BTFO by Boogie2988
Question about "starving" yourself
/plg/ powerlifting general
ITT: Phrases like
Who else /nothingbutgym/ here?
Veeky Forums meals
How are your Forearms Veeky Forums?
ITT: the perks of being strong. I'll start. Carrying groceries is easier than ever
First sip of life and it feels you entered a deep dark hole...
Veeky Forums feels
Vegan Bulking
Eating meat
Guys you used to believe were natty
Living off 1200 Cal a day
/plg/ Powerlifting General
There are still people on this board saying that SS will make you fat
Body Language
Wait a second. This isn't actually true, right? American """women""" aren't actually that fat, right??
How do you guys choose a protein powder?
Be obese and atrophy mode
Walk into gym
Shitty achievements thread
I am doing this routine as a beginner. Is it any good?
Tfw stuck at 75kg bench for the last month
Hey Veeky Forums
Does everyone agree eating multiple smaller meals a day is far better for you overall than eating 3 square meals...
What routine will get me this butt?
Ideals thread
Mfw I lift for girls
Why are Americans always lying about their height?
Why do you still eat meat Veeky Forums?
If a centaur were to squat, where would he hold the bar?
I'm 5"7
ITT autistic reasons why you lift
What to do? My gf hates my calluses
/fraud/ulent activities
How can I convince my underweight gf to gain weight...
Art of manliness is shit they said
Would test e stunt growth in a teen or enhance it?
Home gym problems
Am I only suppose to look muscular when flexing, or all the time?
Jeff nipples
Most autistic connor murphy moment
Greek yogurt taste like sweaty pussy
2 years of lifting
Hello guys. I've come to the terrible realization im just a loser. And I don't know how to fix myself
Why are people who lift very heavy always such autists?
At party
How do you guys wear hoodies, hats, pants, etc. in the gym?
So what do you listen to at the gym m9s ?
How do I work these specific muscles in the wrist area...
I need honest opinion
Redpill me on the McDouble
Red pill
2pl8 bench club
Snap thread where people fuck their shit up badly
Tfw son is a 16 year old alpha manlet that doesn't go to the gym
Jiu jitsu or boxing
post your last rep face
Gym in a bad neighborhood
Is it possible to be buff, strong and good stamina?
Share your favourite instagram chicks. Pic related is @ooohbabybeast
Are you millionaire material?
Reasons why you don't lift
Not long to go now boys, what will YOU be doing this year?
This triggers Veeky Forums
/fraud/ steroid General
Motivation Thread
Bench press thread
Is it possible to get jaw gains Veeky Forums?
No more Soda, Healthy alternative choices
Who else is fighting weight gain from meds?
Forearm training thread
Testosterone Thread
How are you holding up Veeky Forums?
How do you sleep Veeky Forums?
Is One Punch Man training achievable natty?
Fucking faggots I make a serious thread asking some question about vegetarian/vegan diets and I get called out by some...
I'm getting very annoyed with all the fat shaming threads as of lately...
/plg/ Powerlifting General
Flared Ribs
ITT pics that make you consider roids
I went from 126 > 170 via powerlifting meme...
When should I stop Starting Strenght and look for a new program? when I stall? why not just resetting...
Tfw one of my favorite bulking foods is now racist
Print some ads that say: Girls and young women needed, guaranteed satisfaction...
Where were you when the supermang 2017 comeback tour was announced
Why are major alphas sometimes really fat? What do they know that we don't?
Tfw shes fit, works out everyday, is smart, loyal, fun, cooks well
Have 8/10 azn gf
Veeky Forums do you meet the bare minimum requirements to date an average woman in 2017?
Who do you lift for? Hard mode: not including yourself
24 years old, female, 5'10, 70kg, ~23% BF. Ex-anorexic, never lifted until now. This is what I did today...
Is this gyno or just fat?
Holy shit brahs zyzz's chest was so clean and beautifuly sculpted, Who do i get that amazing look ?
Just don't eat much and exercise at least 3 times a week
Is making it really worth it?
Long hair
Hey dudes I know this is obnoxious but I didn't see a cbt thread. Could I get a body fat estimate?
Superior Alternative Lift Thread:
"...During this period females ceased to reproduce. Their male counterparts withdrew completely...
Let's talk about alcohol and exercise
Few months ago tell gf she doesn't look her best after dating her for a few months probably around 170lb I'm 195
He follows a routine
How do I get the perfect masculine dominant face without surgery?
What the fuck does gymcel mean...
Could lifting get me out of the friend zone?
"don't lose anymore weight user, you are fine as you are, you are getting too skinny...
Is Stronglifts a meme?
Post goal bodies real or fictional
Did lotus finally make it?
Hey Veeky Forums, I currently weigh 290 lbs, and an diagnosed with fatty liver...
I have boxing, kick boxing and Brazilian jiu-jitsu near me
/plg/ Powerlifting General
Are you happy, Veeky Forums? Do you feel anything?
This is what girls really want
Natty bodybuilding
If you go to the gym before going to a date with a girl, should you shower or not...
I made the biggest mistake of my life a few months ago. i moved in with my gf
Blaha is using so many pepe memes and shit in his recent thumbnails lol. He's jokes, love him info...
You hit the GYM HARD, while Chad eats pizza
Post chad
Cheating /frauds/ generally
Strength = aesthetics
Low test thread
Friendly reminder that this body is what women want and that Veeky Forums is years ahead in the game of pussy slaying...
Would you date a girl who squats more than you and be her bitch?
Get in the car faggot, we're going to get antifragile in this bitch
What time do you wake up
Martial Arts
Why am i having heart discomforts or a slight tightness in my chest after i eat french fries(fast food or similar) but...
Holy shit that is disgusting
Here's where am I at now. What's the next step, Veeky Forums?
Mid rep deadlift (180kg)
Walk in, see this, what do?
Veeky Forums Political Compass
Tfw a girl makes eye contact with you
Cant get fucking sated anymore
I need a new desk, are standing desks any good and beneficial at all or just a meme?
I'm done with lifting
Just smile and be confident bro
Is it ever ok to eat bread?
If you were only allowed to do one exercise for the rest of your life, why would it be the Farmer's Walk?
Great, how am I supposed to drink milk without being a Nazi now?
Tfw no gf
Holy shit so
Why are some gym teachers such assholes?
What are some good treadmill brands? Interested in buying one to do some cardio on my days off
How to be a man ?
Show me a more perfect Veeky Forums woman
Are you fucking shitting me? What do?
Which fitness Youtuber do you want to fuck the most and why is it MegSquats?
Why does family always try to sabotage gains?
ITT: Post reasons to train for strength
/rdg/ - Routine Discussion General
What are the differences between chinups and pullups?
Do women actually like bear mode more than low bf aesthetics?
How do I know if women are into me?
Veeky Forums related sex stories thread
How do I train my neck without looking like a complete autist at the gym?
This lady shot herself on live TV at 29 because she was a kiss-less virgin
Starting StrongLifts 5x5
Why aren't you raping faggots in chess right now?
Any former fatties here? (talking real weight, not just a belly)
How do I stop dreading the gym and start going?
Sup guys
You're now thinking of her
If you wear under armour clothing you are literal scum
Look, I'll make you an offer. I'll give you a 7/10 gf, but in return, I want 60% of all your gains
Gotta stay clean, boys
Who here is masculine master race?
Homo Mac
Tfw can get wet dreams on demand after day 4 of NOFAP
Why does my right nut hurt all the time?
Enter the gym
What mode is the guy?
Is Zyzz alive?
Is red meat really as bad for you as (((they))) say? Or do (((they))) just want men to stay low test betas?
Proton shake rate
B-side body parts you find sexy?
Goal bodies thread
Mirin Thread
Could someone explain the science behind this: the taller you are, the harder it is to get a Veeky Forums body...
/plg/ Panzer Lifting General
/plg/ - powerlifting general
Success Thread
I just realized I'm a virgin in my 20s
I finally made it
123 to be my gf
How do i get huge traps
What's the best grip for diddlylift in /fits opinion?
Is coffee an un/fit/ beverage? I don't like energy drinks, I feel like a kid when I buy them
Veeky Forums's take on drugs
/plg/ - powerlifting general
What do you have to say for yourselves Veeky Forums?
Cheat days
Stop being warm and comfortable
Who believes in the Laws of Attraction here? How has it helped your gains or your life?
ITT: girl feels
Milk drinking nazi party
What was he thinking about?
"Hey user, what muscles does this exercise work out?" ;)
Cheap protein in Singapore
Do you think he's on TRT?
Hey guys I just benched 1 pl8 for the first time 5x5...
Sexual Fitness and Health Thread
Why is Chad always so hairless? Does anyone here shave their body hair? What parts...
Is my gf thicc? Pls halp
Well fit ?
Why do some people look much younger than their age?
Decline bench press
Gloves are for pussies
You hit the GYM HARD, while Chad eats pizza
So you are trying to gain weight on purpose...Huh?!
What is your job Veeky Forums? How does it affect your fitness?
Does anyone else feel like their body image fluctuates through out the day
A Rockstar zero is $1 chaper than a monster zero
That guy who showers with his underwear
Is it true that testosterone makes your hair darker and that guys with blond hair have low test
/sed/ - Pickup General
Hey Veeky Forums
Whats the point in being Veeky Forums when a bunch of skinny or fat guys run the world?
Can anyone recommend me some god tier gym music
Body thread
Daily reminder that each muscular man's secret fantasy is getting his ass destroyed by a cute dickgirl
Do you look down on people who don't lift or try to better themselves physically in some sort of way?
/plg/ - powerlifting general
How do you count your Bench?
/plg/ - powerlifting general
Front Squats:
Tfw this will never be you if you stay natty
Who else here is alcoholic/recovering alcoholic/bartender and trying to get or stay fit?
Veeky Forums Humour
Who else got a special song for the last set of their workout
/Fraud/ Steroid General
What's the general opinion on this guy's training methods?
What should I say to the stripper Veeky Forums?
Who the fuck are these guys? I see them every god damn chad thread
What is your go to dish for gains?
How much damage am I doing to myself substituting alcohol for drugs?
Post examples of natty limit
Current body thread
I'm 1 week into my first cycle of 250mg test 2x a week and 25mg dbol every day (10 years natural lifting before) and I...
What is the deal with Powerlifters and racemixing?
How do you go from this
Best routine for a intermediate
Let's settle this once for all. This guy isn't natty and you guys know it
Why do you do this to yourself?
Instagram "fitness" sluts thread?
Will an opiate use affect my lifting? Currently on cut
/fat/ Fat Ass Tales (formerly FPS/FPH)
How do I get my body to look like this?
/CG/ - Cutting General
Absurd Lifting Habits
Hop in Brad, let's grab some pizza and brewskies before we hit the club tonight. You're okay with that, right?
So let's get this down once and for all
Why are Asian obesity rates so low even in western countries?
Full body routines
/plg/ - powerlifting general
Walk into gym see this wat do?
First off, I just want to say I fucking love this board. You all motivated me to take my 190lbs...
Are lifting gloves gay or legit?
Drinks for Veeky Forums
Vegan <-> Aesthetics
Getting NEET bux
How many of these can I eat in a week and still be healthy?
Cottage cheese
I think i've finally made it
What do Chads in your area dress like?
Arm day tomorrow
Remind me why you don't do snatches every single day of your life?
You guys
How to into /skinhead/ mode?
Walking onto my DI school's football team
Confess your fitness sins
Finally convince friend to start working out
Miss alcohol
How is porn good for the body?
If I do 80 sit-ups a day how long until I have a six-pack?
Tfw lifting for girls
ITT: shit that motivates the fuck out of you
Are results a good indicator of your lifting/dieting knowledge?
Could the average Veeky Forumsizen surive 9 weeks of basic training?
What did she mean by this?
Do I have ANY chance of looking like a human before summer?
What height constitutes the "manlet" cutoff
Connor Murphy performs an irl Fat People Hate
Is this guy the most insufferable cunt in the fitness youtube community?
This is the result of training naturally for 10 consistent years
How to get 10/10 facial aesthetics?
Fucking trying to get fit
So I woke up and suddenly I have these things? What are they? How did I get them...
Biggest WTF moments you've seen at the gym
/cbt/ noob gains edition
Ex-Fatty Feels
/plg/ - powerlifting general
How do I get laid by gym sloots? What's best approach, some stories would be nice
How long to go from fat to ottermode
High Test Women
23 years old
Is this even possible or a shoop? How can one fuck up so much?
My cat got run over by a car today
Mfw straight edge kiddies think drinking alcohol is worse than eating sugary snacks
I'm gonna do this man's routine for 3 years to show once and for all that the resulting body wont be anything like the...
Melanotan II
W-Will girls still like you if you don't have abs?!
Last threads
/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood General
Video Games
/dng/ Dueling Network General
Video Games
/vrg/ - Virtual Reality General #139
Video Games
Today is the greatest day of my life. I have finally accumulated 1M LINK
/STG/ Suicide Threshold General
Food and Cooking
Anyone else feel like they're learning a shitload about markets from all this?
Did anyone else lift because of him
[Daily Bike Thread] - /dbt/
When will the most coin miners stop mining, because it isn't anymore profitable?
>boogie will never undo the damage he did to himse-
OmiseGO And Vitalik Buterin Donate $1 Million In Crypto To Charity For Ugandan Refugees
Warcraft Lore and RPG discussion
When your girlfriend tells you that you aren't big enough and you aren't a real man
/wfg/ - Warframe General
Video Games
Last time it worked
Don't panic
Hey Veeky Forums...
/agdg/ - Amateur Game Development General
Video Games