/fraud/ - steroids general
No source talk.
Before you ask beginners' cycle/bnc advice, read this:
If you still have questions after that, post the following:
>Body fat %
>Lifting experience
28 yrs old, 6". 170lbs.
15% BF
Lifting for a year
squat 225
bench 160
deadlift 270
Is now a good time to start gear? Or should I get my lifts up even more/get down to 10% bf or lower.
pic unrelated
Is anyone on GH here? Has it thickened your fingers up at all or made them look weird?
Do roids give you jaw gains? I hear conflciting statements
So is sdrol from the start together with the tren A a good idea or should I start the sdrol once I quit tren A and then tren E kicks in?
i'm on test and deca and i can swear by my mom my hands and jaw grew a little, noticeable only by me and my girl
how quick did that happen? and no GH?
It's the perfect time nigger. When yr done it'll be summer and you can show off. Bout to hop on myself Friday. Yr the right age and not fat.
>15% bf
>not fat
i'm on my second blast, noticed it one day
started a year ago
From now on can we include in the OP
>If you're under 15% bf, over 21, and have been consistently for a year or more, go ahead and roid. Otherwise do so at your own risk. Stop asking.
I'm really getting ass pains from this same stupid question over and over.
Yes user, just roid. It's not that big a deal if you've read the basic information and have a good idea what you're getting into.
I can get down easily nigger. Keto is literally magic. Do you still bulk and cut on a B&C? What's the optimal BF% to bounce between?
i'm 20, about to turn 21
It's far more optimal to bnc on a bnc. As a natty you fuck up your endocrine system much faster, but enhanced you can go hard.
>Do you still bulk and cut on a B&C?
no you permabulk up to 2000lbs 80% bf
>implying the vast majority of anons who ask if they're ready to roid have done any research whatsoever
Please show me where in the reddit wiki it says at what bf/age/lifts is a good time to start.
There was some shit about getting my bone platelets xrayed or something. But I don't know wtf that even means.
Just wanted to know where I should get my lifts to if I wanted to start out right.
wtf is this shit.
so i have been spending my free time basically unconscious overdosing on pilocarpine right.
and my face now is literally almost normal. i am looking in the mirror, and my head looks so FUCKING TINY now compared to my body. WTF?
>Lifting for a year
>squat 225
>bench 160
I hope those are in kilos
It doesn't matter. We're not here to educate the general public out of their own stupidity and reckless decision making.
without people to look down on you are NOTHING.
We are the only thing that gives your pathetic life meaning.
>getting my bone platelets xrayed or something. But I don't know wtf that even means.
It's growth plates you mongoloid. But ironically enough there's good evidence higher test will make you taller if e2 is in check.
>160kg bench natty 1 year lifting
Running t3 on cycle to keep bloat and fat gains down?
Kind of scared of it due to how people talk about it eating muscle
I'd be more scared of it fucking up your thyroid
What can I do to speed up my quad injections?
I use a 25g needle. Ever since I started pinning about ~.75ml it's been taking forever.
I used to pin .5ml twice a week as i'm at cruise, now i'm doing 0.75ml a week and i'm observing the difference. But it takes a lot longer for some reason, i assume from a pressure differential.
i've pinned 2.5+ ml in my quads before numerous times though and don't remember it taking this long.
How long does it take for you to pin 0.75mL? Takes me about 60 seconds to pin 0.5mL with 27g.
What I do to make injections more comfortable is to cap the syringe after drawing the oil in and then putting the syringe in a warm water bath. Heats up the oil slightly and allows it to flow easier. Try it out?
Getting awful cramps from var. Forums suggest it's either dehydration or some mineral/amino deficiency (some recommend pickle juice, some recommend taurine).
This. Run something dry, Im not as well versed but Winny, Epi, Var or something. I loved Epi before the prohormone ban.
T3 is what they treat thyroid issues with. If youre thyroid isnt messed up now, it will be if you use a bunch of that
dude i live in florida and it's like ~76 F in my apartment lol, so I don't know how much warming up the oil will help but I can try it next time.
pinning 0.75 with a 25g takes maybe 2.5 - 3 minutes.
pinning 0.5 however takes 45 seconds.
I'll watch the stopper as i'm applying a lot of force (more than typical/necessary) on the plunger and there's just zero movement. I have to re-position the needle just to get it to budge.
Just confused because I never had this problem before and I haven't changed injection sites.
You should be taking daily taurine if youre roiding, especially with anything other than Test. Muscles cramps are almost always dehydration or taurine or potassium.
Thank you very much! 3g taurine and 3g potassium ED sound about right? Got that from a little bit of forum searching but I'd appreciate your personal experience.
don't forget the 3kg of water
Ive never really dosed my taurine and postassium
I just take two capsules of each a day, and if for some reason I get a cramp I pound water and up the taurine
No harm in doing a little extra
Cramps or pumps? Where specifically do you usually feel it?
Weeks 1-10 – 250mg Twice a Week Test
Weeks 1-12 – 0.25mg Arimidex EOD
Weeks 13-14 – Nolva 20mg/twice daily
Weeks 15-16 – Nolva 20mg/day
Anything I'm forgetting for a first cycle bros?
That could also be the cause. I've only been drinking about a half gallon ED (about 1.75kg of water).
Thank you, I'll give this a shot.
Cramps. I love the pumps. So far I feel the cramps in my neck and under my jaw, very uncomfortable.
Looks good m8.
Might wanna throw an oral in there the first few weeks.
Id extend that cycle to at least 12 wks
Youre gonna lose some prime gain time if you stop at 10
What ester of testosterone?
That kinda cramping isn't unheard of. Electrolytes, taurine and water will be your friend.
Any foods with taurine I hate buying supps if I don't have to.
not really. i believe it's something regulated by your body based on potassium and sodium consumption. It's not commonly found naturally in worthy amounts in most foods. it's just been made into a supplement for convenience.
Pretty much every shitty energy drink
Get ur sips in
You can get a kilo for less than $20 on amazon
Bout to ride to the gym post preworkout pumpup music
Are you suppose to take the 0.25mg Arimidex once a week or every day?
EOD = every other day
Image source: Anabolics 9th Edition by William Llewellyn
Some user was asking about cutting on deca a few days back. After reading this I'm considering doing it myself for a cutting cycle w/ test. Ideally I would prefer tren except I'm not ready for the sides.
Any input regarding the prolactin control while in deficit or general thoughts?
>been flirting with this grill
>she just saw my 200k ride today and couldnt stop staring
whatever fuck this shit my face is better enough at this point i think that being rich and geared makes up for it. think i am gonna go for it brehs before i fuck a hole in my wall
How rich are your parents?
Do they just give you money?
Thinking of running a keto diet to cut. Same rules as Jamie Lewis lays out with a psmf day, a refeed day, and lots of protein shakes/lean meats during the day with one meal of really fatty meat post workout.
Is it just a meme or what? Anyone currently run this diet?
What will you cycle with it?
Test and deca, plus whatever oral every once in a while.
Mostly interested after reading this blogpost on ketosis and brain health
That and this cut I haven't been craving carbs but fatty meat nonstop. Might as well go with the flow
Moderately and yes
Hey peek since you've studied cortisol and it's effects on brain health...
Would you mind checking this out and giving your thoughts?
I'm wary because of the source website having obvious bias, but I don't see why the data doesn't check out
(This article is also really interesting involving ketosis, brain health and inflammation)
Interested to see what you make of this.
Tren is life.
Tren is love.
>Sweaty, can't breathe, insomnia, paranoid, ready to blow up at the slightest hint of bullshit and get yourself in trouble
No ty. Might see if TrNE is worth it as a preworkout in the future though
Reminder that if you take supplements or inject steroids then your muscles are fake and you would rather buy them than work for them. You should probably kill yourself desu
Ok. I'll be sure to feel bad about it for you natty user
Tons of volume with SSB has made my neck thicker.
It's actually pretty awesome. Makes me look more.swole in clothes. Too bad I'm far to lazy to do neck bridges, I'd be thumbmode
lowkey think its masT posting these
>his muscles look so shit that he has to post someone elses
Are you sure that you should be the one feeling pity for others?
>He's so bored he's trying to trigger people who put chinese mystery hormones in their butts
Yeah I think I'm sure
>chinese mystery hormones
fuckin lold
Thanks friend, I've ordered some taurine and will stay on top of hydration better going forward.
In for bulking on DHB
My dear, you obviously have not been doing your daily scriptural readings. Shame on you:
TREN ACE TRANSFORMATION week 1,, you will feel pumped but insted of bloofy feel of testosterona pump you will have the feeling of pump from the inside of the muscle while the more self knowing individuals who recognize changes fast will notice their face ...yes their face taking a diff look ,,they will be the only ones who notice it ,, it is something you notice personaly since it is only the beggining and no one else that see you will notice ,,they will think you are crazy if you tell them anythign so keep it to yourself,, face iwll start getting the high boxer type of look,,hard to explain ,, it is week one so nothing visual yet aside from pump ...tremendous strength and i mean tremendous! big diff than what you were before ,,and when you will expect to see your midsection bloat...and say something is not right here the belly got to be will take your shirt up and notice that no! it is actualy looking tighter!,, yes yes this is week 1! since you are 12% you wont see much more ,,obliqes will start being noticed well and the girl will comliment that this is the area of the body she like the most right before she sucking your cock,, she wil comment on it because she wil be able to see it on you : ),, remember this is after 3-7 injects of trenbolona ace into blood at 100mg every inject
week 2-3 this is when progress being made and you start seeing your body transforms ,, still nothing like a pro bodybuild...nothing like top amatuer....but! you will start noticing that the pecs and delts are seperating,, they reduce fat yet remain full and start getting seperated as in water go into the muscle insted of outside of muscle,, this is a stage where you will still have water between skin and muscle so it wont be to an impressive level seperation wize,,but! the seperation will occure and in this 2-3 weeks try not to be crazy and dont take pictures every day ,, take them few times a weeek not every day you will go nuts,, trenbolona changes are only daily for the single digit fellas and the 8% and under,,so for you since you started 12% and now you are about 10-11.. try to not take many pictures every day because at this bodyfat levels pictures can be deciving time you look great one time you look decent etc ,, not good comparisons,, at the end of this stage you will sit at high single digit sub 10%,, 9-10%
week 4-8... this is when you will start getting comliments not only on how BIG YOU LOOK but you will start hearing the word LEAN ,, you will walk around and you will hear alot of wondering of how you got so lean ,, no one will say skinny ,, no one will say small ,, they will all use the word LEAN ,, lean this lean that,, still not thickly lean ,, the thickly lean comes little after down the road,, in this stage you get the YOU LOOK LEAN MAN comments,, this is when veins start becoming very visible in places you are not used to while sitting watching tv you will see veins on back of legs on forarms on inside of forarms on arms on traps on chest,, everywhere again it depend on how prone to veins you are but you will see the veins you have enhanced! ,,you will also get more serpeated and it will be to a level that when you take pictures you finaly will decide to keep them and wil feel very bad to delete them because they will look very good
week 9 and on ... this is what seperate the REAL bodybuild from the wanna be ,, this is where the true mutation coming into play and you really start looking like magazine fella,, it is when you dont need to flex to see the seperated muscle in all its glory ,, it is when you stand and get compliments all over about how YOU ARE BOTH THICK AND LEAN aka YOU GET INTO A ZONE CALLED RIPPED AND THEN A BETTER ZONE CALLED SHREDDED,
>taking gh15 as anything more than an n=1
accidental dysmorphia
got too swole without noticing haha
>I've only been drinking about a half gallon ED (about 1.75kg of water).
Nigger 450ml per 10kg of bodyweight is the recommended minimum so if you are no waifish dwarf girl irl you need to chug more.
>(This article is also really interesting involving ketosis, brain health and inflammation)
I agree, thank you for thinking of me and sharing!
I learned a lot after reading this article as well. Most of my research on cortisol is connected with how it affects the brain, and this article is pretty targeted in that it seeks to debunk a myth/meme associated with keto diets that's apparently propagated (mistakenly) by some pretty reputable institutions because they are misguidedly using urinary cortisol measurements for an definitive measure of cortisol clearance.
I think the data/theory checks out as well too. I learned a similar way of thinking (to the way the authors think about cortisol levels) in connection with histamine levels when I was drinking kombucha very regularly (fermented foods are very histaminergic) and was looking at all the factors involved in histamine production and elimination/metabolism and trying to solve the problem of high histamine at both ends (less kombucha for less production, more B1 for better elimination/metabolism).
In the cortisol case, I think this is an important point to show how cortisol is not unambiguously a devil hormone. I still think chronically elevated levels are not good for the masculinized human brain. I don't know enough about keto to understand why lower elimination and higher regeneration rates are GOOD for weight loss except for the fact that this enzyme activity profile is DIFFERENT from the one associated with metabolic syndrome. As is stated in some of the citations, chronically high cortisol production levels are associated with negative outcomes (Cushing's is an example, and "Higher cortisol levels may promote adiposity, insulin resistance, and cardiovascular disease, as observed in epidemiological studies.")
In fairness, the article doesn't comment on any changes in production after keto was adopted, only on regeneration/elimination.
Ikr I chug a half gallon in one sitting, that guy must be dehydrated as fuck.
Did you check out that Jack Kruse article I indirectly linked?
It made a really strong case for ketosis and brain health. I'm still digesting and picking through it, I skimmed through between sets earlier and was extremely impressed.
>ywn be a qt trap fuqboi
nice tuckjob though
I can only imagine. Fuck, I feel dirty and sticky and sickly if I did not piss clear at least three times by noon kek
actual girl, rumor has it
would smash either way, no regrets
she even lurks /fraud/ afaik, if you read this ayyy bby lemme whisper in ya ear
You guys think I can do better (nicer/hotter/kinkier/bimbo-ier) than my ex?
post face
I deleted my pics of her. Everyone here calls her ugly tho idk
most of the time you only need prolactin control at higher dosages 500+
pramiplexol (ed) or cabergolin(e5d-ew) are the goto drugs for that but they can have nasty sides of there own.
for a cuttingcycle 250is more than enough. only test is also more than enough except if you going for contest prep cut...
i am on a keto cut since 5 weeks. doing great in it also on 250test.
only downside so far seems to be dry skin. and you can supprisingly cook a lot of yummie meals. just had a tuna ham pizza and chockolate strawbeeries withwipped cream
She wasn't that great looking
You definitely could do a lot better. It would be hard to do worse, actually.
Maybe I'm just really into plastic bitches
Actually that's the real origin story of my trip.
I mean even in that sense she's still 5/10 and a complete bitch
Solve whatever fiscal ties you have and delete any and all contact info.
If you're just after someone that looks good and you have sexual comparability with, that shit is easy. Especially when you're a long time roider with a 6'5" frame. Move the fuck on already
I thought you were into twinks for $$$
That's good advice, mostly because a lot is true. Word duder, same advice good friends give; this board included, I guess. Thanks.
Gonna go play this hardcore lady monk I made in d3 #l8r
Posted in the last thread and didn't get a response but;
I'm planning on running sdrol at 10 mg before a con that I have coming up but I know that I'll have a few beer at said con so how long before hand I end my cycle so I don't fuck over my liver.
I'm also planning on taking 500mg of tudca, 100mg of milk thistle and 100mg of Nac for liver support.
You don't even have to sto, one day of drinking won't destroy your liver, especially if it's on the level of"a few beers"
Otherwise you could literally just skip the sdrol on the days in question.
Bodybuilders be thinking their livers made of glass or some shit. Fucker can take a beating, just don't extend that beating too long.
Where you stayin bimbs? I thought you had l8trd at all your people in the Oly area
Do I know you?
I've been following the ballad of bimbo for about 6 months now
Oh I'm glad I got my e2 in check. Things seem so much cooler. Hopefully less drama now and more getting big.
I just realized the itchiness all over my body might not be urticaria but hair falling out of my head thanks to frauding, causing the itch