There are still people on this board saying that SS will make you fat

There are still people on this board saying that SS will make you fat
Well then how do you explain pic related?

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Also is it ok to eat bread?

it's not the SS that makes you fat, it's the DYELs who claim to do SS+GOMAD and really just do GOMAD who get fat. If you train like you're supposed to you will put on a little bit of fat yes but you'll put on muscle which becomes more visible when you cut

as long as its not some murican processed white-ass bread then yes.


That Mark Ripplestein

This looks like some crossboarders attempt at trolling Veeky Forums.

Shoo! Shoo! Back to your home board, dyel fatty!

You can't fix shit genetics, now look at this guy and tell me SS doesn't work

Just a body built by squats as I always say!

Holy shit when did this happen? He looked nowhere as huge just 9 months ago.

Holy fuck is that Mark?


since when does lifting make you fat? i thought that excessive calories do

No. People having been saying that's rippletits for years. It's not him. Mark never accomplished anything except for writing ss


A program cant make you fat, its gomad that makes you fat

delete this

Literally looks like a trex, guess that's what ss does

>Rounded back

He should read ss

Cool, where's your 315x5 bench and 260x5 press?

Upper back rounding is completely normal and even inevitable once you get to big boy weights. Keep lifting.

That Rark Ripplesteps

That's mark rippeltoe the writer of starting strength.

Just like Jesus wasn't a Christian, Rippletits was never a beginner doing Rippletits program.

What's the backstory of this ? Looks hilarious
