Why does my right nut hurt all the time?
Why does my right nut hurt all the time?
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user is right, OP. It's Gay-Related Immune Deficieny Syndrome. Sorry, you're a faggot and you're going to die a faggot's death.
Testicular torsion
You're fucked
Could be a groinal hernia.
Ultrasonographer here, I scan scrotal cases all the time.
Could be varicocele (although more common on left), inguinal hernia, a cyst within the testis or epididymal cyst, epididymitis can also be a factor.
Won't know for sure until I put rub a coat of gel and place a probe on your balls m8.
Do you ever get a bone on while scanning peoples balls?
>week before my 23rd birthday
>had pain in left nut for a couple of weeks
>thought it was my new pants not sitting right
>pain goes away for a little while but comes back as the exact same pain
>go get it checked on a whim because I've got nothing better to do one day
>it's fucking cancer
>less than a week later I've lost one testicle and a doctor is telling me how my chemotherapy treatment is going to work
Go get it checked OP. Insist on an ultrasound. No lumps doesn't necessarily mean no cancer.
Good luck OP
no, but it's sometimes hard when I have to stick a probe up the vagina of young girls. You should see their face trying not look like they are aroused but I fucking know they are.
what the hell is wrong with you
I'm aroused from here what wrong with you?
How young are these girls?
it's called trans vaginal ultrasound.
get educated. Maybe these sluts needs to stop fucking everything and getting pregnant at 18.
As long as they are sexually active. Youngest I did was 16.
>why aren't you in jail
because I am legit 8/10 guy and the girls don't seem to mind? Mostly shy, I am insensitive to it and stay professional, also they sign consent forms to cover my ass.
"get educated" is not an excuse to be a fucking sick freak you reprobate
See a doctor.
>tfw epididymo-orchitis left me with nerve damage in my testicle
>youngest was 16
People getting shitty about this, this is the age of consent in most countries anyway.
Do you keep those images in your spank-bank and masturbate furiously to the thoughts?
Check yourself before you wreck yourself.
This is only the proper way to explain it, I'M NOT /co/ OK?
>as if age of "consent" means anything
eurotrash really is the worst
Wait user with the answers...
Was fucking some tinder date the other night and was absolutely plowing her for like 1.5 hours.
Finally busted the heaviest nut of my life(like 9 hefty shots fired)
and we collapsed
About 2-3 minutes later it felt like someone was trying to crush my nuts in a vice grip, this sensation lasted all the way until about 10am the next day.....why?
You lost your virginity
keked, but no that happened a few years ago.
also not estating, just concerned so I figured I would give details
Your're uncle doesn't count tbqh senpai
This. Honestly a lot more men 20-30 have testicular cancer than you'd think if you have insurance get yourself checked.
If caught early enough they can save the nut. If caught too late you can end up losing both.
I get the same thing when I jerk off for hours at a time. But I'm talking at least 5 hours or so before it gets that bad
Apparently late teens-early 20s is actually when you're most likely to get it.
Testicular cancer is a young mans problem.
Same thing has been happening to me for years. Right nut too. I had my nuts scanned and the doctor says it's a cyst. Basically there's nothing to do in my case. Some days it hurts worse that others and my jizz sometimes comes out clumpy. It comes and goes, but at least it's not cancer. You should get yours scanned though, just to be safe.
I occasionally (lets say 6 times a year) feel nervy-like pain, but in the left nut. It is not related to overtraining or particular motion I did. Some nerve endings perhaps.
>testicular cancer
Wut? They aren't supposed to give you chemo unless the cancer has spread to other organs, which happens only in very late stages.
Source: Without left nut for 3 years