A little off topic, I know, but do any of you guys have any ideas?
How to get 10/10 facial aesthetics?
Other urls found in this thread:
Having the right parents
just b urself
Depends on genetics
if ur child mewing
if ur adult plastic surgery
What a horrifying belly button
>carrots for skin complexion
>accutane if needed
>braces if needed
>must be 11% or lower for lean face and sunked cheeks
>dark hair is a bonus but you can still look aesthetic as a blonde
>get tan but not so much you look like leather
>wear clothes that fit your new-found body
>whiten teeth
>messy hair
>don't get that stupid pompadour/SS haircut that every faggot has
>visit places where you can showcase your aesthetics (beach, hiking, etc.)
stay lean
plastic surgery
this sounds reasonable.
can someone give me a quick BRRRAAAPPdown on these guys?
Tell me about these men, user...
Get lean and hope for best
Why do i keep seeing them everywhere?
That belly button is disgusting
I look just like this man but my nose is easily twice as big and i'm less tan
i wonder who discovered the bogpill
Disgracefully underrated post
That's not even what makes the meme funny you tard
Daily reminder that your face is ruined because of your environment
the idea
the proper posture
-Humans very recently have been eating a soft low volume diet, which means less use of jaw muscles and weaker jaw muscles
-Humans very recently have been weaned off breastfeeding early, so have developed improper swallowing patterns and tongue positions
-Humans very recently have had a rise in allergies, which has led to mouth-breathing and lowered tongue position
-Human bones are very malleable, force from facial muscles and the tongue alter the shape of the bones
-All of these factors combined have led to poor form and function of the face:
-- ugly, downward growth
-- a lack of horizontal growth
-- short, receding chins
-- narrow palates
-- crowded, poorly aligned teeth
-- recessed, elongated midfaces with poor cheekbones
-- less room for the tongue, leading to snoring, sleep apnoea, general breathing problems
-- etc.
The best way to try to fix these problems if you are already affected is to ensure that the teeth are together, the lips are together and the tongue is on the roof of the mouth, as well as chewing a lot of tough foods.
also for hard food just stuff like steaks and bagguettes, also definitely get FALIM gum or any other hard gum that keeps its consistency
I never gotten a real haircut in my life.
I'm afraid of looking like a turbo hipster or something with those awful hairstyles like those guys on The Expanse.
What should I get if I don't want to work on my hair every morning?
Hitler youth.
Daily reminder that people that live how we used to 10,000 years ago have 10/10 facial aesthetics.
There goes my sides. Gonna need a quick rundown if I'm to ever get them back
Joe Rogan ft Alex Jones
I wish I was born perfect
His titties are bigger than Emmas in that movie. Dude needs more upper chest work.
t. DYEL skinnyfag
Where is the mastic poster
a good haircut and a tan can take you up 2 or even 3 points honestly
exercise your jaw and neck
eat carrots to get beta-carotene tan
1. be conceived with the right genes in the right fallopian tube
2. ???
3. profit
just get St Tropez or Loving Tan. carrots won't do shit. if you're pale af there's no saving you unless you fake tan.