How many do you have? Not fuckbuddies.
I got 4
Female friends
how many until i win a medal?
Like genuine friends?
None. I have tons of male friends, but I've never considered women interesting enough to befriend in that sense. They've exclusively been love/sex interests. I actually find it physically hard to just converse with mediocre girls I'd never want to fuck but I'm getting over that.
I don't know if this is autism or hyper masculinism or what
>being friends with women
Same here. I've had girlfriends and stuff but never a girl who is just a great friend. It's weird.
I fucking HATE women.
Not even a fag.
None. Girls aren't interesting outside of relationships desu
I don't like women. But I have two females that I consider friends I guess
Several, althought they aren't as good friends with me as my male friends. They just seem too preoccupied with themselves.
>meet a girl I haven't seen for a few years
>We are both really happy and want to meet up for a beer or two
>I talk to her on facebook later that day, suggest a few dates
>"ohh I can't, how about next week user?"
>yeah sure which day are you free?
>no response
This has happened so many times now that I don't know if I should bother anymore. What is it with women? They are always so goddamn busy, but when you ask some random goober you just met if he wants to hang out he'll do it in a heartbeat.
I have 3-5 good guy friends and 0 girl friends. I dated 1 girl for 2 years but that was the only girl i ever hung out with. i haven't really met many girls who id want to hangout with, im a lot more likely to have a friendship with a guy than a girl in my experience lol
dunno like 10?
Don't wait til later, just figure out a time when you're still around each other.
That's just the generic "I don't wanna" from girls. Next week she won't be free either. Girls ALWAYS try to be 'nice' about rejections even if it's flat out lies.
>having friends at all
never gonna make it
Reminder that if you'd fuck your female """"friends"""" you're just an orbiter in denial
This isn't a "I want to fuck your brains out" type of meeting (even though she is very good looking). It's just a social thing, we've done this before. It's just dumb because she is the one that suggested we go out somewhere and now she won't even make the effort to check her calendar and make sure she can go out.
So from this point forward, if she really wants to meet up, the initiative has to come from her, I'm pretty much done with trying to set it up. Incidentally, my other female friends are the exact same, and not just towards me either, but towards each other.
A female friend helped me through some tough depression after a concussion
Other one I kinda orbitted but kept as a friend now that I'm dating my gf
One that I used to work with years ago but she's in Vietnam teaching so whenever she visits we make time
A best friend of mine who I used to work with and take my little sisters out to events with
Friend that used to have a crush on me but we decided to be friends, helped in the new city I was living in since I didn't know many people
Girlfriend is my best friend ATM and we're good, started off as friends and started dating
My sister I go out with and party, so there's that
Tbh idk, if you friendzone a girl and genuinely get to know them you'll find that they do speak and interpret different things but I wouldn't have learned a lot of things if it wasn't for them. How to be more confident, how to take care of myself more (hair, skin, scent, etc.), Events, hookups, and so on. You can't expect them to be a bro out the gate and if they sense that all you want is to fuck them obviously they won't wanna get close
Four too, although one was a previous fuckbuddy but no longer. Not sure if still counts.
Scanned through my texts over the last two weeks and saw convos with 13 girls, or 12 not counting my gf. So if that constitutes friendship, like we have each other's number and have communicated within the last two weeks, then I'm platonic friends with 12 girls.
Same. Women are too emotional to be "just friends"
Kinda cuckish almost
This. Too much incompatibilities. You need a 4000 page manual to be able to speak their language.
On top of this, you have to interpret whatever they say as something else. They never say what they mean.
A few, if you count my buddies' wives and girlfriends. If not then zero, women make awful friends.
>be skinny lanklet
>have crush on female friend
>8/10, great ass but smallish tits
>go through high school from ages 12-16 in love with her
>remain a beta orbiter
>she gets a boyfriend who's smaller and shorter than me in final year of hs
>cut off all contact and start working out
>end up doing our a levels in the same Sixth form
>avoid her all the time, don't even make eye contact
>by this point her boyfriend has dragged her down from being decently popular to an outcast
>my working out has meant I'm now a well-liked and popular guy, roles have reversed since high school
>see her in the gym for the first time ever yesterday
>she spies me working out in a tight fitted tee and comes over
>asks me to teach her how to squat
>can only squat 0.5pl8
>have to spot her
>everytime she goes down she purposefully rubs her ass against my crotch
>afterwards I show her some other leg workouts
>asks how long I've been going and says I look amazing
>especially considering how skinny I was before
>say thanks and she immediately asks if we can work out again
>complains that her boyfriend is intimidated by the gym and people like me
>laugh and say we can work out tomorrow (today)
>she excitedly replys 'great!' and gives me a hug and then leaves
Should I get revenge for all my time as an orbiter lads? Should I fuck her?
I'm 18 by the way, and she is 17.
Why would you want female friends that aren't fuckbuddies?
I've had 'em but they never last long because we don't share many interests. I guess if you click over something I'd understand it.
Do it lad.
None. Never had one either. I used to have 4 or 5 male schoolfriends, but after school finished I slowly drifted from them and now I have no male friends either.
And yet I am more content than I have ever been.
I was going to either way, but now I have Veeky Forums's blessing.
One. Shes pretty great. funny, smart, not shallow. But shes genuinely interested in people and how they think which makes for some fascinating conversations. We would sit up for hours at a time just talking.
It would probably be awkward sexual tension city except she has a BF and we both sort of made it clear early on we didnt want to go for sex, which is fine by me because having a female friend you can trust is useful.
I had one. Then she kissed me when she was drunk. Then stopped taking to me because she was in a relationship and caught feelings.
Then i had another one. And she tried to fuck me and now she's hyper emotional about fucking everything i say to her and i had to stop talking to her.
Now i have another, but shes a super uggo fat gamur gurl, she claims to be 'asexual' despite being in a relationship with a guy that she kisses on a daily basis, and has bpd.
I personally don't want someone with so many fucking hang ups being my friend but she has honestly been the most stable girl I've met so far that has absolutely no intention of fucking me, and vice versa. Weird how it works out
You sound beta as fuck lad
For most typical girls, the fact that you are sending very clear "i don't want to fuck you" signals are probably why she's got no interest.
About 3 that I actually consider real friends, as in I could spend the better part of the day with them and not get bored.
I did have ten in high school.
I have zero right now.
I also have zero friends right now.
You have us, m8
i got like 6 and then some acquaintances
I'd say 4. If you are not an edgy faggot girls can be valuable friends aswell, especially because they open up your social network to a lot more girls.
Granted, I have fucked 1 of them and would fuck the other 3 given the chance. But hey, I would fuck any attractive girl given the chance.. as long as you aren't pining after them you are ok imo
I generally agree with this. I have literally one female friend, and she is the only female friend I have ever had. Met her when she was my flatmate's girlfriend so always thought of her as off limits from the start.
We ended up spending quite a bit of time together as she was over quite often and we had the same group of friends at uni. Helped that their break up was very amicable so we stayed friends after that. I see her in the same way as any of my male friends, I think the only difference is that when I see her for the first time in ages we hug instead of shaking hands.
Apart from her, girls are generally pretty dull (sex and attractiveness aside) and I don't have any interest in trying to force friendship. Most women I know have no hobbies at all besides facebook and instagram
Only if it is legal in your state/country. Don't fuck your life for some young poon.
If the wives of my male friends count, then 3.
Age of consent is 16, so I'm in the clear.
I have fuckbuddies on the side faggot. You dont have to fuck every girl you meet.
You're the real beta.
>You dont have to fuck every girl you meet.
More like
>I can't fuck every girl I meet
Stay mad manlet
Oh so you fuck 400 pound landwhales?
Grow up, pleb.
Remember to make a thread tomorrow about how you cucked some dyel
Use her like a rag, only for collecting your cum and nothing else.
>he doesn't fuck thicc women
Low test
Mate, when you're in the room shes not only one whose thick
been friends for 12 years, we are not fuckbuddies, but we occasionally fuck.
In general women make bad friends, most are just bland, have no real hobbies or interests to talk about. Good buddies are rare, good female buddies are fucking unicorns, not worth the time.
It's *THICC you dumbo
So far you've shown yourself to be a manlet, a brainlet, and a testlet and a beta
Anything else to embarrass yourself with?
>Should I get revenge for all my time as an orbiter
Revenge on who?
user, I...
Fucking rekt
Too stupid to get it, thick joke made even more funny.
Exactly one, and she is a lesbian who I am not attracted to. Having lesbian friends is really underrated.
I call her when I want to do something that involves physical activity because my male friends are lazy af.
Wow i forgot about this thread sorry boyos (im OP)
My stupid past self
I'm posting this from my thinkingpod in the brain center I built in my garden
Think again idiot
>tfw no friends because I refuse to accept any
>like genuine friends
I guess one male and one female
Not genuinely close with many others
I know that feel i had one legitimate best friend 10 years ago. We moved states and drifted apart never had a bestie since most of my friends are from my job we go to movies and stuff but i don't like em enough to hang out with them for a long period of time though
What are you getting revenge for/on who??
And don't rub your crotch against her ass that's just creepy
>female friends
>don't even have any real male friends
W-want to be friends, user?
In all seriousness, though. I got a couple of mates back from school, who I hang out with every few weeks or months. They usually have their gfs around and I kind of get along with them, although my mates keep saying that I'm being way too cold and distant towards them, as a result of which they think I have a problem with them which really isn't the case.
I mean, I'm friendly and whatever with all the girls in my class, but I have 0 female friends.
i like this, it's objective
for me, last 20 convos:
7 men
13 women
but then i've kind of made it out of the "lonely dude" demographic
>my mates keep saying that I'm being way too cold and distant towards them
My friends don't tell me that but I always kind of have to watch myself and make an effort to be friendly with their girlfriends. It's not that I don't like but I usually just don't care about them right away. There have been a few great ones that I got to know after a few years but if it's just some girl my friend is dating for a couple months I honestly do not give a shit about her. I have 2 really good friends that are girls that I've known for many years. I don't want to fuck them (cuz i'm gay) although one of them very obviously wanted my D for a long time. I'm mostly just friends with guys because it's easier to relate to them and I'm just generally more interested in guys (not just sexually)
>hyper masculinism
>It's not that I don't like but I usually just don't care about them right away
Yeah, thats the thing. I've known these guys since school and they shouldn't just expect me to be as familiar with their gfs as I am with them.
I do kind of want to fuck one of them though, so that occasionally makes things a bit weird, at least from my perspective. We have a few mutual interests and she often behaves in ways, which my self absorbed mind would perceive as "showing interest," but I'd never do that shit to someone I've known for such a long time. Does that make me a cuck?
I just hope that doesn't show, although I got a feeling it does. Or they think I'm gay.
>make an effort to be friendly with them
How do I do that without going too far? I honestly have no idea. If I change my behavior too suddenly next time I'm around them they'll surely know something is off.
>I have fuckbuddies on the side
no, you don't.
Being an orbiter was your fault and rejecting someone because is spineless is hardly a crime
Yeah, plenty, but they're mostly just acquaintances that I don't get too close to. My inner circle comprises of men, and whoever their girls are. My closest female friend is someone who was dating my friend for 4 years now. I used to have a lot of female "friends" before I had my girlfriend, but now I realize that they were only fun to keep around because I enjoyed flirting with them.
I find it easier to be friends with people I respect, and its easier to respect masculine people. This is why I'm more likely to be friends with dude-bro types of girls.
Theres no point in being close with a girl because they just end up flirting with me, then I just avoid them because girlfriend.
I have three female friends. One just recently got hot, but she's dating one of my friends (I introduced them). She's a nice person, smart, very talkative. Other one got pissed because I'm in a relationship with her sister (this friend had a dream in which I was fucking her). Other friend is a kinda edgy /pol/lack, but very funny and discusses all kinds of political stuff.
The first one is also my best friend.
one and a half... and another one that would consider me as a friend, but i don't really like her
I just try harder to include them in conversations, and make an effort to say their name and direct comments and questions at them. A buddy of mine is somehow SUPER friendly with our friend's girlfriends - laughing, joking, hugging, everything right off the bat - and it's totally natural. He does it while his own girlfriend is there and it nobody bats an eye, it's just his personality.
I can't do that. And when we're all together, his almost over the top friendliness makes me look like an ass. No I don't want to give this girl a hello and goodbye hug, we've hung out like twice...
about six
She knowingly kept you as an orbiter and now you are willing to give her your time you desperate loser.
fuck her and drop her lad
I used to be a beta orbiter. Now I just fuck my gf thrice a week and hang out with my guy friends once in a while.
>tfw a good female friend of mine has stopped talking to me because I'm currently fucking her friend