This lady shot herself on live TV at 29 because she was a kiss-less virgin

This lady shot herself on live TV at 29 because she was a kiss-less virgin.

Would lifting of saved her? Can it save me?

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She could have gotten plenty of sex from average looking guys.
Women are only virgins by choice or extreme ugliness.

Vid when

She's not even ugly. I'm confused. Maybe she was religious and didn't want to have sex out of wedlock? Or just crazy.

My gf just mentioned her yesterday

I never heard of her before that

Let me guess, about a thousand guys wanted to have sex with her, but she just wanted Chad

>because she was a kiss-less virgin
there was definitely more to that. I'm ksv at 31, decent looking in my own opinion and I'm not making any scenes.

Cause you're a faggot.

>tfw only two years to go

She either waited for THE ONE then looked up and realized that she was older and had no one, or she had really serious issues and her never finding anyone to get with kind of fucked her up.

No her age wasn't too old to find someone, she had to be crazy

>Would lifting of saved her? Can it save me?
>of saved her?

I fucking hope you shoot yourself on live TV you degenerate autist.

not sexually, but yeah, I'm autistic faggot. But I realize that world doesn't owe me anything, so if I wanted to get out of my faggottery I would have to work on it

Girls in their 30s with kids can easily find a man. Of course, he won't be Chad by then, but can be a decent, stable guy. I know a woman in her 30s with 3 children, a recent widow. Found a guy just a few months after her husband's death.

>Recent widow
>Found a guy just a few months after her husband's death
>Totally did not murder him.

She can find a relatively good looking hard working man.

>decent, stable guy
literally worth less than dirt in womans minds, they will never be happy without chad

I don't know. Older women look for that. Younger, but smart ones look for that too, not for Chad.
They were in separation. The guy was killed by his buddies. One of them smacked him in the head, he lost his consciousness and they run away.

I've been looking for this for ages, bless you user

No their oft busy banging or putting 20ish year old women with no kids on lockdown.

Nah, I"m talking a slightly above average guy not a Chad. If they wanted marriage I could see a 30-40 year old man marrying a 30 year old woman.


Found her problem. Today all it takes is a dating site profile and anything vaguely female can get a desperate loser to fuck them and/or fund their existence, no matter how deformed, stupid or evil they are.

Weak neck probably

Nah, it was hematoma.

Which could have possibly been prevented by having a strong neck

It's not like neck muscles protect your skull directly. Also if he was 250lbs muscle beast he wouldn't be overpower. It's just a guessing game.

mental illness is a serious issue

>mfw Christine came from a rich family
>mfw Christine was thin
>mfw Christine wasn't ugly
>mfw Christine basically got given a job b/c of her families connections
>mfw Christine was unable to form an intimate relationships

>mfw the only thing I have in common with her is the part about not being able to form intimate relationships.

How am I even still functioning? If I had a rich family like she did I know I'd still be sad, but at least I'd not have worry about where my rent is coming from, or where my next meal is coming from.

I feel you man

Wouldn't an autistic be MORE likely to use correct grammar?

I would have kissed her



nah she was just extremely awkward socially

Ho Lee Fuk

How is that an excuse? She could just go to a bar, have 3 beers and pick one of the guys lining up to fuck her. Being a woman is such easy mode. How does one manage to fuck it up so bad?

>You will never be this buttblasted and insecure and jelly and brainwashed

You really really need to get off Veeky Forums

His last statement is dead on.

Are you even trying?

It only gets looked at when someone dies sadly. Other wise it's considered a meme.

Lifting can't save you from severe mental illness, retard.

Not unless you medicate heavily or move to a state which has medical cannabis.

Wtf, how did they find the video?

She would have gotten a lot of dick if she lives in this year.

More like she was depressed, traumatized over her first date dying in a car crash, and thrown out of whack by her crush dating her friend and her doctor having basically presented her with a ticking clock in the sense that if she did not get pregnant within a few years, she would likely never be able to conceive. It's literally a section on her wiki page.

No, of course not. It's complicated and pathetic so I won't even try to explain myself.

have you ever met an autistic person? they're not geniuses, just like you.

She had multiple partners one guy died and another her father hated so she had to break up with him.

with so much on your mind your crippling loneliness isn't in the forefront of your mind the majority of your time.

Do you have depression and possibly bi-polar?

Because when you do have it everything seems like shit no matter how well off you are. Its like people who bitch about feels on this site despite being better off than 99% of the people in 3rd world shit holes. Only its a constant mood stuck in your head.