Is chiropractic a scam?

Is chiropractic a scam?

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Yes and no


I don't know

if youd habe access to a chiro for continuous treatment until you die, youd have a healthy spine, yes.

Fixing accumulated damage of a life time in a few sessions, aka what retarded people want their docs to do, very strong no.

chiro is like an actor that roleplays physio

Some probably are, I had good results though. I got xrays of my spine and I had like, mild scoliosis, I had a weird curve to the right side of my body, forward head posture, and my pelvis was tilted. A few months of alignments 2-3 times a week+a heel lift, and my new xrays showed my spine was 100% perfect. Do your research though, my benefits covered chiropractor so I had nothing to lose, it can be pricey though

Sameefag here, I'll also add that you have to see the chiropractor A LOT. Like 2-3 a week for months, depending on how bad your problems are. And then once a month for another few months to make sure your spine stays aligned. Consider an osteopath, they're almost a mix between a chiropractor and physiotherapist.

i consider to be more wellness therapy like acupuncture or massage therapy; if it works for you it works only for you.

There are a lot of bad nuts out there tho with chiropractors, plenty of stories about the practice gone wrong.

Scam or not if they are good you leave the office feeling like you could lift a god damn freight train

If you have minor back/neck problems related to posture for example, and you find a good one who knows what they're doing, yes, they can help.

But far too many think they can defy medical science, and think their work is some sort of miracle.

So if you have a minor twinge or feel your posture isn't great, yeah, find a good one and go for it.

If you have major spine problems and/or are looking to cure your diabetes/AIDS/cancer by seeing one, run like fuck away from that quack.

Chiropractor fucked up my neck muscles.

Chiros primarily deal with musculoskeletal disorders / injuries. The ones that studied with evidence-based approach are as good as MDs when it comes to treatment / adjustments / assessment, BUT there are a lot of schools in States that go with the whole "subluxation" theory that churn out chiro-quacks and not real DCs.
Make sure you do your research before vising a Chiro. IMO best evidence-based education is a t CMCC in Toronto, and some Northern US schools like NYCC are good too.

Can you repeat the question?

If I go to the chiro, does that mean i'm not natty?

For fixing back pain, they can be good.

It's when they start claiming they can fix other things that have nothing to do with back pain that it crosses over into quackery.

Pseudoscience or not, I know that I went in to the Chiropractor, my spine was curved to the right, a few months of treatment later it was straight. That being said, my benefits covered 95% of the cost so it was at no real loss to myself. All the shit they say about how certain vertebrae effect certain bodily functions though seems like bullshit to me

First of all here in Germany we have no chiropractic around every corner like it seems to be in the us, also I don't think that it's more than making your back feel good.

Is a massage the better alternative?

They are literal charlatans.

They can temporarily fix the result of bad habits, and the good ones will chew you out on what you do so you can do it with better posture.

On my left hand, I find it difficult to pull my pinky and thumb together with any amount of strength sometimes. My former chiropractor could work on my elbow and suddenly my muscles worked again.

Its true though. Your CNS is very complex and has a intricate mapping of neurons. Thats why different parts of your brain controls different functions of the body.