Are you a Commie, a Drumphkin, a SJW, a Conservashit, or a Libtard?
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I'm interested to see the various political stances of people who browse this board, mine is pic related.
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Are you a Commie, a Drumphkin, a SJW, a Conservashit, or a Libtard?
Let's find out.
I'm interested to see the various political stances of people who browse this board, mine is pic related.
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Bait thread. See point 4. This is not lifting related.
I'd say most of this board is pretty conservative considering the leftist SJWs constantly bash fit people for their thin privilege or whatever
On my phone but I'm 3 points to the right and 4 points down
I don't have it saved anymore but I always end up in extreme authoritarian left of center
Based green quadrant checking in. The sole quadrant of sane, emotionally healthy people.
preety sure i was purple central when i did it
Do you actually think that, holy shit what a retard lmao. Why would I collect data?
Similar to you though not as authoritarian. Pretty much unchanged since the last time I did this about a couple of years ago,
>information collection
You are very very paranoid
I think would suit you a bit more
More accurate green picture.
My nigga
Hello friend
I have no idea how this happened... guess the average opinion of a european is far left in american culture.
fugg i want more of these
>tfw too smart to be assigned to a quadrant
>green bros
No suprises here
This is my result too, seems no matter how much my opinions change over the years, I always land middle bottom left
this broken ass quiz with these biased ass questions...
> Do you think you should go to prison for life for smoking marijuana?
> Do you think society should be controlled by a few elite and everyone else should be servants?
> Do you agree that multinational corporations shouldn't exploit the environment of underdeveloped countries?
> Do you think it's more important to be a MINDLESS SLAVE than an ARTIST OR A POET?
I hate liberals but if you're not in green, you're trolling
I'm a trump supporter.
I'm in the very bottom right, almost ancap
I lift because might makes right
Hence i'm purple as the strongest individuals should have no obstacle to dominance
I'm usually a bit closer to the Y axis but consistently towards libertarian.
Well, that explains some things. I was actually surprised, because I get called nazi a lot
Whoops, wrong folder
This, moderate social-democrat here in Europe.
Or as it is known in the US: Bernie nut-hugger, because modern America just has to put identity politics at the forefront of everything and make everything SJW vs. /pol/.
About as much as I expected
Added all these up:
>The average Veeky Forumsizen so far is a slightly libertarian and left leaning centrist.
>Tfw you will never be raped by the bottom left qt for being a white male as you're called a priveleged cis cuck
Why even live brehs
Mine looks similar to this.
You're probably a bretty decent human being.
I think you guys are the wrong place, Reddit is to the other left
This chart turns me on an unfortunate amount.
>hur-dur Veeky Forums is an alt-right safe-space.
go back to your containment zone.
I honestly wasnt sure how to feel about this result
The left thinks Im a full blown nazi facist, but the right sees me as a marxist commie
>implying /pol/ isn't satire
Kek do you think people are serious when they say shit like Italians aren't white
Because politics has devolved into memes and completely ancillary shit has taken a front seat. That is especially true on the internet. See .
But Italians aren't white
[spoiler]not kidding[/spoiler]
Kek I used to think pol was satire but it really isn't. After spending months in a discord filled with some /pol/ posters, I'm pretty sure a good majority of /pol/ queers are bigots and racists
>watch youtube clip of some show where they tell celebrities their genetic heritage
>jessica alba is 100% European, mostly Iberian.
>her face drops and she is visibly shaken
>"omg I thought I was latina"
>"are Spanish people white?"
It has gotten worse.
I voted for Obama twice and then Hillary. The fact that I didn't fall for the Bernie Sanders meme had some people I know, who probably couldn't name their Senators with a gun to their heads, calling me a crypto-fascist.
Obviously the right wing people I know call me all kinds of retarded stuff.
Its so ridiculous, man. Im going to move to Canada or Kiwiland.
Even as atheist-Muslim commie I see their point about identity politics, retarded egalitarism and some other stuff, but you'd think the last thing you want to turn into a mirrored copy of all that: racism and nationalism are just another version of all that bullshit.
To be fair, choosing between Trump and Hilary is like choosing between being raped by an unwashed hobo or a pissed off feminist with a barb-wire dildo.
>not being a radical centrist
Are you me?
You're somewhere between Jill Stein and Bernie Sanders.
Canada is cold, extremely poor, and everything is expensive as fuck.
I'm getting out!
Is everyone joking with this green corner?
>I want free stuff and I think it will magically happen with no government force.
Even SJWs and commies are smart enough to realize that such degenerate beliefs need to be enforced otherwise normally functioning people will reject it.
I'm in the green corner.
I want people in general to be able to live their lives, whether they're very traditional, nerds, athletes, business men, artists, weird sex perverts or whatever.
I want corporations to have to pay for externalities and to receive criminal punishment for stealing or fraud the way an individual would.
I think the government should provide infrastructure, education, and a basic safety net, and that taxes are an unfortunate necessity that is required for these aspects.
>the internet and memes taught me everything I need to know about politics and economics.
No, the test is just shit, and puts everyone in the green corner no matter what you pick.
I've filled it out as Hitler, Mussolini, Trump, and Ron Paul would have and it gives green every time.
center-green is basically classical liberal, you dumbass
I agree with you, what do you call this way of thinking?
Not the guy you're asking but he's essentially describing left libertarianism. Basically, you're a libertarian on social issues but don't worship corporate greed the way right libertarians do.
I've shifted a lot from being a hard libertarian over the years to a social libertarian.
Basically my views are:
>Be allowed to do what you want as long as it doesn't harm others, this means gay marriage, legal drugs, porn, alcohol, etc.
>Full reproductive rights for women, if you don't want an abortion don't get one
>Free and independent media (but I think it should be illegal to lie on the news)
>Complete separation between church and state (don't care about ceremonial deism at all), even to the point where "marriage" is just regarded as a civil union and that churches or whatever can sanction whatever form they want within their walls. Churches should be taxed though.
>Simplified tax code, consider a basic income or EITC and a minimum wage pegged to inflation and/or CPI
>Heavily regulate corrupt entities like Wall Street and politicians, and common sense shit like food.
>Campaign finance reform and redistrict based purely on convenient geographical units and population alone.
>Strong environmental regulations to protect our common birthright, however making it affordable to NOT pollute should be a priority
>Encourage small, sustainable, local businesses via tax credits.
>Encourage people to live in cities or rural areas, stop urban sprawl via land controls and mandatory green belts in cities/developments.
>Encourage local control of education and politics, I would like to see the town meeting model made the standard form of government in most municpalities.
>Only do business with nations that are liberal market or social democracies. Make it unprofitable to be an autocrat.
Basically I'm a local-government socialist libertarian type. I think you can avoid most regulation through positive reinforcement and incentive rather than just punishment. Keep greed out of the equation as much as possible and give people freedom but keep the worst parts of our nature at bay.
This. I think left-libertarianism is the best model for humanity going forward.
It's called being a rational human being. It's not very edgy and isn't a way of thinking that riles people up, so you never see anyone expressing these views anymore though.
Libertarian left (or sometimes liberaltarian) is how I describe my political beliefs online, like said. In real life I usually just say Liberal.
Center left leaning towards libertarianism. Anything else you're a cuck to the state or God
Social Democracy (moderate) or Libertarian Socialism (extreme). At times the welfare state can turn into a nanny state and can come overbearing just band things on a whim without credible evidence, such as Singapore.
How do we start an aggressive political movement for people who just want to do less paperwork and live their lives?
In Europe it's called social-democracy and ruled most of the continent for 50 years fairly successfully. But it's on the way out in a lot of places.
Except one could be counted on to competently run a country.
we're pretty close
>American dream and traitors right next to each other
I don't remember where I saved my spectrum results to, but this test is more accurate anyway
Yeah, but as an outside observer: Hilary is just so fucking unsavory, slimey and perfectly political that you almost think she was distilled from 200 years worth of butt sweat collecting on the chairs of the senate.
Watching Trump is at least fun, in a morbid way, when you don't have to live in the country he runs.
>when you don't have to live in the country he runs.
Well there ya go.
I almost got a perfect score yesterday ie -10/-10
I still hate fatties despite my left leaning politics.
I also think we should enforce physical activity in schools again instead of making it a choice to reduce this epidemic against fatties.
fucking libtard
Glad to see most of Veeky Forumsizens /LEFTY/ like me. GNRS.
Based ;_;
All these plebs in here, I feel sorry for you.
Oh well libertarianism master race czeching in