Hey fit, I recently got oral herpes for the first time at the young age of 20 (I think from making out with a fat chick) and its given me a terrible sore throat. I can't eat or drink without strong pain, and Tylenol/ibuprofen only marginally help. How to avoid losing gains?
Also how do I cope with being a walking illness. Cold sores are essentially HIV lite, and you can spread them to others orally and genitally even when you have no symptoms.
Aaron Russell
HIV lite lmaooo
Caleb Hughes
>making out with a fat chick hope you learnt your lesson
Angel Perry
Might as well go in full bug chasing mode now op. Your blood is tainted, you can now YOLO your life.
Thomas Anderson
Research an amino aicd called l-lysine. It prevents and reduces severity of coldsores. Also don't eat almonds or almond products. Activated or otherwise.
Caleb Richardson
>Also don't eat almonds or almond products. explain
I don't have herpes but I fucking love almonds.
Nicholas Foster
Every official source says l-lysine is debunked. Never heard anything about almonds though, I typically eat Almonds though
Hudson Russell
I have HSV-1 on my genitals. I've only ever had 1 outbreak. Some people get lucky, and they are one and done. Some people get multiple outbreaks per year. You will feel it coming on. The first outbreak is always the worst. Don't be scared, bro. Tons of people have it anyway.
Get some lidocaine to numb your lip.
Levi Hall
>Tons of people have it anyway >anyway thats how herpes spreads
Dylan Nelson
You have hsv-2
David Evans
My experience with it has been superb regardless. Could be placebo I guess. Either way what yse to trigger them for me no longer does when I have 1000mg EOD. Can't remember the dcientific explanation soz
Hunter Gonzalez
I also got this shit from a girl but she was a skinny teen skank that I fucked freshman year of high school.
Mine shows up when I am overstressed (work, girls, etc) and also if it gets cold real quick sometimes. Managing stress properly it shows up once per year for a few days. If you have it on your lip go buy some Abreva. The second you feel an itch cover it in Abreva and call in sick and for the next 3 days just keep it constantly covered in Abreva and lay around and jerk off a lot, applying several times a day and before bed and DO NOT TOUCH IT. Rubbing that shit just inflames it and could spread it. So lightly apply Abreva and chill.
Also don't get a needle and try to pop the bumps. It's just not worth it, won't go away faster and can lead to scarring or scabs.
Last thing, you can give girls genital herpes if you eat pussy while you have an outbreak. Also if you have a partner she isn't allowed to blow you if she has that shit showing up. I almost literally killed a woman seconds after nutting on her face when I stopped to look at her.
Dylan Perez
Lol cursed for life for being a degenerate fatty chaser You deserve it Your life will never be normal and you'll have to settle for a trashy slut once every girl you find either finds out you have it before you corrupt them or you successfully give it to them and get sued
Ayden Cook
Do the species a favor and an hero quick fast.
Don't go spreading the shit.
There is one guaranteed cure to every disease. ICLT Intra Cranial Lead Therapy
Do it. All your problems, not just your degenerate herpes, will clear up instantly. Depression, gone. Anxiety, gone. Virginity, gone. Fat, gone. Tiny penis, gone. Shitty job, gone. Any and every trouble you could ever imagine, gone forever.
And other people won't have to endure your stench and abysmal personality.
Jordan Hughes
Have HSV1 and HPV, slept with around 56 women. Put the cock on quarantine when I'm breaking out. Kinda sucks to not fuck but being hard to get works in your favor sometimes.
Thank God for mustaches, minimizes the embarrassment.
Charles Hall
this is God punishing you for having sex out of marriage.
Julian Adams
Common as fuck std. Most girls have it but won't tell you. I doubt you got it from kissing. Herpes is basically just the flu + cold sores, stop being a bitch. In 5 years, your immune system will be so used to it, you wont have symptoms. Making a mountain out of a molehill, user.
Mason White
Thanks for reminding me to never share food/drinks with anyone I don't know on a personal level
Christopher Foster
Is the a vaccine for this shit? I dont have it and never want it.
Humans are fucking disgusting
Jordan Jenkins
No vaccine but you probably already have it. something like 80% of adults have it and are just asymptomatic.
Cameron Murphy
>minimise embarrassment
Oh god fuck off.
Nathan Williams
t. beardlet
Jack Myers
You're fine OP I've had them since I was a kid. Don't be a bitch and don't share drinks with anyone.
Christian Rodriguez
Atleast you don't got chaymdia
Logan Jenkins
only correct answer itt
Charles Ross
Le beard est manly maymay
Ok. Sure.
Secondly moustache is not equal beard.
Beard is gay. Moustache is heretical faggotry.
If you have a chin and jaw you don't need to hide it.
Michael Gray
Hiding your face is the point if you have herpes. Any blemishes really.
Fair enough, but is easily transmitted without sex.
Probability of contracting herpes skyrockets the more people you're intimate with, and chances are if you're kissing someone as an adult you're probably fucking later. While there is a higher chance that someone who gets down will catch shit, a blanket statement doesn't account for the many vectors of transmission that are not sexual and equally as viable.
Adam Campbell
jamesdestroysdiseases on yt
Cameron Perez
Dude, thats just snake oil. If it was as easy as using Organo oil then I'm certain it wouldn't be an issue.
Carson Morris
Listen to these people and not the others. The funny thing is the people abusing may even have it and will never develop symptoms.
Best advice as one user said, if you feel it coming on, which you eventually can or just get anxious thinking it will, avoid physical sexual contacts.
I got it maybe... 5.5 years ago. Had one initial outbreak and one outbreak maybe 3 / 4 months later. Since then nothing. I've not changed any eating habits since it doesn't seem to affect me anymore. I've eaten buckets of almonds, had stressful moments, drunk heaps of coffee etc all things which might spark it but haven't.
My advice: live the same as before but stay on top of health with good vitamins, eating habits and if you are going to have a sexual partner, just let her know. It's surprising how many girls are considerate and understanding.
Lucas Brown
>got herpes since i was born >breakouts every 1-5 months >get a flyer in the pharmacy about arginin/lysin ratio >stoped taking arginin pre workout >take 500mg lysine everyday
not a singel breakout since then (two years)
Jaxson Long
niggha as soon as this shit shows up i drop some pills and its gone within 2 day
without it takes 2 fuking weeks
Cameron Garcia
>mother is a drug addict and probably was a literal whore (shh i'm not supposed to know this) and also drank/smoked while pregnant with me >no surprise that I have herpes on my face ever since I was a kid and thought it was completely normal >so used to it now that when this disgusting blemish pops up on my face or nose a few times (like 5-6) a year, I don't even care >recently gay guy at a takeaway said "eww, you're like, deformed" and realized he's right >fuuuck
Anyways, I use zovirax. As soon as you feel it coming, apply it or any other similar products instantly. It lasts a week and then it takes another week to heal, usually.