Low test thread
thats fuckin nasty bro, how gay do you have to be to be attracted to that skeleton? you are either gay or homosexual. I wouldn't fuck that if it was the last dude on earth. get some meat on those bones bro.
>I wouldn't fuck that attractive woman
>you have to be gay because you're attracted to that attractive woman
Nice projection bro
>attractive woman
Is this where we jack off to girls that arent whales?
i dont fkin
im goin out
damn that bitch is sexy
why isn't she wearing shoes
Fucking germans and their long ass socks.
Small breasts are best breasts.
>more sensitive
>cute and sexy
>won't sag like fat sacks of shit
Is this a trap?
>more sensitive
This is case-by-case, not a characteristic of smaller breasts.
yeah look at the hands & jaw
nice. name?
hey welcome to Veeky Forums, I hope you enjoy your time here! Just so you know, a lot of the community uses this image board in the workplace, and as such nudity is not allowed. Please remember to only post images that do not contain nipples!
>more sensitive
Just how guys with big dicks feel nothing right?
that's a fucking man
You can't even tell it is nudity from the thumbnail, and why would you click on that at work?
>implying 99% of Veeky Forums can get ANY girl, so-called 'high test' or not
t. has never been in the same room with a naked female, ever -- and likely never will
>she isn't an anime waifu so I'm not interested
>realizes it's just a stupid meme
thank god no more fat trumpies
If you're on Veeky Forums at work, you have much larger issues than nipples
cute face compensates for low test
I would like to have intercourse with this one
For the love of God, give me a name, source, something
nigga this a blue board
my neighbour
>When she has no tits and a flat stomach so you're not sure if it's a trap or not
I'd rather fuck a man at that point
don't traps usually get a boob job before the chop chop? I don't think I've ever seen a trap without perfect c cup implants
trans does not equal trap
What did google mean by this
Sauce OP you semen demon
Yeah, gimme a break. Dickgirls come in more variations than ice cream, it's confusing.
it doesn't have a dick you retard
post boipuc
lawl that bikini reminds me of nachos
Thank fuck, I thought I was the only faggot here that didn't like this high text meme
>tfw like skinny girls, usually with short hair
>theyre all lesbians
>>won't sag like fat sacks of shit
Yikes, this.
Sick of fat fetishists posting nasty ass obese sluts with tits that look like trashbags full of jello.
w e w
WTF is this from? Who would let their little boy do this?
seems like a kids playground or something
prolly didnt get hurt though, kids are fucking indestructible
spoken like a true faggot
I like skinny, long hair, and extremely feminine. I want to race mix with an asian to create beautiful white/asian mix daughter to fuck.
all race mixes are disgusting
>that guy who takes literally every bait he sees
Perfección tbqh famprofessor
das it
Say what you will about me, but this gal is my jam.
gonna need a big fat tasty source on that OP
2d women and trannies are so much more attractive
You'll never get a nice titjob though
Tit jobs aren't even that good
I'll take a sloppy blowie over a Tit job any day
Thank Mr. Skeltal
Im like 4 inches. I think I'll be fine lol
>no penis
you are a fat, ugly faggot
Jesus she could convince me to leave my wife, which i don't even have. Lord help me if i find a girl like this
It is usually at autism events like this where you see poeple with horrible fashion mindsets.
>not understanding ironic statements
Or maybe the joke is on me for not understanding the new meta humor is to respond to ironic statements with a more ironic statement.
Communication is a fucking joke these days.
That's his sister. They share too many physical traits to not be related.
>muh fats
Daily reminder that if you prefer right over left then you are a low test beta who should go back to /r9k/
That looks like trappy.
What's her name man?
ill take a firm ass any day of the week
>chubby chaser attempts to rationalise his latent feeder fetish
What if I like both?
If being high test makes you like fat women, why do the guys in /fraud/ not post fat chicks
Their balls don't work no mo
Makes sense.
You're such an insecure betamax no balls fat fuck.Her face is fucking cute and her legs are incredible but your insecurity tells you she is a chick with abs so your inscure little brain is sending out all kinds of defense mechanisms why you wouldn't smash.You probably think you're some real man because he wants his ladies "curvy" and with "some meat"
Don't fap you horny bastard
why the hell would i want to lower my test?
>still gonna faptho
Her name is Heather from MFC
Michelle Jenneke is a straight up qt.