This is all I want guys, will people notice me? will it look like a lift with a tshirt on?

this is all I want guys, will people notice me? will it look like a lift with a tshirt on?

>he wants Justin beaver
you forgot to say no-homo

Maybe and no

show us your current body so we can tell you what to do, retard

look at the red circles on him

>cupping like hes some sort of athlete


yes if you live in amerifat land

None of his tattoos are remotely interesting and he probably paid $5,000 each

he did not pay 5000 dollars for any of those
chill out manlet

>only athletes can enjoy massages

shut the fuck up

is cupping a code word for being raped by octopuses?

my boy bugatti biebs

I've never got the Bieber hate. Until his recent stuff I couldn't name you one of his songs (Sorry was well written mind) so I just ignored him. The hate seemed to be just jealousy and bandwagon jumping.

So yeah, he's a good looking guy with a decent body.

My suggestion would be "read the fucking sticky", lift well, eat well. Maybe do a mild cycle of test if you want. Don't go mad.

Look after your skin, get a good hairstylist, dress well, and even get a bit of surgery if your face is ugly.

Bieber-mode isn't that hard to achieve. You don't need to be a multi-milionaire. You just need to have drive and determination.

You'll look good to the average mentally stable normie. Only Veeky Forumsizen would judge you negatively.

>religious tatoo
>bible prohibits tats in Leviticus

Woo lad!

is he going for the trashy goose style?

His fucking hair is disgusting now.


I look like a more pale and no shitty tattoos version of this with no shirt, you can't fucking tell with a shirt honestly. Best I've been called w/a shirt on is Veeky Forums and most people think I'm p skinny even tho I got a v taper shape goin on

Don't you know user? Jesus was a nice guy who loved everyone and he told us to try to be like him which means we have to be nice and tolerant to everyone. Personally I just can't stand "Christian" bigots who think they have a right to judge anyone else! That's not the Christianity I know. We should all just peace out and love each other.

This line of thinking in ironically taught in way too many churches in current year. No wonder people call us cucks.

i dont get it hes just skinny


>This much false flagging

>If I don't like it it's false flagging

Hello /pol/.