What are you eating tonight alone Veeky Forums?

what are you eating tonight alone Veeky Forums?

pic related is what i just ate

why do all "Veeky Forums meals" look like someone literally took a dump on a plate?


When you actually have to think about what you eat, you don't want to make standard stuff pretty. Just wastes energy.

fuck off chad

Hot dogs.

Ribeye, sweet potato, spinach

I cant afford rice.
What the fuck do you mean what am I eating tonight?

Because food is fuel and not comfort

Made this last night if you want some soft core food porn

holy fuck I had the exact same thing

that is some nice meat you have there

Salmon, kale and french fries

I'm bulking because I'm like 144lbs so I have lasagna tonight

i just wish i was on my last job so i could aford juicy red meat everyday and still pay my bills and my drugs, my boss literally fired me because a really hot girl wanted my job, and she suck at it, she probably suck mye x boss too

is that pork tenderloin?

looks good my man

Currently bulking too, had Steak, Rice and French Fries.

Mankini season just around the corner.

Enjoy colon cancer.

tfw 140 but Veeky Forums told me I still had fat to go so still cutting.

I'm getting tired, hombres. I just wanna eat like a normal human bean again.

It's all subject to bf%man,just sculpt more and then lose the weight

that's looks good, but the meat itself looks dry.

It's hard to get a good estimate on my BF. I think I have loose skin, but it also might not be. It's hard to tell, so I really don't know when to stop cutting. At my lowest I was 135 and Veeky Forums told me I was a skeleton with loose skin that needed to bulk. Now at 140 I'm being told I have fat to lose first. I'm quite conflicted. Been keeping my calories at like 1800 just to be safe.

are you me

Eat at maintenance and lift heavy.

If you're a skinny fat you don't stand to benefit from cutting. Even if you get rid of the fat you'll still be a lame twink

Am I? Being a former fatty not only fuels my body dysmorphia but also has me confused as to whether or not I'm ready to bulk or not.

My goal is to be a twink, but that doesn't seem possible without a bulk and a cut at this point. I was really hoping to just lean bulk, but now I'm not so sure.

holy shit you're me

lost 50 pounds to 145 and stuck in skinnyfat 18% bodyfat hell not sure to bulk or cut but have decided to lift and eat around 1800 calories, have been accused of having body dysmorphia and also orthorexia

you care about how your food looks? CT would be pissed at your sorry ass

>body dysmorphia and also orthorexia
Shit sucks mang, everyone at work makes fun of me for having a food scale in my office and being super anal about calorie/macro tracking. Looking okay in clothes does nothing for me and even the smallest bit of chub in that area between the neck and chin causes me to want to just return to eating at a deficit. I'm considering loose skin surgery, I'm just so tired of being unhappy with this flabby... thing.

i understand you friend, glad i'm not alone. we just gotta keep going until we see results and not give up. we can make it.

Yeah, I'm at least seeing a difference in my athleticism since I started eating at maintenance, from 0 chinups to 5. It's something. We're all gonna make it, breh.

>tfw cutting


3 scoops of Huel and 500ml of water.


Yes pork tenderloin

It's juicy as shit actually. I charred the outside and barely got the inside up to temperature kek. Don't even care tho, I'll take the worms for meat this good.

Shredded chicken tacos

What's on the potatoes?