Didn't see one in catalog.
Just took this. Currently sitting at 215 at 6'3. I've been on my first cut since january and am continuing for another week. I feel weak, small, flat, and still cant see visible ab development.
Didn't see one in catalog.
Just took this. Currently sitting at 215 at 6'3. I've been on my first cut since january and am continuing for another week. I feel weak, small, flat, and still cant see visible ab development.
looking good user, just keep going until you do see your favored bf%. Im telling you it will pay off, then you can lean bulk and make real gains.
What's your TDEE and what's your current deficit?
Idk, im probably eating 1000 cals below maintenance. Im only a sophomore in college with meal swipes, so dieting and counting macros is next to impossible. Im switching to keto because ive stalled hard. I just want to see single digit bf ;_;
I fucking dreamer bulked again guys. I knew what I was doing but I kept on going. At least this time there was some decent gains but I should've stopped the bulk at the 6th month where it started to go downhill.
For this cut I was thinking about adding yohibime or whatever the fuck its called. Can no longer get a EC stack legally in my state. Bronkaid and the like is script only now. Any other ideas for cutting supplements.
Plan is to keep my 7 days of cardio up but instead of distance it will be hiit. Going to do low carb high protein again but considering keto maybe? Dropping my strength program in favor for a upper lower 2 days strength 2 days hypertrophy a good idea?
OP here, have EC stacks considerably made any difference in your cut? I considered trying it
First time gave me really bad anxiety because of the palpitating but thats because I was sensitive to caffeine I believe. I can't honestly say it made a huge difference in the thermogenic side of things but my appetite was gone. Felt no reason to eat at all. I started off anorexic though so I've always had a hatred for food but would crave junk food from time to time once I started lifting. EC removed all thoughts of food.
>I feel weak, small, flat, and still cant see visible ab development
just lost the fullness from carbs and water is all. Are you making sure to hit .8 - 1g of protein per lb of weight?
You just need to keep cutting. Are you sure there's no way for you to count your macros? I'd strongly recommend doing that before going for keto, because it fucking sucks beyond belief.
186lbs 5'10
Do you post on FitMisc?
Are those 6" wrist I spot? Are you the one!? Savior of manlets, one we can all hope to be.
On the real though you got my goal body. You got my frame but i got a shitty chest gap. You natyt?
yes nine went full cuck and perma banned me im fucking pissed
What mode am I?
looking good man just keep on cutting
I can estimate with my schools online nutrition shit, but no where here measures out servings or anything which makes it a guessing game. Am i just fucked until I start buying my own food?
Yeah im doing my best, but keto calls for lower protein higher fat so I have that to consider. I might just keep carbs low rather than go full keto diet. And will I really put on noticeable size once I carb back up?
fucking start eating
Scrotum mode.
thanks anons, we're all gonna make it
AuschwitzGotAfewLightDumbellsLyingAround mode
>Am i just fucked until I start buying my own food?
Yes you are. Being in control of your diet means buying your own food. Sorry user, no easy way out of this.
>And will I really put on noticeable size once I carb back up?
Don't underestimate the power of glycogen and water. Its the reason manipulating carb intake before a photo shoot is so important to get that fullness back.
6'1 180
smooth like a baby skin for dat dere swim meet
So what do until then? Perma bulk?? Continue cut and then lean bulk? I really just want to keep cutting until I have a visible mid section.
Whoa, I wanna look like that, no homo. 6'5 220 bulking (bit fat) so I have a long way to go
Not that user but until you have full control over your diet, your bulks will be lackluster. Just keep going till you have your abs and make sure your hitting abs hard. Don't listen to that abs are made in the kitchen shit.
>yes nine went full cuck and perma banned me im fucking pissed
19, 5'6 turbomanlet 205lbs
I take 3 whole preotons a day and n4tty creatines.
Atm cutting, how lean should I go?
if your ribs aren't showing youre not done bucko
Pls can I sit on daddy's face
>"Don't listen to that abs are made in the kitchen shit"
Wrong, OP dont listen to this autist. Abs are made in the kitchen. Keep cutting you will get there.
fuck off retard. Stop giving shitty advice. OP can easily cut and bulk without counting macros, I do it and have plenty of success. Theres zero fucking reason to count your macros unless you are getting stage ready.
mirin shoulders
>roiding for this
I just wanna tell all you newfags and DYEL's I've been lurking Veeky Forums since 14
I was so tiny, had no idea what I was doing
But you're all gonna make it. Zyzz is dead now but he inspired me as a nerdy beta autismo 14 year old mebbe someone inspire u.
Eat a bunch of fucking food, do heavy compounds, and start taking Test when your gains stall.
ilu anons don't quit
Shut the fuck up kid. Would gut you in public and eat your worthless body so it can see some actual potential. Some people have a weak core and they need to work it to show some definition. Simply cutting with a weak core is retarded and they will continue to believe you autistic shits when you tell them they didnt do it right. Neglecting your core is the stupidest thing you can do.
>Hurrr durrrr compound lifts is enough for your core
I'd love to smash your face in for giving shit advice.
>call other newfag
whatre you like 18 kid?
No, since I was 14, not 2014.
I been lifting almost 6 years
OP here, been lurking since 2010. Zyzz was a huge motivating factor in the beginning of my journey. I hope im making him proud
looking joocy
i dont know why but i find it extremely attractive when guys without abs definition still have that v-line, even more so than when they're ripped.
n-no homo
Fuck off you prissy, triggered little bitch. OP is clearly developed enough to have abs, he just isn't quite low enough yet. Working abs is a fucking meme made by sperg lords like yourself. Post ur pic and lets see those wash board abs you know so much about
>pic related
its you
Here's another, I defo need to cut soon though
I also can confirm ab exercises are meme
Just eat less. I have never done a situp in my life and desu I'm not even sure if I could.
Pic was me at 18 shredded but not a THICCBOI
Also, stop being fucking dickhead faggots on the internet.
Nobody likes a meanie :>
Look like shit, still cutting.
Love handles are impossible for me to get rid of.
Do you go shirtless in public?
sweatpants look sexy af
no homo as always
>tfw first bulk since rotator cuff injury
>finally back to PPL
>on favorite pre workout
>vegetarian diet going well, tons of carbs and nutrients
2017 is gonna be the year of making it, boys
Your love handles are gone, Now you just have to work for the abs. Do some more core work if you arent hitting it as much.
No. You look good and have great core definition, but others wont have the same results. Most people need to work their core.
You're gonna look great once you cut. Keep pushing and give yourself at least 12 weeks out from your end cut goal time to shed off the fat while retaining your muscle.
Cut down 5-10 more lbs if you want to look dry as fuck. You're at a good point for maintenance, though.
I'm 3 inches shorter than you and 5 lbs heaver, something aint right here man. E-statting? Nolegs? Not hating but I'm genuinely confused
If you are natty, you should text your parents 2nite and thank them for the IGF and GH levels they gave you.
Solid solid
implying he knows his parents
never change Veeky Forums.
Nope, I live in the middle of England, not somewhere nice like California unfortunately
Yes natty, I don't give a fuck about genetics because everyone has give and take/pros and cons. I could also thank my parents for anemia, chronic ER-level migraines, and and shitty joints. I worked for my shit.
Run a Star Trek group with my mother and am going to pledge my pops' frat in the fall. Stay mad.
5'8 190lbs
Finally able to hit a 4plate bench
Why sit at 225 6'3 when you could sit on my face
Fuck the pic is sideways and huge.
Should I start a cut for spring break?
super turbo
182 lbs
few days back from hernia surgery, resuming bulk
>I'm 3 inches shorter than you and 5 lbs heaver,
so what? You do look a lot more muscular.
180kg bench how?
Must be dat dere dysmorphia then bro, I would say you and I are similar in build. No shade intended.
And my legs aren't as big either. Maybe you got your height wrong, who knows.
watch out for gyno breh
Fixed the pic
I've done it twice now, 405x1
Warm up with 225x8, 275x4, 315x4, 365x1, 385x1, 405x1
Then I'll drop down to 315x6-8 and finish a wide grip 225 for a set of about 20
I fukken wish, I went thinking I was 5'11 for years and it turns out I'm relegated to 5'10 Duke of Manletia
Yeesh. You got a jacked up face? Cuz that's a model body right there.
Moderate homo.
Face is average I guess. Never been complimented on my face desu.
6'3" 200
Natty? Time training etc.
5'10 180lbs cutting after a big bulk
opinions? :/
It's you again. Been a while. Work your back it's shit.
Post it. People don't compliment faces very often, it's awkward. You could legit be a model with that body. For real.
>182 lbs
What are you, 5'2"?
damn dude you are literally jacked dwarf mode.
I fucked around with some research chems back in undergrad, never pinned
this pic is me freshman year of undergrad - im currently a first year dental student so 4-5 years ago, not sure about my weight back then
OP here, user how into this bf??
not sure about posting face on Veeky Forums, it's not model tier anyway
Lifting for just over a year.
Just started cut.
Can I get a body fat estimate?
liftan + sports
I swim and play water polo, those contribute the most for staying lean especially because I take in more calories than a cow. During season that can get up to 5k
Doing SL 5x5 and fighting muay thai.
Want to bulk to 85 and cut to 80 to stay in my weight class.
pls help
Nice 4pack wtf
i look like shit
165lbs; 5'11
What do you guys think? Also want to improve my chest. Any recommendations?
damn dude, sounds like youve got it figured out. Mirin so hard, honestly my goal. just cant seem to get that lean
You're way too skinny to need any special advice
Just keep doing your routine and bulking
jeez bro you've got a turtle belly. Stop injecting insulin into your tummy silly!
Routine, lifts, diet? Do you mostly swim for cardio?
Amazing shit, user. Turning homo.
A chest, bis and tris. B back and shoulders. C legs. If on one week I repeat A and B but only do C once, do C at least twice the next week etc. Rest days aren't set, they depend on my practice schedule. Always do yellow, pick anything between 3-5 from green.
4 week cycles for sets and reps.
1st cycle 3-4 sets of 12-15 reps
2nd cycle 3 stes of 10 reps
3rd cycle 5 sets of 5 reps
Cardio comes mainly from practice which can be up to 4 hours 3x a week 2 hours in the morning and 2 in the evening. When the season is over I don't want to see a pool anywhere near me for a few weeks so I just run.
Lifts are BP280 S360 D420 OHP190
shiiiit this is a pretty buff cbt
can i ask how tall you are?
using that light switch as a reference you are under 5'
[spoiler]i think you look good though. nohomo[/spoiler]
>that light switch
it's hard to take consistent pics
>setup cam
>take a few
>make an adjustment
>take a few more
>they all turn out like shit
it's a vicious cycle
for example, over the last few days, i can cherry pic these two pics
5'10 about 201
Still working on chest. Abs soft but hanging in there. Been trying my hardest to resist the urge to cut.
Very nice. I wish i could swim everyday, its my favorite hobby.
Good job lad