If you were only allowed to do one exercise for the rest of your life, why would it be the Farmer's Walk?
If you were only allowed to do one exercise for the rest of your life, why would it be the Farmer's Walk?
nope squats
It would be push press of course
Probably ohp
Big shoulders are the most important for aesthetics also its fun
Also you get a decent chest and arms from it
Clean and press.
Sure it's not gonna build muscle but it's the most enjoyable exercise there is
i'd do cardio
pullups. They work chest, shoulders, lats, arms, core. What else a guy can need? Legs? Gimme a break.
My absoloute negro. Superior taste
Because I like to fuck up my shoulders
>clean and press
>one exercise
for me its the bench and deadlift and squat and row and ohp
Back handrsprings
Is the farmer's walk exercise less likely to give me back injuries than the squat?
7th post best post
can't impress mom with my grocery bags otherwise
quick rundowns
Yes. It's not as effective for your legs and core, but it's a good all-body exercise and give you unbelievable grip strength. Deload and go long distance for very decent cardio.
Overhead deadlift
if you could only post one thread for the rest of your life why would it be this baity horseshit?
Burpee cause I hate myself forever.
elipticle. but i gotta have my music and pony tail in to bob to the beat as i stare at a screen hoping my lashes don't fall out.
BB curls, accept no substitutes.
If it counts as one lift for a contest, it is one lift.
Also, the clean portion is just how you get the bar in position to press.
This is probably about the best answer you could hope for. You'd be sorely lacking in quad development but most other exercises would leave you much more uneven.
My grip strength is shit and I need to add farmers walks. Where in my routine would it be best to place then?
It would be bench press
oh u already know
What the fuck! This is an exercise?! I did this all my youth carrying 40lb grain buckets to the stalls...
>what muscles does this exercise supposedly build?
yaa my man
if you dont want to stress recovery and you only care about grip you could do lighter walks for long distance for conditioning/grip training.
fap and clean
weighted dips
i choose the clean and squat and press and deadlift and pull-up exercise
How is the farmer's walk any better than just holding while doing deadlifts?
hits different muscles bruh.
I've been thinking about getting some 5 gallon water bottles from the grocery store to use for farmers walks. Would these be enough? 5 gallons = 40 lbs. I dont have alot of room to walk back and forth in my house though and I don't want to look like a thirsty autist carrying 2 jugs up and down my neighborhood though. Any suggestions?
Well to make them heavier you could start filling them with sand
Your gonna look like a squirrel, since pull ups don't really work chest or front and side delts. Those muscles are pretty important for looking like you lift. Also: tri's are a bigger muscle than bi's, so if you're going for arms, focus on them.
Push ups. Or even better, burpees.
My gym is miserably small and has no good equipment for farmer's walks. What I've been doing is when I do my calf raises and shrugs, I just hold on to both dumbbells the whole time and do them as a super set (raises, right shrugs, left shrugs) so that I get used to holding the dumbbells. By the end of it my forearms are always on fire. Is this an okay way to train grip strength or am I being autistic?
That's a really weird way to sleep deadlifts.
probably the only single exercise that will keep you healthy
>one exercise
>going to the gym
LOL no that would be boring and stupid.
I'd ride my bike.
Want great endurance?
>ride on the flat at high cadence
Want to build strength?
>hill repeats at low cadence
Want muscular endurance?
>threshold intervals on the flat at medium cadence
Want anaerobic endurance, lactate tolerance?
>anaerobic intervals, sprint intervals, and lactate tolerance intervals
Then when you're master of all that, you can road race and win money.
Clearly god-tier exercise. You're all missing out.
moving with weight forces you to balance it
only if you're a neet, who has time to go on a 2-3 hour jog on a daily basis
deadlift, because it's my favorite lift and a 600 pull is coming soon
i'd look like a disproportional retard but oh well, i would with any other single-lift routine anyway
learn how to greentext
freestyle swimming
>not doing muscle ups so you get dips in
Sun Salutation. Get in a bit of everything.
>implying deadlift is not the king of all exercises
>hits grip, quads, hamstrings, lower back, and even a little bit of lat
>technique can be adjusted to emphasize any of the above muscles
>promotes high test better than any other compound lift
Literally the best measure of strength: How heavy of a thing can you pick up off the ground?
Bro, just grab a heavy ass pair of dumbbells and walk from one end of the gym to the other and back again
Rinse and repeat for them forearm gains
Also, get a set of these, and some rope. Loop a barbell into the rope and do sets pinching the blocks for great grip training
Does this mean Eddie Hall, and not Brian Shaw, is the strongest man in the world?
eddie hall is the strongest man in the world, but he is not the World's Strongest Man ™
What's the difference?
World's strongest man is a title from a competition strongest man in the world is a fact.
>Using Straps
1. Money in the bank.
2. Self esteem.
3. Babes.
4. Job meaning something.
5. Decent automobile.
6. Respectable neighborhood.
>I have 2 or 3.
And then you can fill them with sand AND water for it to get really fucking heavy
If you have plates at home, Rogue makes these small handles for like 60 dollars that work pretty good, just make sure to tighten the rope up otherwise the weights swing a bit, otherwise have worked great.
What a bitch I bet he couldn't squat 135 ATG perfect form RAW no BELT no WRAPS no SLEEVES.
Who else here perfect form no equipment masterrace?
Is this some kind of meme or did you post in the wrong thread?