>Big Mac meal: around 1200kcal
>1 hour running at 10km/h: between 900 to 1100kcal
do enough cardio and you could eat delicious fast food on a daily basis and stay lean
>Big Mac meal: around 1200kcal
>1 hour running at 10km/h: between 900 to 1100kcal
do enough cardio and you could eat delicious fast food on a daily basis and stay lean
>work twice as hard and have no concern for your organs and you could eat delicious fast food on a daily basis and stay lean
>do enough cardio just so you can maintain and keep shoving shit tier food into your body while you rot from the inside and eventually die an empty husk
that's the way, bro!
what about all the garbage preservatives and sugar? you should only eat whole foods if you want to be healthy.
>all this health faggotry
niggers the main concern here isn't your long term health, it's how fucking terrible a Big Mac is
No excuse to eat that bargain bin trash with so many great fast/casual burgers out there
this is a respectable viewpoint
kek you really think a single big mac meal could hurt you that much? check its nutrition facts. the only concern you might have is the excess of sodium. everything else could be balanced by a healthy diet (besides the daily dose of fast food)
the big mac was just an example
>everything else could be balanced by a healthy diet
>besides the daily dose of fast food
>besides the fucking thing you're shoving into your mouth daily
bitch, are you that dumb?
you eat healthy, whole foods besides your daily fast food meal. how's that difficult to grasp?
>1 hour of running per day
>devoting 1/24th of your existence to hard work to make up for eating one (1) meal
>devoting 1/16th of your waking hours to hard work to make up for eating one (1) meal
>implying that's the only benefit you'll get from daily cardio
I'm sorry, I forgot how much this board despises any kind of exercise besides weight lifting
It isn't difficult to grasp. Just because something is simple doesn't mean it isn't dumb as shit. And this is dumb as fucking shit.
how's it dumb?
as long as you hit your macros, daily vitamins and minerals, everything is allowed. are you stupid?
>kek you really think a single big mac meal could hurt you that much?
Every day? Yes
Time for the daily mcdonalds shill thread then
Because you are still eating McDonald's every fucking day, you feces consuming mental midget. Jesus FUCK.
>eating McDonalds is somehow inherently bad
prove to me with cold hard facts how it's impossible to maintain a healthy diet following the plan I suggested earlier
you literally can't
Did you really make a thread to argue with Veeky Forums over eating shitty fast food every day?
Eat whatever the fuck you want man, we don't care
nice backpedalling, homo
>all that saturated fat in one meal, every day
enjoy your heart disease
>hitting your macros with mcdonalds
what are your goals? being a 25% BF sumo wrestler?
>single big mac meal could hurt you that much
>Single meal
>OP says daily
You're fucking retarded
>Did you really make a thread to argue with Veeky Forums over eating shitty fast food every day?
>Not just doing 1 hour and eating like a normal person
The fat nigger that can't stop eating lard burgers calling other people lazy
Can't make this stuff up
>whole foods
lol retards falling for memes every day
>and stay lean
jesus christ
>b-but muh cals in>cals out
Thats not a concern if you're fairly active you fuckwit.
He's right. As long as you work it off and have a strict diet for everything else, you'll be fine. I'm the same with soda. It's crap but I only have one a day and the rest of my food is pretty healthy.
So if I only eat 1 burger a day, ill still get fat? Fatty logic everyone
>What is sodium
>What are carbs
>What is saturated fat
>What are calories
>What is fiber
>What is insulin
Cool. I'll have a big Mac and then just have a boiled chicken and a salad with no dressing for my macros. That'll work way better than multiple balanced meals throughout the day.
Wheres the single word on OP you fat sack of dyel shit?
Your body doesn't give a fuck about balanced meals. What matter is the overall picture.
The only concern I seenon your shitty greentexting newfaggotry is sodium and maybe sat fat. I bet you guys arent even active so this kind of thing bothers you, lmao stay fat
>fast food
Poorfag and/or plebian detected.
The only thing that even remotely qualifies as 'fast food' that doesn't taste like the GARBAGE that it is, is Chipotle.
OP's pic related is for SWINE. If you actually eat that crap, then YOU ARE A PLEB. You're also DUMB, because it's overpriced, especially considering the LOW NUTRITIONAL VALUE.
Get your act together, OP, or turn in your Veeky Forums card.
>Big Mac Meal has 13g saturated fats
>"The American Heart Association recommends aiming for a dietary pattern that achieves 5% to 6% of calories from saturated fat." (...)"That’s about 13 grams of saturated fats a day."
>13 grams to a 2000kcal/day diet, meaning ~19 daily grams to our hypothetical diet
Wrong. Next
You're retarded. You could easily fit any macro goal within this diet
>dat reading comprehension
Single daily meal.
I like fast food. If I can eat it and stay healthy, then why the fuck not?
not an argument
Check the nutritional facts. A single Big Mac Meal won't throw your daily needs into such disarray that you can't balance it by eating healthy the rest of the day.
As I said earlier, the Big Mac was just an example. Pick your poison
>says fat food is all gross
>says chipotle is okay
Chipotle is disgusting you stupid hipster.
that's a yes
Is there a reason you feel the need to defend a personal decision to Veeky Forums?
>brown rice
>black beans
How is that disgusting? It's also fairly healthy. You obviously have no taste or knowledge of food and you should not be allowed to comment on the subject. Go eat your chicken tendies, loser.
Are you fucking stupid? I didn't quote the OP I quoted this post
>kek you really think a single big mac meal
The OP didn't say a single meal. It said a daily meal. Fucking retarded illiterates on Veeky Forums tonight.
Oh is that all? The two things that most affect your heart health are the only two? Not the insulin response either though. That doesn't matter of course. Nor coritsol levels.
>He calls other people fat while arguing for McDs.
You're fucking pathetic bro. You have no concept of nutrition. You're literally a tennager trying to tell a biologist he doesn't know what he's talking about. Keep being a loser. A poor loser at that
post a pic of yourself,
we want to see the fat fuck we're arguing with about nutrition .
if you don't want to, we sorta win,
Agreed. First and last time I ate at chipotle, chicken was raw and beans were borderline moldy.
And for zyzz's sake, whoever thought cilantro goes with mexican food needs to be shot.
1) The taste is disgusting.
2) It's full of trans fat and isn't healthy.
Congrats you fell for their advertising though.
>1 hour running at 10km/h
FUCK THAT can't be losing my gains you tard
>gets BTFO
>'h-h-heh, are you r-really trying to argue over this? xD"
You sound pretty fucking stupid for a biologist.
>A single daily meal
Meaning a single Big Mac Meal (or fast food of choice). Prove it can't be done
>t's also fairly healthy.
Sodium 2,534 mg
Cholesterol 110 mg
Total Fat 31 g
>It's full of trans fat
LOL like I said you have NO KNOWLEDGE of nutrition and no taste and need to BE QUIET, we're trying to have an intelligent conversation here and have no time for your nonsense.
>trans fat is good!
>unironically thinks sodium is bad for healthy individuals
i member the 1980s
>he thinks dietary fat is bad for you
You know NOTHING about nutrition.
>he thinks avocado is unhealthy
You have NO KNOWLEDGE about nutrition and need to BE QUIET.
>>dat reading comprehension
>Single daily meal
Quote the post where you said single daily meal, I'll wait.
>Check the nutritional facts. A single Big Mac Meal won't throw your daily needs into such disarray that you can't balance it by eating healthy the rest of the day.
What aren't you getting? You're wasting a meal on a piece of shit that you could use for 2 other meals. You're purposefully limiting yourself for no reason other than wanting to eat a fat faggot meal because you have no dedication.
I'll be nice now. I get what you're saying. But it's just not worth it. The sodium alone sucks dick and you'll feel like shit and it seriously affects your hormone and chemical levels.
Cheat meals are fine, and Ive been known to crush two grilled chicken sandwiches from Chick Fil A post workout, but you gotta do that shit in moderation.
>he thinks there's transfat in Chipotle
Prove it, faggot.
eat shit and die
It is. It also makes you look like complete shit. It's not the devil like it used to be thought of but it's still shitty.
sure it is fatty
you could eat twinkies at a caloric deficit and stay lean, everyone knows that, but your jiggly autistic ass really wants to be affirmed for making a shitty life choice
so I'll ask again, post your man tits
Well what do you think is tasty fast food then?
Why wouldn't it be? Being active doesn't make you immune to all health problems
Avocado is unsaturated fat dumb ass. The fact that it isn't even on there is suspicious.
Anyway, 2000mg+ of sodium in a single meal is unhealthy as fuck. You can't have any sodium for the rest of the day after that. 31g of fat is like half of your daily fat limit too kek
Carl's Jr.
>Quote the post where you said single daily meal, I'll wait.
In my OP I said "fast food on a daily basis". The single daily McMeal was implied.
Regarding sodium: check the nutritional facts and keep in mind the premises of this diet. A person that runs an hour daily would have no problem with this amount of sodium if s/he keeps everything else in check. Appropriate potassium intake would also benefit you.
I don't know about hormones/chemicals. Are you talking about estrogen?
Exactly. Eat shit on a daily basis and die happily at 84.
>you could eat twinkies at a caloric deficit and stay lean
What I'm proposing isn't simply meeting your caloric needs but also your macros/vitamins/minerals. Pay more attention!
>he thinks I eat Chipotle EVERY DAY
Ah, so in addition to now knowing shit about nutrition and not having any taste in food, you're so dumb that you think I or anyone who is even moderately Veeky Forums eats ANY fast food, even Chipotle, EVERY DAY? LOL you're really dumb. I make my OWN meals. Some dumb faggot like you probably wouldn't know what to do in a kitchen and eats garbage food from a drive-thru 24/7/365. I'll say it again: You need to BE QUIET, you know NOTHING and should stop posting and just READ what people (like me) who know what they're talking about are saying, so you LEARN something.
>tons of fat
>HFCS added to everything
>HFCS in the drinks
>literally redneck shit food substitute
LOL like I said: YOU HAVE NO TASTE and need to BE QUIET.
You said it was fairly healthy. I posted objective reasons why it isn't. Never said you eat it every day. Calm down buddy.
Also tasty != healthy.
lol pls give your sources dumbass.
p.s. ur 70 iq friend at whatever minimum wage job ur working at doesnt count
damn this guy really likes his big mac
>listen to people who know what theyre talking about like me
>no idea what the fuck hes talking about
pls post ur job and education. i know 100% you are a stupid worthless piece of shit
Mcdonald's fries are shit
come at me
>I don't know about hormones/chemicals. Are you talking about estrogen?
Coritsol, insulin, dopamine, serotonin etc.
The glycemic index isn't a meme. This is why bodybuilders eat sweet potatoes instead of white. Low GI means low insulin response which means lower fat storage and level hormones. A high GI dump once a day will fuck all that up.
And again, it's no so much about what you're eating (the Big Mac) as its what you're NOT eating. You have to use less seasonings and sauces to make up for the sodium, you have to eat less low GI "good" carbs to make up for the bun and ketchup, you have to eat less butter or olive oil or avocado to make up for the cheese and fat, you have to run more just to maintain. It's just not worth the trouble
You're seriously questioning that sodium causes bloat/water retention? Or that too much is related to health problems?
A Big Mac doesn't have enough sodium to cause harm by itself.
we're talking about a meal, with fries coated in fucking salt.
remove 1 bun and u save 100calories.
Make ur own burger with a grilled portabello mushroom as the buns and save 300 calories and gain +protein
only fat fks and anorexic fks need to worry about sodium
>Or that too much is related to health problems
Except it's not, it's that there's a lot of sodium in foods that people over eat on and get fat from hypocaloric diets. If you work out a lot you need a lot of sodium since it is an electrolyte.
Water retention also isn't an issue unless you're a bodybuilder right before a show.
>portabello mushroom
fucking expensive desu
I went to McDonald's today and got a Filet-O-Fish combo with a bacon cheeseburger on the side. I was eating it in my vehicle in the parking lot and listening to an audio book when I glanced up and saw the McDonald's worker I ordered from outside having a cigarette.
She waved at me and I nodded and had to wait 7 minutes before she went back inside and I could eat in comfort again. I don't think that employees should be bothering or even trying to socialize with customers outside of the McDonald's restaurant or drive through, but that is another story.
I went to McDonald's for dinner tonight and got a McChicken combo with a bacon cheeseburger on the side. As I was driving to the second window the same girl was still working. She was acting somewhat obsequious and attempting small talk when she asked, 'why don't you come eat inside instead of in the parking lot where it is cold'.
That really bothered me for many reasons. First of all, I don't want my routine or actions to be tracked by a fast food employee. Secondly, she should not try to tell me how I should live my life. I do not want to eat inside because I find it less comfortable and would much rather be inside my vehicle listening to an audiobook and enjoying myself and my privacy.
How do you feel about eating in your vehicle in the parking lot of a fast food restaurant versus eating inside the restaurant?
McDonald's is one of the worst when it comes to fast-food. If you're eating anything besides Wendy's(quality may vary), 5 guys, or in and out, you're fucking up.
Burger King masterrace
Burger King was great in the 90's up until ~2005. It's absolute shit now.
how fat are you? fatty.
no way average joe can run for 1hour at 10km/h
even somewhat fit people couldn't
t. newfag
it's literally beginner-tier challenge
>not eating a 4x4 protein style without cheese every day
that's like a ten minute mile pace. that's very doable, user.
>1200000 calories
It also just wouldn't burn 1000 calories unless you're a complete fat fuck
i hope youre kidding
>fast food
Pick one poor man
All these shitty chains
>no whataburger
>no subway
Only two I'd ever eat at desu
A-are you serious
Ronnie McDoggle's makes me feel sluggish. I feel better without it
Chipotle is fucking delicious bitch
why buy a big mac when you can buy ground beef, lettuce, tomato and bread and make at least two to three burgers?
Been a long time since I've seen this delicious pasta
k actually doesnt stand for kilo but kcuc, so its 1kcal = 1cal*(You)
Because the point of fast food is not to make it yourself
i thought his point is that you can eat junk food and don't get fat?
>>The small calorie or gram calorie (symbol: cal) is the approximate amount of energy needed to raise the temperature of one gram of water by one degree Celsius at a pressure of one atmosphere.
>The large calorie or kilogram calorie (symbol: Cal), also known as the food calorie and similar names, is defined in terms of the kilogram rather than the gram. It is equal to 1000 small calories i.e. 1 kilocalorie (symbol: kcal).
>spend 10 minutes to dress up to go running
>spend 1 hour running
>spend 20 minutes showering because you're not a disgusting piece of shit
>spend 10 minutes to dry yourself off and dress yourself up
>spend 2 hours to make up for a 1-5 minute pleasure at best
>eat lower calorie meals throughout the day
>eat your 1200kcal cheat for lunch or dinner
You're retarded.
>inb4 muh cardio is healthy
Yeah, and eating that piece of garbage and doing cardio is more damaging for your body than eating healthy and doing no cardio.
Diet on big macs then senpai
implying you're not going to eat fries and soda, so you can add +2000 calories