Bench press thread

Bench press thread
How many days should I wait between bench press sessions?
I want to maximize my bench press and go higher than my personal best of 355. Hopefully be able to bench 405 in 6 months
I appreciate any constructive advice thanks!

if you benched 355 youd know

Start by not telling lies to strangers

Depends on how you structure your programming.

kek this

No I benched 355... I pyramid from 135,225, I tried to max out and was able to put up 355 yesterday.
I just want to know what's the best amount of days to rest between bench press workouts 3,4 days?

What do you mean?

if you knew how to get to 355 you know how long to rest but you didnt hit 355

fuck even if you hit 255 youd know


guy is totally full of shit

>lying on Veeky Forums to be cool
You don't bench 355. If you did, you'd know the answer yourself. You probably don't even bench 200. I'll help you out anyway:

As a beginner, bench no more than three times a week. Always have at least one day of recovery.


you arent going to get much above 2x bw as a natural so i suggest you get fatter.

Do sheiko.

You can try benching 6 times a week. Just split up your current volume into more days. If you can handle that, try increasing the volume slightly.

look i mainly do boxing, jogging for my workout but have been doing weights 3 times a week ... i dont care if you believe me or not all im asking is how long should i wait between bench press workouts for best results to gain the most strength i can and feel the best results. i dont want to be counter productive. thanks

bench pressing 355 6 days a week! is this a joke? id die id feel week as shit. I benched friday night and its saturday night now and my arms are aching

You would keep weekly volume constant, so each workout would be much easier. If you do 2 bench days a week and do 9 sets per workout, then do 3 sets per workout over 6 days. This can help with technique and allows you to be less fatigued during most of your sets since there will be fewer preceding sets in the same day.

This is what I've been doing. At what point can I start doing more and how much more often would be okay?

>This is what I've been doing. At what point can I start doing more and how much more often would be okay?
You'll know the answer to this when you do. Stop rushing gains. It takes time. There's no magical formula that'll magically make you stronger faster.

>arms aching from benching
Do you really want to keep up this obvious lie?

Why complicate things. I bench monday/friday and OHP wednesday. Bench max is 340 @174lbs bodyweight

thank you bro. i appreciate it finally some constructuve advice


Honestly that's pretty high, not sure what would be best to push it further - you should probably google an advanced program specifically geared toward tuning your bench. With numbers that high I'd say three days between bench sessions in which you're lifting 80% of your max or greater is probably a good idea.
My max is 320 and what got me to that point was a slightly modified 5/3/1 BBB and a very strong bulk.

>mainly do boxing
>bench 355
2-3 days is pretty good

>doing weights

no way this guy benches 355

5/3/1 BBB is a really shit bench program, I'm impressed you got to a 320 bench with it

look up greg nuckols' bench specialization programs
do whatever one is appropriate to your current strength level at whatever frequency you can handle

It worked pretty well for me. On bench day I did 5/3/1 bench with first rep last and 5x10 incline bench along with weighted dips 3x8. On OHP day I did 5/3/1 OHP, 5x10 flat bench at 70-75% working max, and more weighted dips. It shot up and I'd gain 15-20 lbs each month.

The more you bench the better you'll get. Personally, volume and frequency matter much more than intensity.

I did 5/3/1 with joker sets and FSL, I did OHP BBB 5x10 on bench day and bench BBB 5x10 on OHP day

bench actually regressed by ~10lbs over a few cycles

Strange, were you eating enough? Sleeping? Managing recovery well? It's more of an intermediate routine too, so unless you're around 1/2/3/4 for at least sets of five it probably wouldn't be great for improving much.

was around 1.5/2.5/4/5.5

slept enough, ate enough

it's just not a very good program for bench in my experience, and also in the experience of a whole lot of people who have run it - just google 5/3/1 bench stall, it's undoubtedly the most common issue people have on the program

not a very good program for me on anything actually, I only made some meager OHP gains and deadlift gains (I make deadlift gains on anything), squat got a bit weaker as well

I need a whole lot more volume in the 75-85% 1rm range, and a whole lot more frequency to make squat or bench progress

bench generally responds well to frequency and higher volume for everyone, you might want to try it too - if you got to 320 on 5/3/1 your bench would explode if you started doing it 3x a week with serious volume on Sheiko or something

Huh, guess I just got lucky then, I just figured everyone would get about the same results I did.
I'll look into programs with more volume once I'm done with my current cut, sounds like a really interesting approach. Thanks for the info.

If your primary goal is a big bench press, do the smolov jr bench cycle.

run Sheiko instead

Smolov Jr is a butchered squat program, it has no fatigue management, and is not sustainable