I see... Questions.
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Rep range for deadlifts?
PPL program, don't feel like 1x5 is enough
3x5? 6x3?
Do 1x5 on leg day after squats
No deadlifts on pull day, don't be an idiot
>back squats, sumo deadlifts, leg extensions and hack squats on the same day
Why train for strength over aesthetics if you aren't competing? Any reason at all?
so I kinda made it. I did SS and TM and was rewarded with a hot new gf, much hotter than I could dream of in the past.
so how do I deal with the feel that my new gf has slept with a ton of guys? she's hot, kinky and horny as hell. her personality is great too, she's kind, caring, treats people with respect and our values are in alignment. she's very open about her past, has had stable, longterm relationships and there's no reason to believe she's the cheating type. still, I can't help but think of her as a slut, mostly because she had lots of casual sex while I was an awkward beta who jacked it to porn (I would have been a total whore if I had the chance, so I can't really judge her). how do I deal with these feels?
Are my arms and shoulders supposed to hurt after doing squats?
gives some insight in to types of muscle fibers and how strength and hypertrophy training affect them
tl;dr you need both for aesthetics
unless youre doing blue collar stuff, probably not, but strength will never be a disadvantage
no, you're probably holding the bar wrong and supporting some of the weight with your hands. when done correctly your hands will basically just lie on top of the bar
She's with you for a reason isn't she?
Quit thinking of her as a sloot or your beta bitch attitude will make her just that.
you're enough user.
Routine for big arms?
Preferably something I can add to SS.
How do I into the Seer mode?
thanks, anonymous friend. I appreciate it.
preacher curls
concentration curls
alternating wide/close barbell curls
hammer curls
finger curls
reverse forearm curls
at the very least do the bb curls and hammer curls
This is not a routine but a list of exercises with no justification.
Have you incorporated those exercises into your routine? How big are your arms? Are you aware there are other muscles in the arm than the elbow flexors?
I do every single exercise I listed over a 6 day pplrpplr
He asked for things to add to SS
Rippetoe goes over how to add in lying tricep extensions and EZ ball curls. Read the freaking program
Literally this
I have recently read the sticky, and it said it would be helpful to eat fish. Is it really necessary? I despise almost every kind of fish that exists, it tastes so fucking bad. If fish is really necessary, how do I force myself to eat it and start enjoying it?
How should I change my routine (1/2/3/4 based PPL) to fit my low carb deficit diet?
I've been lifting for 6 months and am still pretty dyel. however, I'm happy with my overall progress.
For 4 months, I went to the gym 6 days a week doing ABCABC in SS. however, I started realizing that resting actually enabled me to lift more.
so for the last 2 months, I've only been going 3 days a week. I've been progressing much more significantly overall, but some days when I don't set records it's like ok I just wasted an entire week. additionally, everything I read online says this is bad because I'm only training each muscle group like 4 times a month at best and I need to go more to see actual progress.
any advice/ good rules of thumb regarding how many times to go a week?
You're joking, right?
Is there a certain point in that article you'd like to discuss? I'm willing to debate.
How heavy is heavy?
Hey Veeky Forums quick general question here.
When I roll my shoulders (just my shoulders, arms down) I hear slimy liquid noises in my sternum. wat do
I'm currently cutting and find it easy to go through the day with almost no food; is there any reason why I shouldn't just have a single big meal at the end of the day?
Stats first I guess
Goal: lose weight and gain strength
So I've been working out in a home gym I set up for me and the gf, and so far I'm not seeing any dramatic results but I am feeling stronger every time.
I can now do about 4x as many pushups, situps, dips as I could 3 weeks ago when I started.
My question is, could anyone get me a decent routine to put together using my home equipment? I have:
2 medicine balls, 10lb
2 dumbells
a curlbar
a straight bar
a bench
about 400lb in plates
I also have a park fairly close with pullup bars and whatnot. Thanks in advance.
Wtf, it's not about the fish, It's about the protein. If you're getting enough from other sources then you're good.
If you want to try and like fish though try other preparations. Tuna salad is a pretty nonabrasive way of preparing fish.
Ok heres your fuckin answer courtesy of the shitpost incarnate.
No you arent going to 5pl8 DL anytime soon and your aesthetics will suffer if you get close. You smell like home mixed gatorade and purple k creatine because "you wanna stay natty". Fraud if you wanna see legit results otherwise pretend its all genetics and if anyone asks you do wii fit once in a while.
How much does your mom weigh?
>need to improve my bleep test score for army officer selection
>distance running is decent but the constant turns and starting again is fucking me
Am I doing the right thing by doing a shitload of power/explosiveness training? For example I've started doing rack jerks this week (not even heavier than my push press right now though, 115kg compared to 105x3) and hang cleans. My thought is that if I can just spring away from the turns and accelerate for a few yards each shuttle I'll cruise it. I tried to keep a constant pace before and it really didn't work.
So I've finally fixed my squat form (recurring lower back pain) and I want to squat 3pl8s
Will linear progression take me there by the end of the year? Or will I need a specific program style.
Current max is 2pl8 at 6ft 4 93kg (calculator says 110kg)
Is this pasta?
"Heavy" is >80% 1RM
HEAVY is ~95% 1RM
Indigestion is really the only potential issue that comes to mind. People have succeeded using 23/1 IF, although I prefer 20/4
Will drinking sperm increase gains?
It takes a while to see visual results. Like 3 months as a general rule. And only then if you're really comparing photos. Also depends on how much you are restricting your calories.
I would do a 2 day split, and lift 4x/week. Either push/pull or upper/lower.
If you have no squat rack, try snatch grip deadlifts, they force you really low. Or you can do Zerchers out of the bench.
The exercises you should load heavily should be a squat pattern (snatch grip deads will do), a hip hinge pattern (conventional deadlift), a horizontal press (bench obviously), a vertical press (OHP, just clean it into the rack position), a horizontal pull (barbell row), a vertical pull (chinups).
Other than that, rest is up to you, can use the curlbar for curls/reverse curls/lying triceps extensions, dumbbells for lateral raises/rows depending on how heavy they are, calf raises holding the barbell should you so desire
It's about the omega 3, and tuna is kind of a mediocre nutrition source due to the mercury. Sardines are bae.
Fair enough; I've been doing that for a week with no stomach issues.
Usually by the end of the day I feel terribly hungry, lunch or no lunch. Skipping lunch so far has been great for not breaking my budget.
the dumbells I can load as much weight as much as I want, thanks for the input though
Thanks. Just what I needed to know
Are Powerlifting programs any good for hypertrophy?
sheiko programs look to have a decent amount of volume and frequency, it looks like you could make pretty natty gainz.
From what I understand, sperm is primarily the kind of protein that gets used by your skin, cartilage, etc, so no.
PL programs typically focus most on strength, but most advanced programs have Volume-focused hypertrophy training mixed in because it helps in the overall goal of strength gains.
If you lift huge and eat huge, you'll get huge off of PL programs.
this is my view, if the aesthetics also strengthen then good if not whatever.
I'm a college wrestler, season just ended. I'm 165 right now, probably close to 15%BF. Rest of the team is now in off season, bulking. Should I bulk with them, or get my summer cut on?
Do you care more about wrestling? Bulk
Do you care more about having abs for summer? Cut
You can't have both as they inherently oppose each-other, so you gotta pick one.
Can someone provide a list of the most commonly used abbreviations for Veeky Forums
Things like
dyel- do you even lift
fph(t)- fat people hate (thread)
plg- powerlifting general
Can you build muscle while eating at a deficit if you're still doing weight exercises? Or does the majority of the fuel you take in end up being used for energy expenditure and your muscles just dont build that much.
Is that the whole purpose of bulking? To get mass and muscle, and then cut to decrease body fat percentage?
Recently new to Veeky Forums lifestyle, and frankly I can't imagine losing weight and getting to a point where I'm happy with my fat % only to then intentionally gain it back for muscle growth.
1) Hypertrophy on Leg Day... Squats or Leg Press? I can push more weight with the press but I hear squats are better.
2) Just got lifting shoes and now my knee hurts a little. Coincidence?
Work on your mobility. Whether it's patellofemaoral pain syndrome (kneecap doesn't track right) or some tendonitis, mobility and ice will help.
- Hip Flexors
- Glutes
- Quadriceps
- Hamstrings
- Calves
- Hip Adductors
And do 15 single leg glute bridges. See if it goes away temporarily after.
Acid to face 3x5 every second day.
Also, it's basically water. You'd need to be very hungry for cock to get enough sperm for gains.
lurk moar
You can build muscle while cutting if you are a complete novice and a fatty, but generally you will lose a small amount of muscle mass when losing weight. The goal is to lift as heavy as you can during this to minimize muscle loss.
Yes, the general premise is to cycle bulking and cutting (or to just leave this world behind and permabulk to get huge).
Leg Press is a deceptive machine. You can put up what look like big numbers, but the 45 degree angle the sled is carried at means the net load on your legs is considerably less than the numbers show. I forget the physics on calculating the exact load given the angle. Another issue is you're not training stabilizers, which are just as important to train as your main muscles.
You're better off just squatting at ~70% for 8-12 for your hypertrophy training. You'll see much better results that way.
How do I make my ribs disappear? I'm in good weight, my abs are starting to get definition and my chest is bulging but my ribs make me look like I'm malnutritioned.
Just so I don't get meme answers, I meant putting muscle in my lower chest / upper stomach so as to make my ribs not appear.
Am I wasting time if I fast for only 12 hours? Hard to fit 14 in my schedule
If your ribs are clearly visible, you are either underweight or not training your serratus/intercostals enough.
Work on getting your bench up sky-high next time you bulk, and maybe consider throwing in dips. Your upper torso will fill out fast.
It takes roughly 12 hours for food to finish processing through your small intestine, so you're not really capitalizing much on being "truly fasted". That doesn't necessarily mean you're wasting your time, but odds are you can do better.
12 hours to digest? Man this isn't easy. I have to eat at 6am so I can work out before going to school. I could manage 14 hours on my days off but not the days I lift. Would fasting 4 days a week give me any benefits?
Yeah, your small intestine is fucking long. Are you just simply not able to eat during the day so you can get your calories during your eating period?
4 days a week is better than no days a week. That being said, it's not like you HAVE to do IF to cut. It just simply helps a lot.
train fasted?
Would I have enough energy? I fucking hate breakfasts honestly but I force myself through them so that I have enough fuel to work out properly. Just a cup of black coffee before work out?
Your body can store a shitload of glycogen, which is the main source of energy during anaerobic training like lifting. You might feel like shit the first few times because you're not used to it, but your body is designed to be able to perform while fasted if needed.
i do fasted training 4 times a week, sometimes on stims, sometimes not, it's usually fine
I do take 10g bcaa beforehand, don't know if necessary or not but *shrug*
Taking some bcaa or just some amount of protein before a fasted workout isn't necessary, but it helps a fair bit because it gives your body something to work with for repairing until you're able to eat a proper meal.
babby home gym fag here
if i run out of weight on a given exercise, is there any real point in adding reps if im only doing 10 reps a set?
if i dont have a squat rack will doing deadlifts instead fuck my shit up in the long run?
how long does it take the average weak, overweight IT fag to develop a respectable amount of muscle?
For a week now I've been feeling my left ear "closes" or "plugs up" (as though I went to the pool and water got in) for some 10-20 min after I finish my workout.
Why can this be?
>tfw sick
>tfw not sure if Im going to be well enough to hit the gym tomorrow
what do guys? I really dont want to have to miss a workout
If you are physically unable to increase the weight further, adding reps or additional sets will help, but not as much as increasing the weight. After a while it becomes more endurance training than strength.
Doing diddlies without squats won't fuck your shit up. It just won't go up as fast since Squat and DL help each-other due to having lots of overlap.
Depends on how fat you are, how hard you train and how strict you are on your diet.
If you don't feel well, don't lift. You risk hurting yourself too much lifting while sick. Missing a workout isn't going to make you shrivel back into a skeleton. If anything, it may do you some good because of extra rest, which is just as important as liftan.
Making tacos. Got ground beef but I drained fat after cooking before seasoning. This ground beef comes from a butcher and I don't know fat content gonna go 80/20 to be safe. Looked more like 85/15. My question is how much does draining the fat affect calories. I can't find a option anywhere on my calorie tracker. My guess is it make it more like 90/10 after fat draining?
Draining the fat reduces the fat content by 30~35%. You can figure out the math yourself with how it works out for you.
Thanks. I still haven't tried to do bench-ups with a barbell, only with dumbbells.
How do I find my starting point for deadlift, bench, and squat, without fucking around with weights forever?
I've been taking Creatine and BCAA for quite some time now as they're the only two supps I believe in. If I hop off is there gonna be any noticeable difference? All my lifts are above 1/2/3/4. It's not that I mind taking them, just don't know if I need to anymore.
Start with a relatively low amount of weight and do a set of 5 reps. If you feel like you weren't sufficiently exhausted, rest a moment and add 10-20 pounds and do another set of 5. Repeat until you find a set that is somewhat difficult but not overly strenuous. If it feels like you're exerting 70~80% of your effort, that's right about where you want to be.
You want your starting weight to be hard, but still have some wiggle room to give you room for improvement. This allows you to capitalize on noob gains without immediately hitting a wall.
I should also mention that it's pretty wise to start with the bar on Squat, and simply add weight 10-20lbs at a time for your first few workouts, and lower the weight jumps at your discretion once it starts to get hard.
Squat is a lift where form is super important to being able to move a lot of weight, and starting with the empty bar gives you time to figure out form and how increasing the weight affects how you need to move to maintain good form.
How to get Aesthetic as FUARK??
Ps I know this is probably a dumb question I just honestly don't remember working out without the two.
Reposting since last thread died before I got an answer. Should I be doing cardio and lifting on the same day, or do cardio on my off days?
I've been doing C25K as a warm up before I lift.
C25K > cooldown walk > stretch > lift > cooldown walk
Should I split these up and do C25K on my off days? I don't really like showering every day, but I'll have to if I'm exercising every day. I'm completely sedentary on my off days currently.
Lift huge and eat huge, and then cut while continuing to lift huge after a year or two.
All Creatine and BCAAs do is improve protein synthesis, which inherently increases muscle growth. The only real change is your gains may slow a bit. You'll also lose a couple pounds of weight (from water) because creatine increases your water retention like crazy.
Cardio of moderate intensity (distance running, etc) is generally okay to do on rest days, but high intensity shit like sprinting and running uphill could fuck with your recovery from liftan.
If you wanna be autistic about the importance of rest (and it IS just as important as lifting), you can always do cardio on lifting days. Just be aware of how it may affect your lifting based on when you do it.
Another thing to be aware of is stacking cardio and lifting on the same day will cause huge spikes in your TDEE on those specific days relative to your rest days, so you will need to eat a fair bit more to make up for it.
Good to hear, gains slowed down a long time ago so that's no biggie. Thanks user.
There's a gril in one of my classes that I've been seeing pretty frequently while walking my doggo on campus. When I'm not with pupper and bump into her, she always ask me how doge is doing and we have a quick back and forth.
Is it possible she wants the d or is she just a dogwhore?
Good looking man, here to giving it a shot
So ive milked my novice gains on SS BUT I got a knee injury. So my squat is still novice compared to my other lifts. How do I transition to an intermediate program with this??
>Think the machines are worthless idea is just a meme
>Decide to try dumbell curls today instead of machine curls
>Been doing machine curls for a month, but these dumbell curls like they're working out so much more than the machines. Might actually have doms tomorrow
I had no idea it was that big of a difference. My gym doesn't have a proper benchpress, so I might try out dumbell presses on Wednesday.
i mean i physically do not own enough weight to add more weight
im not really dieting as much as i am trying to keep to three square meals a day with sensible portion sizes, and no slamming biscuits down my throat.
How can I improve my grip while doing squats? Sometimes I end up putting too much pressure on my wrists and the hurt aftear each set
okay cool, as long as it's worth doing :)
Use wrist wraps or widen grip
I figured that's what you meant so my answer is still relevant. Also, I'd recommend getting MyFitnessPal and inputting everything that enters your mouth into it. It'll help keep you honest on calories.
You really shouldn't need to use your hands much beyond stabilizing the bar on your back. They should not be holding the weight at all. A good way to remind yourself of this is you put your thumbs over the bar to where your wrists are straight without flexion in your hands.
If you're having to support the bar with to keep it on your back, you're doing something horribly wrong
Do SS until you are at 1/2/3/4
Do you guys have any tips for arm hand and shoulder position for low back squat?
It's hard for me to keep my forearm vertical and not breaking my wrist
Also the front of my should hurt after squat
Rippletits has loads of form videos if you haven't already watched them, but it sounds like you have a shoulder mobility issue. Add some shoulder mobility stretches to do at the end of each workout and you should eventually be able to get that tight, narrow grip you're supposed to have
I will look it up
Be brutally honest. Do I have potential as a natty or nah?
6ft, 160. Been lifting for 2 months.
>That mask