He has better body as well, and natty
Is Connor Murphy the new Zyzz?
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I didn't want to punch Zyzz. Zyzz never made me cringe.
Like Zyzz, Connor has sex with men. Unlike Zyzz, Connor does it for free.
>zero personality
>the new Zyzz
heh you make me laff Veeky Forums
No, he's not.
Who is Zyz?
OCB>ZYZZ>Tiny(Ignore manlet status)>Connor
He should've worked out in the library more.
>and natty
Bro youre retarded.
This is unironically peak performance.
hey gonnor. by gonnor
Are you actually fucking retarded
Objectively better. lotus called out ocb a while ago and ocb admitted lotus had him beat.
No way.
Ill admit 100% lotus is way stronger. Hes one of the strongest people on this board and i love him all the same but OCB has a better looking physique. His pecs, core and traps all look better.
That pic of lotus on his bike is one of the all time most aesthetic IMO. I don't think he comes to fit anymore though.
He rarerly does cause theres so many new people now who have no idea who he is. I seen him in some thread giving advice and all these kids were calling him dyel and had no idea who he was. Probably gets annoying.
OCB couldn't even pull off the pose lotus is doing. both are fathers and lotus is still jacked as fuck while ocb is dyel. in their prime ocb still loses.
>cant pose
Oh no!!!!
100% irrelevant
>current physique negates past physique
Again makes no sense. Zyzz is dead if you forgot and he still used to look great.
Look man just sit this next one out. Youre straining yourself.
He's black though
Alex looks better than all of this cunts and he doesn't terminate himself by lifting heavy weights
The worst thing about this photo is degree deodorant.
looks like daniel radcliff head on jeff seids body.
much mire nice pose
!!rare ocb!!!, gotta catch em all
literally one good photo, the dude had 14" arms.
>OCB is dyel
lmao what
Aesthetics does not equal arm size moron.
Balcony how old are you
>in their prime ocb still loses.
>negative lats
>chit hips
>small shoulder breadth
>flat obliques
Zyzz is unbeatable for one reason. His midsection. No one has yet to match the aesthetics of his abs, and as this is 100% a genetic trait, he will reign supreme for a long time.
Remember grills only care about abs, chest and arms too. Zyzz has the perfect square pecs and most aesthetic abs of all time. His arms aren't the best, the other 2 make up for it though.
What do you do for those delts bro?
How much do you OHP?
That collage isn't me mang, that's an old trip name Tinytrip (because he was 4 foot 3 inches)
As ive said, i disagree.
SeeOCB looks better.Ya his core in general is the best of all time.
Bro tiny was bigger than that. Thats midget status.
>tfw small wrists
>tfw arms will probably never get bigger than 15"
Case in point. Unbeatable torso.
So girls don't care about shoulders and back?
Was just being sarcastic, I think he was actually 5'5 or 5'6.
His alleged routine back when he was tripping, no idea if legit or not.
>negative lats
that pose isn't for lats
>chit hips
citation needed
>small shoulder breadth
perfect v taper
>flat obliques
low bodyfat natural
keep praising your roided whiteboy that still couldn't come close to The GOAT
Only care about them if they give you a better V-taper, they won't saying shit like "oooo look at Chad'ss lats" "OMG Brad's delta are so round"
Someone post that pasta about his girl leaving him cause of his lats.
Youre baiting at this point.
>and natty
objectively lotus looks better. subjectively you prefer ocb. i'm okay with this. on a stage ocb would be runner-up everytime
Everyone in this thread prefers OCB. You are dick riding lotus way to hard.
poster count hasn't gone up from 21 since the conversation started...
Oh Okay. But anyway, thank you.
samefagging your preference. both are aesthetic who cares. different strokes for different ethnically relatable folks
No im not samefagging. I wasnt so someone else agrees with me.
2/21 is now majority in a thread.
Who is more aesthetic?
Considering its 2 on 1 it is.
roiding for this?? KEK
this dude from /plg/ is quite aesthetic too
the fact that I can see both left and right asscheeks of lotus when he is standing front on is gross. very unaesthetic
compare to OCB front GOAT, thick juicy tight, adonis belt looking great, best transition from midection to upper leg with deep insertions. Lotus is out of his depth.
angled vs dead on
pick one and only one
and yet still can't see either asscheek on OCB
confirmed GOAT
Angled and with clothes vs straight on naked?
Are you bulking on bowls of stupid?
mate angled means the ass should show more, yet it is hidden behind joocy obliques
keep tryin
Not when you have your legs posed like that. Notice his stance at all?
and hip flexors, GADDAMN
Yo, balconybro, what's your current physique. I don't usually visit the CBT.
That's tinytrip he was posting.
Tiny was addicted to Clenbuterol and almost anhero'd on several occasions due to it. He had vicious depression, and wanted to bang every girl he saw on Veeky Forums despite claiming to have a wife.
different poses
it was honestly funny when he kept insisting he was natty.
for the non-lifters claiming the underwear is cover them asscheeks, notice how lotus' cheeks are visible at the top of the adonis belt (gross), there is no muscle hiding them cheeks. OCB has great upper quad insertions and hip flexor size, no cheeks visible at all at the top of the adonis belt.
unlike the rest, Connor isn't even our guy
can see a lot of his right azz cheek in this one, can never unsee lotus azz cheek now, it is always visible.
You are genuinely autistic if you are analyzing these guys bodies this hard
didn't say I wasn't
That's like a 5 degree turn and it's fixed.
You'll learn it when you even relatively close.
I think that says more about you than anything. Zyzz was a cringe worthy faggot beyond anything that has been seen before or since.
He's the cringiest person to ever walk the earth
>there is no muscle hiding them cheeks
Those cheeks are muscle.
Time to stop bulking on Lead Paint bro, it's starting to make you post retarded things.
You must have some stupid in your eyes because it looks nearly identical to OCB in the pose
That might be so, but don't act like you wouldn't want to sniff his penis while pulling on your pud.
looks like it's time to head down to the optometrist bro, tour is over for your lenses.
>protruding azz cheek in front on pose is appealing to me
would be better if the light were on
>Those two red lumps
Did ocb inject sub q?
>Zyzz never made me cringe.
How old are you? Zyzz was a legit faggot and everything he typed was unironically cringe as fuck.
>and natty
Ian Mccarthy pls go
you can see it on the other side
being 5'6 for this
Saw Jeff Seid on the *cover* of IRONMAN magazine...
Was 'shopped to make him a bit wider....
Still looks good...
>Y'all fags are drooling....
Damn wtf where did you get this? I have been looking for any OCB for 2 years now
Zyzz was a cunt ironically
Connor(or who ever the fuck) is just a cunt
>2 years
>what is the archive
Ugly skin color
OCB might do better with the ladies, but if we're being objective Lotus wins. He almost looks like a superhero.
>those elf ears
>gigantic pepperoni nipples
who in their right mind would even consider lotus to look remotely better than OCB? look at those weak traps, unfortunate pec plus abs insertions, and disproportionate legs
OCB is GOAT desu
insecure cumskins detected
>inventors and builders of literally 90%+ of what you see around you
which one are you?
blacks have more fat on their asses so that's probably why
Everyone who isn't black isn't white. You can say that slavs are the same as Greeks it Italians, but they're actually not.
Also, you don't inherit every white person's accomplishments, same way you don't inherit what some child molester half way around the world does.
How old is Connor? I think he's the ultimate Chad.
> always getting numbers just by posing shirtless
> when the girls are in group he rejects the ugly friends
> not socially awkward
> is in university doing STEM classes
thats actually not bad
I think he is 21 or 22
>He has better body as well
You couldn't be more wrong
>and natty
You can't be that delusional.
No one EVER is the new Zyzz and the fact that years later so many people are trying to claim the throne and can't settle for anything means he can't be topped.Just stop.
>qt getting caught mirin
i will never know this feel
The only chance we had at the 2nd coming of Zyzz, was Supermang.