/plg/ Powerlifting General

Thread dedicated to the SPORT OF POWERLIFTING!


Vote! strawpoll.me/12319651

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I'm sad



Sheiko Programs:

>Beginner (/plg/ internet exclusive)

>Intermediate Small Load (/plg/ internet exclusive)

>Intermediate Medium Load

>Intermediate Large Load

>Advanced Small Load (/plg/ internet exclusive)

>Advanced Medium Load

>Advanced Large Load

>Elite Large Load

Dietmar Programs (translated by cā€™ā€™,)):

>Guide for competitive programs:

>New to competitions:

>Veteran competitive:

>Guide for volume program:

>Volume program:

>Volume program: (by Haugen)

We are talking about you

Ask Kermi how the 4x2 DL up to knees at 70% went.

er... 4x3

He said he doesn't care fuck off
His words not mine

>tfw one more day of smolov jr for squats
feels gud man

The one day we we're blessed with no trappy, we had frog shitting the thread up and being an attention whore in his place. Bummer. Back to shitty PLG as usual i guess.

First day of the cut went extremely well lads
going to be herculean by next month, just you wait
spring is PUSSY SEASON

How much do you think your squats gone up?

How much will my first cycle cost me?

1 strawpenny

Considering I'm doing it to recover the strength I lost from an injury over a 1-2 month period I'd say about 30lbs. Will probably do it again to get my squat back to my old max

Trappy post some of your favorite manga


Damn good luck with that. You think you need all that volume just to get back to where you were? I feel like it would have been smarter just to do something linear

>6x10 squats and bench tomorrow
>6x10 deadlifts the day after
>5x11 front squats and 4x10 lunges on thursday, with 87%x2x8 bench in between

what the FUCK is mike thinking??

Is anyone that's running PM here?

The first week is almost complete! Just doing the last day :)

Here's a preview of the high frequency Dietmar program, where you'll be training 6x per week.

I'm thinking about doing something like Project Momentum. Maybe call it Project Dietmeme.
I'd set up a page where you can sign up with your email, just like Mike T does.
Then I'll release the first week of the program to everyone who signed up.
You guys would try it out, see how it felt, and give feedback.
Then, you'd receive the second training week (which I'm starting to work on right now), and repeat the training -> feedback -> receive next week cycle.

It will be a total of 4 weeks, forming a block we'll call Volume 1.
At the end of Volume 1 (1 month training 6x per week), everyone would do a skill test and we evaluate the meme results.
If people liked it, we'll release the Volume 1 spreadsheet here for everyone to access.
And maybe start a #projectdietmeme2 for the Volume 2 cycle? ;)

What do you guys think?

Vote here if you think it's a good idea :) strawpoll.me/12320468

(anyone who considers themselves an Intermediate lifter and feel ready to train 6x per week will be able to join)

Why don't you take your wisdom mainstream? Start a blog or website. Post on reddit or maybe get paid to write fitness articles?

Oh shit just saw your post, do you know how much we're supposed to drop the weight when it says load drop? He doesn't have a number to drop on the training he sent

A chick did this at my gym today. She tried to pull 405 @138 lbs she got just past the knee and puked everywhere. Shit was cash.

Also yeah, no fucking idea how he considers it a "low stress week"

thats it
im calling dietmar
he will NOT be happy

I wanted to adjust myself to the high volume again. You could be right, but I got a little excited about being able to squat again and wanted to get back into high volume training again.

that's a strong fucking girl

or a stupid fucking one

my name is Gregori Yurovich I'm an upcoming champion from Uzbekistan and I'll be competing in Tokyo 2020. I've been keeping following you in these threads and I'd like you, yes YOU, to be my coach at the expense of the Uzbekistani government!

I know what you're thinking, why would any powerlifter need some lanky faggot who can't squat 100kg and hasn't ever performed an olympic lift to train them. Well guess what buddy? EXPERIENCE DOESN'T MEAN SHIT! You#re clearly a very knowledgeable, objective source of information and I value you for this! you are valued as a human being from posting here and you're being rewarded for being so knowledgeable and such a master at acquiring the BEST methods for improving lifts.

Please leave me your email so we can be in touch. You're now an olympic coach bud, you've earned it! Congratulations!


I feels ya, good luck. Hope your squat gets back to where to used to be

can i get a form check?
I know i shouldnt touch and go on deads, i know, i just felt really good so i did it on the first rep. sue me
also, i have another 2 or 3 webms i think might be good to post after, some single attempts after my work sets

How does /plg/ feel about sumo deadlifts?


Pick one

thanks, lad

its an option to register a total

A little hip rise but weight is too light to give you much or a critique. Post something closer to rpe 8 or 9

idk what rpe is but here's a heavier pull

That looks pretty good I see two things though
1. Start with your hips higher, put them where they end up when you start the pull.
2. Get a little furthet behind the bar

And this

Rating of Perceived Extertion.

It's a dumb scale.

Better scale is Reps To Failure. For an experienced lifter, you can easily tell how many reps to failure you are at at a given weight.

However with RPE, you really don't know fuck unless it's a 9-10. How do you judge a 7? 8? 5? It's so vague and arbitrary.

Here's another preview :)


He would probably be mad not that I reverse engineered a program, but that I made the spreadsheet using the same layout as Sheiko kekkkkk

RPE just means reps to failure
RPE 8-2 reps left
RPE 7-3 reps left
6 and below don't really matter

Ha ha, funny stuff senpai.

>further behind the bar
I've been working on that, it's actually a lot better compared to this time last moth
>put them where they end up when you start the pull
I'm not sure what you mean, can you explain a bit more? like, start higher? or make sure i dont "drop" my hips before hand? or what
that makes sense. that 305 is only 20 under the heaviest i got for singles before failure that day, but it felt really easy, albeit slow.
this makes more sense

ive been having issues with grip (no chalk, ordering some once bitcoin gets exchanged) and my first few inches off the floor. because of those two issues even my 1rm doesnt feel like its the max im capable of, which is frustrating.
any ideas what should i do to make those first few inches a little easier?

>I made the spreadsheet using the same layout as Sheiko kekkkkk
litterally why would you do that though?

aren't those rep ranges a bit high for paused squats? don't you normally do them at 1/2/3 reps at most?

Look at the pull. When you start your hips rise just a bit. It's a very minute detail but when you start just leave your hips where they're going when you start

this is spot on desu

Actually sorry I was basing that off your other deadlifts your heavier pull didn't really have that hip rise I was talking about.

ohhhh ok. yeah, that's something i've been working on and is probably one of my biggest issues. I've been working on getting behind the bar as my main priority but i think I'll try to put more effort into watching for hips coming up first now

And here's the training max adjustments.
The program will adjust the numbers and % of the ancillary lifts automatically for you, and you also have the option of fine tuning it.

Have you seen the original layout?
It's pretty confusing.
The sheiko layout is intuitive and works well.

Those are straight up from Dietmar.
I guess it's a bit different than what we're used to, but it's light weight so it should be fine. (the squat max is set at 100kg, and 80% of the paused is only 56kg - so 56% of the squat max)

yeah but i assumed that 100kg is just placeholder

I just finished Smolov Jr. for squat last Saturday, then tested on Wednesday. Went from 415 to 455. I probably had another 5-10 lbs in me for my initial test, so it's honestly more like 420/425 to 455. Either way, pretty sick gains.

Yes it is. I set 100kg while writing because then it is 1:1 to the percentage. Makes it easy to see and double check what I'm doing.

But in the spreadsheet you'll change it just like you do on sheiko, and then everything adjusts automatically.

Then, if you want to inflate or deload a specific lift, you just adjust its percentage on the longer table, instead of changing the max.

That's good to hear, did you incorporate any deadlifts into your routine? I haven;t to avoid fatigue, but im not sure if its a good idea to do another smolov cycle for squats and not train deadlifts again. Might throw in some 60%ers for rep work just to keep the movement going

This is a moderate stress week at most, it's really not gonna be THAT hard.


this is covered in the startup documents and FAQ he sends you. regardless, standard load drop is 5%. ie if your protocol is

>movement x5 @9 plus 1 drop set (load drop)

you would work up to your x5 @9 and then take 95% of that for your next set

Nope. Did no additional core or lower body work, apart from some calf raises.

I actually tested deadlift two days later (yesterday) and hit a 20 lb PR on that also. pulled 565 in December, then 585 (6 plate fucking finally) yesterday.

Nice congrats man, I have read that it can transition well into deadlifts. I've been pulling conventional lately, just out of preference, and it might transition even better than when i was pulling sumo. Even though my sumo is a lot stronger, pulling conventional is so much more fun.

I'm a conventional man all the way. I pull more, and sumo feels like shit on my hips if I go wide at all. But I hadn't pulled any deads for like 4 weeks, so hitting that PR yesterday was pretty killer. I could tell my reps weren't as consistent as usual while warming up, but whatever.



aight thanks, maybe i glossed over that part in the FAQ cuz i checked there.

Comfy thread~

This preview is wrong btw, I'm fixing it.

When you were gone. Talking about programming all the time is boring as fuck.

i agree it wont be impossible but in the email he really downplayed the amount of volume it is. It really is pretty high the first 3 days, the 4th day sort of saves it though

Quality of conversations will depend on the amount of people around.

Quality of threads will depend on the people who ruin them not being around.

I agree not many people posting right now, so it's slow. Maybe cuz saturday night heh.
But at least we have a comfy thread.

Soundtrack: youtube.com/watch?v=fg2yeAQX38c

I will make good on my promise

you will die now

You wouldn't want me to die before proving to me you can at least outsnatch me.


>Quality of threads will depend on the people who ruin them not being around.
Spot on again, coach. Thanks for the quality input.

Max comfy.

Just did an AMRAP with 160kg while fatigued and also my belt was too loose and got 6 reps, can I just set 160 as my 80% for Sheiko and do all my working sets of triples with it? Or do you think that's too heavy

Also on the Sheiko app for the adv large load comp cycle it has week 5 day 4 as a skills test, should I just time it to coincide with my meet?

Stop worshiping the tranny it really fucking gay

Are you retarded? Powerlifting is just numbers to you, there's no culture because you don't practice the sport.

>tricep tendonitis

what do?

You should ask somebody who competes, in person. The person you are asking has never run that program, let alone timed it for a meet.

Oh also the AMRAP was at rpe 9.5


says the man who was revealed to be a white knight.

You don't need to practise a sport to be immersed in its culture.

See: Football.

>can I just set 160 as my 80% for Sheiko and do all my working sets of triples with it?

Sure. 3 reps will probably be RPE 7.5 if you did a pause between each rep on the test, RPE 9 if you did TNG. But should be fine either way.

>Also on the Sheiko app for the adv large load comp cycle it has week 5 day 4 as a skills test, should I just time it to coincide with my meet?

Skills tests aren't ideal because you're not peaked.
The best option is to time the meet with the end of the comp cycle, where you'll be properly peaked and will have better results.

How important really is a vertical bar path for squats?

I mean there is banter then there is outright bullying

I don't really like seeing people get actually harassed


I found this guy's channel today
Fucking insane, especially the guy that owns the channel. 160 body weight 405 bench, 600 squat awful form, nearly 600 deadlift

Lel I'm talking about squat I cannot bench 160kg for a single let alone reps, but thanks
>skills tests aren't ideal cause you're not peaked
But this is the skills test on the last day of the comp cycle?

I'm basically wondering if the last day of the comp cycle is when I should compete or if I should take a few extra rest days before the meet

Also can I run the last two weeks of prep cycle 3 and then weeks 1, 3, and 5 of the comp cycle if I'm a bit short on time




fuck that is some thick fucking puke. Did the bitch drink fucking molasses?

Crucial for best performance.

However, the bar can deviate a bit and you still manage to finish the lift. It just makes it a lot harder.

So basically, when training you want a perfect bar path every rep. When testing new maxes or competing, then it's fine if the bar path gets a bit out of control and you have to grind.
These things happen sometimes, though it's always good to try to avoid them (and that's why it's important to consistently lift with perfect technique - so your motor system has the least chance to fail when you actually need it).

An example of bar path mistake: Owen Hubbard in the IPF World's classic 2016.

His second squat attempt was almost a failure, he went veeeeeery near not managing it. All because the bar path went a bit too forwards and he lost control of his centre of gravity.

Then he increased the weight for the third attempt, and nailed it. Much easier than the second, which was a major grind, despite being heavier.

I was thinking about the Deadlift :P

>But this is the skills test on the last day of the comp cycle?

On the app? Let me check here

You aren't though. You are immersed in one aspect (programming).

Ha ha, powerlifting is fun and things.

Man, the amount of shit I shove into my mouth during a meet just to keep goin, I wouldn't be surprised if someone just chugged syrup.

kek she would have had to eat a shit ton to produce whatever the hell flew out of her mouth

It's bile, probably. Girls shouldn't eat or drink before deadlift. It's coming out one hole or the other.

This is why I always pop a couple Pepto tablets before the first squat.

i shit so often that im not able to actually eat very much when i compete. Its usually just enough to keep me satiated or ill literally shit the entire meet.

Trappy, pay attention. This is the kind of shit people need to know for POWERLIFTING

Man, it's always the most stressful time for me between weigh in and first squat cause I know I'm gonna shit at least twice and there's always only one toilet.

I'm hoping that my next meet, because I won't be cutting water, I won't get the shits from chugging two bottles of poweraid.

It's really bad in gear. Once you get a suit on, that's it.

Sometimes during my squats, particularly when I'm getting to my final sets, my bar path becomes kinda shit. But the next rep I invariably correct it. How do I stop it getting shit in the first place?

I call it the Poutine Stack:
2 Pepto
1 Caffeine Pill
1 Vitamin B