Hey Veeky Forums

Hey Veeky Forums

How do you get your grills in shape when they start letting themselves go?

Do you have any good routines that you make for your girlfriends?


I know, but hey maybe some of you do.

Jogging 3x/week and eating less

It's winter time in NYC and she can be lazy. She eats relatively healthy. I can't track it because i'll be out of city for work.

Is that all your girl does? I basically want her to have a nice ass still so squats definitely in there.

Girl here. Don't try to tell her straight out to get in shape, that won't work and she'll get insulted.

Instead, kick up your own fitness. Dress in ways that emphasize your physique. Flirt with other girls (just a smidgen. Like smile at the cute batista while you guys get coffee)- only do this if youre attractive enough for the girls to flirt back with you. Make sure the girls are thin/in shape. Go out with your friends more-don't ignore her, the point is for her to see that you have a life outside of her.

She will get jelly and scared she's not good enough and adjust her diet accordingly. And if she doesnt, you'll have a better body, a better social life and more confidence anyway. You can't lose.

Sup girl,

Ha yeah, basically any time I bring it up I'm intolerant and should accept her for her.

Appreciate the advice but she's a bit crazy. She would take the route of making a scene if I did something like that. Instead we talked about it and she said if I can come up with a plan, she would commit to it.

What's your routine like?

> her face when she "realizes" she can do better and doesn't deserve that kind of selfish treatments

enjoy your no gf's

You should eat healthy everytime and train regularly, if she is a sensible person (I know that's hard given the fact she is a girl) she'll want to do the same, perhaps cook nice meals together or go for a jog. If not, dump her, someone who can't take care of her own body is unable to take care of a cub or a relationship.

If worse comes to worse i'll have to pull that trigger.

I hate to sound intolerant, but that's basically how I feel about it.


Get her interested in hiking

>This is why we can't have nice things
Women are fucking retarded children

She doesn't sound that much of a catch anyway

be in the kitchen with her when she prepares food, propose new recipes and take her with you for cardio. works everytime

Based on the women at my gym I would recommend a routine of squats 3x15 followed by every glute and hamstring assistance known to man 3x10

>that cute batista serving you coffee

Exactly my thought


Calories, regular cardio, weight training twice a week
Squats 3x8
Hip thrusts 3x12
Do these every workout
Plus some light assistance work for the upper body alternating in push/pull fashion
Dumbbell overhead press 3x12
Dumbbell bench press 3x12
Chinups/lat pulldown 3xf/3x12
Dumbbell row 3x12

I do an upper/lower split. One day of upper, I focus on chest and tris, the other on bis and delts. Abs and lats on both upper days. One day of upper, focus on hammies, the other I focus on quads, calves and glutes both days.

My suggestion if she's never done a strength routine before is a full body routine 3x a week. She will see results from this more quickly than a split as the volume will reduce the time it takes her CNS to adapt. Also: remember that women benefit from higher rep ranges than men when tweaking her routine. Have her do:

Squats 3x8-10
Romanian deadlifts 3x8-10
Calf press or calf raises 3x12-15
Dumbell curls 3x12
Tricep pushdowns 3x12
Lat pulldowns 4x12
Arnold shoulder press 3x8
Chest press 3x8
Hip thrusts 3x10
Hanging leg raises 3x10-15

If she wants, she can throw on a few sets of cable kickbacks for glutes. The routine seems taxing but in the beginning, she won't be able to lift enough weight to really gas her system. Have her do full body while incoroaring progressive overload until her lifts stall then switch to an intermediate routine (I personally like an upper lower split).

thank you for actual routines, really appreciate it!

I just gave my gf this routine to do, she's new to gym.

Day 1:
Squat 3x6
Bench 3x8
Romanian deadlift 3x10
Assisted chinup 3x10
Seated cable rows 3x10
Interval sprints (20sec at 80%,40 sec slow jog) for 10 mins on treadmill

Day 2
Squats 3x10
OHP 3x8
Deadlift 3x6
Cable crunch 3x15
Roman chair leg raise 3x15
Interval sprint on bike 10mins

The week goes 1x2x1xx2x1x2.
Any feedback on this? An ex did SS with me and some other friends and basically kept having to deload while we progressed, she ended up increasing the reps on most exercises and then made progress again but that first six months she got crazy fit from it. Wanted to try something a little different this time since this gf isn't interested in heavy lifting, basically just wants to look fit.

Introduce her to the back of my hand

you have to lay down the law at hte beginning of the relationship and then not be so much of a pussy you can't tell her to her face

let her know it's unacceptable for her to let herself go and that you expect her to think the same way about you and not let you do the same

beat me to it

Find another girl

How big is she getting op?

Lmao then she can go gain weight and let herself go with some cuck.
I'll find someone better and in shape.

how do i make my gf achieve this physique?


how to I get my bf to get in shape

this is true. studies show having a fitness oriented SO will result in most individuals to begin working out themselves, granted it takes months on average. long term you might as well just work out more anyway, because if they don't improve... guess what? You're improving yourself and making yourself available to more superficially beautiful grills

She was on a winter bulk you dipshit just wait until summer for her new reveal.

Only going to respond since quads. How active is he currently?

If you have been dating a long time and you both have very intense feels (basically you both feel like you would marry the other eventually), you can try being direct and honest. Again, this would only work if she loved you so much that you wanting her to do something would be reason enough to make her genuinely want to do it. Otherwise, telling her straightforward most likely won't work because 99% of the time people are prideful and would rather fight back against a criticism than accept it. You will have to do some persuasive jumprope and make her feel like she wants to exercise, rather than that you want her to exercise. When you go to the gym, ask her if she wants to come along and jokingly suggest she could get a better butt. Whenever the topic of food comes up (she says "omg im so full", "i dont know if i should eat at X restaurant ive had a lot today", etc), suggest she could start using the same calorie tracker that you do, and playfully add something about getting toned abs or something. It's hard to make up situations and responses to them but the main point is whenever you get a chance, merely suggest that she adopts a healthy habit related to it, and make sure to include what she would get out of it. If you aren't super close yet, what you want isn't going to be of much concern to her. To make her want to be healthy you'll need to subtilely give her an idea of why it would benefit her personally.

Thanks for ignoring my autistic typing. He's not active at all. He keeps talking about getting into shape for me but never acts on it. It's a bit frustrating but I don't want to be pushy about it.

Hmm post your body so we can see how much your bf needs to improve