Will squatting and deadlifting only once a week make my core wider? Also what excercises should I not do that will make my core wider?
>inb4 lmao small fragile core
plg fatties need no apply
Will squatting and deadlifting only once a week make my core wider? Also what excercises should I not do that will make my core wider?
>inb4 lmao small fragile core
plg fatties need no apply
>implying you have good enough genetics for your core to ever look "wide"
lmao the delusion
What? No. Have you ever seen a pro lifter below 94kg having a "wide" core? Either strongman, weightlifter or powerlifter, the lower to upper-middle pro divisions always have people aesthetic as fuck, and deadlifts and squats is most of what they all do.
what the fuck are you talking about
>hgh = squats now
just don't be so fucking fat you fat fucking fuck
This is not a good look
ITT: Lack of reality
Practically any and every lift will strengthen your core and affect it in some way. The mistake you're making is considering that a bad thing. You don't get a waist like Arnold or Zane without deadlifts and squats.
>Mocking doorbrah
Get out
...none of my relatives are that nice to look at
Golem get ye gone
thats fucking doorbrah kunt
Great. Looks retarded. Will likely take years to fix that body.
say that to my face not online see what happens.
ill suck your dick you fucking faggot
shoo golem shoo
Eat shit.
Doorbrah has the ultimate phalanx physique.
damn axl rose grew huge tits
I'm here for the incest greentext though, where is it
I don't get it, is that cancer or a bad photoshop?
Do none of you cunts know doorbrah? Fuck me
This is me except I'm DYEL. Not even fat.
What do? I'm a fucking fridge.
We're getting too old for this place, brah. I remember being in that thread
>tfw people don't know who doorbrah is anymore
one of these days someone is gonna ask who moot is, and they're not gonna be trolling
Also for the record, I would love to look like doorbrah- maybe if my arms were just a smidge bigger. I'd go fucking caveman mode and grow out my hair and everything
>one of these days someone is gonna ask who moot is
hi newfriendo
I'm not sure what you mean, I've been chained to this horrible website since 2007
it just means that the rest of us have moved on and you should feel shame for still being here.
>implying im not already ashamed for being on here every day
i remeber the boxxys. told me then that id be workin at goldman I'd laugh then playsmash bros
Deadlift deadlift deadlift, not amazing pic.. still progressing
Post the rest of the incest
>ywn get source of that image
It would probably be disappointing anyway. Still feels bad.
> thinks wide core is good
Gee summer sure is here early this year.
wtf that exoskeleton. nigger looks like the lost beetleborg.
>cousin (15)
I love playsmashing my bros.
They don't like it.