What are the differences between chinups and pullups?
Which do you do?
What are the differences between chinups and pullups?
Which do you do?
Other urls found in this thread:
Hammer ups
I do both.
I also do a variation using a thick towel and twisting on the way up and down.
Shit is ridiculous.
Supposedly chin ups hit the back more while pull ups hit your arms more
Do both
I do both.
the opposite
I thought it was the other way around
Chin ups (palms of your hand facing you) hit the biceps more
They somehow found a way to make that graphic not explain which exercise is which, kudos.
chin ups are useless do curls. pull ups are the goat
It's the opposite mate.
OP's pic is confusing,Chin ups is the picture in the upper left,pull ups are in the lower right.
chinup = reddit
pullup = normie
lat pulldown = babbys on Veeky Forums
only pullups
Lol what?
Do both weighted and stop making excuses.
wrong way amigo
Chinups are more fun and let me skip curls.
one works your back the other works your back
>t. weak faggot who hasn't tried weighted chins
Next you're going to tell me you count the bar and lifting in barefeet is good for you
Nice try
Wheelchairups = The Crow
Chinups mainly target the biceps whilst pullups mainly target the lats, I do both
Pull-ups are the more challenging exercise, but chin-ups are the better exercise for progressive overload (due to more muscle mass being involved).
Chin ups
>More biceps
>More chest
Pull ups
>More lats
>More tris
Protip: Thumbs over the bars for best results
This is literal fucking nonsense and I wish you dumb cunts would stop posting it and misleading people given all the evidence suggests chin-ups hit literally all the same muscles as pull-ups and harder to boot, according to all the major strength trainers in the world and EMG studies
Literally every person I've talked to finds chin ups easier than pull ups because they involve different muscles more
Provide links or shut the fuck up
What mode is the one on the right?
I must have it
Stop being autistic they both do essentially the exact same thing
>pull exercise
Chinups = biceps + mid / upper traps
Pullups = lats
i tought the black person is doing a pull up and the caucasian individual is doing a chin up
>what is the long head
Lurk moar
FYI it's "Person of Color."
You can just say PoC if it's easier.
Black niggers
oh fuck... hammer ups are an actual thing. I've been doing them for the past two months thinking they're pull ups. Send help. Are hammer ups good for anything?
>only significant difference is in the lower traps
Fuck you faggots.
Amazing how this autistic board will never stop arguing about even the slightest grip variation on squats but will tell you that pullups and chinups are exactly the same. (which they pretty much are)
How do I achieve zoidbergmode?
when it goes back up it pulls your back, back delts, tricep