Griplet thread.
I just failed to hit 5 reps on deadlift of 285 because of my weak grip. How do I improve? I don't want to use wraps pulling light weight.
Griplet thread.
I just failed to hit 5 reps on deadlift of 285 because of my weak grip. How do I improve? I don't want to use wraps pulling light weight.
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Are you using chalk and a mixed grip?
mixed gripp is a meme
deadlifts dont count anyway unless you use double overhand and no thumb lock funny business
Go away.
its all about hook grip
griplet detected
t. 5pl+ double overhand
Congratulations. Go do deadlifts and leave OP alone.
But he asked about if he can still improve or he should switch to griplet mode mixed grip
he shouldn't, there is no need to do that for anyone
All memes aside, just use wrist straps. If you can lift more than you can grip, then wrist wraps will allow you progress without your grip slowing you down.
Unless, of courseyou care about improving grip.
Yep, all those competitive strength athletes use double overhand grips for their maxes. As you said, literally no one ever needs to do mixed grip. Congratulations, you finally made me take the bait, now go away.
Mixed grip no chalk. Is chalk a jew?
I do somewhat care about grip but more about DL weight
700lb double overhand, and he's a fat fuck
are you past those numbers? then ok go ahead switch to hook grip double overhand
all else is dyel as fuck
He's an outlier and you know it. Besides, my point is that OP isn't a competitive strength athlete, so why would you hold him to a higher standard than one?
well when you are at 285 it is a really really really bad idea to stop progressing in grip strength
I honestly DO believe that nobody needs to switch anything up at that weight
So should i get chalk? I don't see many using chalk and i don't want to be fag like the guy squatting 200 with a belt
Except he can do accessory lifts to increase his grip, but you're saying he should stagnate on deadlift in order to increase his grip, which is silly. He should do what he has to do to be able to hold the bar while continuing to progress in deadlift and he can do accessory work to increase his grip. You're saying he should limit his entire posterior chain for the sake of his forearms.
Are wrist rollers good accessories for grip?
I had to start using mixed grip on >295lbs
t. handlet
Load the weight you're having trouble with up on the bar with the bar on the safeties a little below where your deadlift lockout height is. Lift the bar and hold on as long as you can. Also, to your previous question, chalk is fine. It's not about strength, it's about increasing friction because it keeps your hands dry. It's fine.
This is the best thing to to.
You can also hang from the bar as long as possible after your last set of pullups/chinups.
I weigh 200lbs and it was impossible to increase my dl by more than 5lb/week because of grip strength once I was near 3pl8 like you are.
Imho one of the signs of the end of a run on a novice program is that your squat starts getting dangerously close to your dl.
Use chalk. 285 isn't even that bad, and if people actually mock you for using chalk with anything they're just crabs trying to pull you back into the bucket.
Chalk is the most useful thing for increasing your grip strength. There's no reason to let sweaty palms hold you back.