Having a small dick

I really hate the size of my cock

>1 inches flaccid
>5.5 inches hard
>2 inches girth

I have actually stopped watching pornography because of the depression i get from seeing large cocks all the time, like why can't somebody come up with a groundbreaking science to enlarge/replace a small penis. I just want to know the feeling of having a big dick and the awe that comes with showing it to a women, i want to know the feeling of having an excess amount of dick meat to where it doesn't fit all the way inside the pussy, i want to know the feeling of longer strokes.

TL;DR I fucking hate my little cock and wish someone invited something to make it bigger

haha small dick

Ain't 5-6in the average? Also you can try and bang tiny chicks like they do in porn.

>2 inch girth
that can't be right

my flaccid dick is like 1.5" , when I lift it practically retracts into my body

literally don't give a fuark

Look at what youre doing user, youre sitting here typing a pathetic thread on an anime image board about the size of your cock to a bunch of strangers knowing damn well your dick is not really that small. I think youd be hard pressed to find one woman in this world that finds the size of your cock more sad than this retarded fucking thread you insecure beta fuck. You arent sad because of your dick size, youre sad because you dont have the mentality to not overthink the littlest, most minute thing in life...... and that thing im talking about is your dick, dicklet. Kek.

my fucking seids. someone screencap this


haha way to reel em' in


yeah theres honestly no way thatss right bro go watch some porn and tie a string around and come back with correct figures


don't go too far or they'll really go out of their way to prove that shit is micro

>5.5 long
>2 inches AROUND

Jesus christ dude, you may as well end it.

>tfw 7.75 long and 6 around

I had to train my wife three times a day for three years to be able to take me balls deep.

Saved text for pasta in next one of these threads. Thanks user.


trying to get the most of it and posting it in a Somalian scow board

tldr but at least you stopped watching porn

At least your race isn't sterotyped to have huge dongers, and you are left with a 4.5 incher.

>8 inch dick
>cant last more than a minute in bed

I'd trade you any day, fucker.


you literally can grow your dick about 2 inches

go to pegym

dude thats not even that small unless you are under 5 inches you have nothing to worry about, dont let it to bring you down

Girth is measured by circumference, you know that right


Hahahahahaha you lost kiddo

>tfw afraid to go to the gym for this EXACT reason
i dont want to have my pokey show through my shorts because it isn't even long enough to droop down



That's extremely small girth size, like a literal pencil dick

Holy shit I'm dying bro