Thread dedicated to the SPORT OF POWERLIFTING!
>arch your bench edition
Other urls found in this thread:
First week of Dietmar 6-day Intermediate High Frequency program available!
Reminder that this is in EXPERIMENTAL stages, and is HIGH FREQUENCY.
You will be training 6 days per week, and doing fullbody on every workout.
But don't worry, volume and intensity are adjusted appropriately.
PS: You can sign up any time, even after the project's start. I will not be closing the sign up form, so you can join us midway through if you can't earlier. :)
>the sport of powerlifting
>the sport of shitposting
>the sport of dicksucking
[UTC 2016-05-28 04:18:34] Trappy#0694: paul kill yourself
[UTC 2016-05-28 04:18:59] Trappy#0694: PAUL KILL YOURSELF
>pull hamstring during "heavy" squat
>can't squat for 1000 hours
>realize left leg is weak, glute doesn't activate
>lots of power being sent through right side, hence injury
>have somehow unlearned how to squat
>cant get left side to feel normal
>foam roll overactive muscles and do activation exercises for lazy glute
>doens't seem to work. always feels like my left leg is too far out or or not facing the right way
>start questioning everything
>hips uneven? one leg bigger than other? idk
>feel like i've had my manhood taken away because I can't squat more than 135 without feeling like I'm doing something seriously wrong
Tips? Tricks?
>the sport of deliberate injury
What is the purpose of a weightbelt when benching?
aren't you supposed to be squatting, sean?
Sheiko Programs:
>Beginner (/plg/ internet exclusive)
>Intermediate Small Load (/plg/ internet exclusive)
>Intermediate Medium Load
>Intermediate Large Load
>Advanced Small Load (/plg/ internet exclusive)
>Advanced Medium Load
>Advanced Large Load
>Elite Large Load
Dietmar Programs (translated by c’’,):
>6-day Intermediate High Frequency:
>Guide for competitive programs:
>New to competitions:
>Veteran competitive:
>Guide for volume program:
>Volume program:
>Volume program: (by Haugen)
>the lifting of powersport
you have 2 options:
A) stop posting gay shit
B) submit yourself to the harem
Trappy do you have that picture of the recommended calorie consumption for powerlifting or whatever it was?
yeah its called eat more
>it's another episode of "Panzer thinks he wouldn't be sterilized if a eugenics program was implemented"
>eat more
>says the 85kg twink
scotland will never be white
>the six hot loads on my DI's hat
I dont want to be a 94 at 173cm
gonna get back to the gym after 4 weeks brahs wish me luck
Wait, doesn't he only have a 70kg snatch? I expected him to weigh less, like 65kg.
Holy shit and he thinks he's more of an athlete than people here.
>paul will never release his bodily fluids into my butthole
To hold your shirt in place
>if you are new to a sport you are a GDE
>instead choosing to look like a noodle armed Bobby Hill with a bubble butt
>into any butthole
Stay plagued in twinkdomthen
Can you guys take a look at this program I'm looking at running? I know that sheiko is the go to these days, but I'm really happy with 5/3/1 and I'm not 100% committed to powerlifting. I would like to keep training for powerlifting and with a emphasis on the three main lifts (looking to maybe compete later this year) but I would also like to train pressing strength as well as other aspects as I'm trying to compete in strongman early next year.
Basically, this is 5/3/1 for powerlifting with joker sets added in, using the 7 week rotation instead of the 4 week. Also, I've added in 5x5 and 5x3 BBB sets opposite of the main lift for the day. ie. 5/3/1 Squat, BBB Deads to increase frequency as well as volume for the main lifts, with an emphasis on strength rather than hypertrophy (as is the case with the 5x10 variation or FSL) I've not tried to plan for accessory lifts yet, but the structure for the main lifts would be like this.
Week 1
5/3/1 Sets - 1x3@70%, 1x3@80%, 1x3+@90% 1x1@100%, Joker Sets for singles@105%+
BBB Sets 5x5@80%
Week 2
5/3/1 Sets - 1x5@65%, 1x5@75%, 1x5+@85%, Joker Sets for triples
BBB Sets 5x5@80%
Week 3
5/3/1 Sets - 3x5@75%, 1x3@85%, 1x1+@95%, 1x1@100%, Joker Sets for singles at 105%+
BBB Sets 5x5@80%
Week 4
5/3/1 Sets - 1x3@70%, 1x3@80%, 1x3+@90% 1x1@100%, Joker Sets for singles@105%+
BBB Sets 5x3@90%
Week 5
5/3/1 Sets - 1x5@65%, 1x5@75%, 1x5+@85%, Joker Sets for triples
BBB Sets 5x3@90%
Week 6
5/3/1 Sets - 3x5@75%, 1x3@85%, 1x1+@95%, 1x1@100%, Joker Sets for singles at 105%+
BBB Sets 5x3@90%
1x5@40%, 1x5@50%, 1x5@60%
All of the percentages are based off of a 90% training max, so the percentages are really not as high as they seem, as in the 100% is really only 90% of my true 1rm.
What do you guys think? Any advice on modifying it? I like the extra frequency and volume, in my experience I tend to respond really well to extra volume on top of my normal work sets, or just more volume in general.
damn so close
177cm the Duke of manlets masterrace
I got you senpai :3
Good luck with the training!
Increase intraabdominal pressure. Basically keeping your body tighter, leading to a more stable lift.
However, some people find the belt limits their arch, and thus prefer not to wear one for benching.
You are the new faggot trip. Trappy is downright tolerable compared to your faggot ass. Fucking frogposter bitch nonlifting twink fuckface
>train for months in a strength sport after training for years in a different strength sport
>have piddly lifts that the biggest GDE to ever grace Veeky Forums beats
>strength sport
Thank you
>acts like a 12 year old that just got a trip
New. Fresh. Virgin.
>moving something heavy isn't a strength sport
Stop now before the hole you're in gets to the point where your noodle arms can't reach the top.
Is there a photo of this clown? Any way to identify him?
>>moving something heavy isn't a strength sport
we're talking about panzer friend. So his statement still stands
newfags pls go
Yes. This is from when he started weightlifting. There's more from when he was powerlifting.
>joe has never deadlifting 240kg
>talks trash to me
the only strength sports in existence are:
A) strongman
negate this
Kek, I guess I didn't consider that.
Jesus. I would gymbully this kid until he cried.
Pänzer is so incredibly ugly, like he's ugly even for an American
hello my name is joe mobely and I cant deadlift 240kg but talk shit to panzer despite him being stronger than
Does he have Down syndrome? I'm gonna feel bad if he has Down syndrome.
>pulls sumo
(george w bush laugh) you forgot arm wrestling
Trappy I'm sorry for thinking you were the worst trip ever. This panzer kid makes you look like a saint. Also, what is this gif from?
>hello my name is panzertwink I claim to be a superior athlete, but the only thing I've ever been good at is picking up a heavy, balanced object to waist height and putting it back down
>when a newfag/sean trys to shittalk
scotland will still never be white
Do you have downs or just a big stupid egghead?
honestly thought trappy was literally the worst
now i dont know, panzer is making me question that
i mean, they're both horrible, but trappy is only a little shit if you attack it
pazer is just a little shit
He's not the only one who shit talks you everyone shit talks you because everyone fucking hates you
Joke's on you, that was me.
the difference is panzer is trying really hard to be shit.
this is why I'm not 94kg anymore cause it makes my side profile look like that
so how does it feel that I own you
not all of you
but just a piece
a piece of your mind
I float around in your sub-conscience
whenever you see my posts
my presence manifests itself in your mind
you get mad
I own that
your emotions belong to me
I control you
and will forever occupy a space in your mind
tell me
how does it feel?
see above
How much do you squat
180 highbar
who knows lowbar
>my side profile
Nigger what other profile do you have? Where are your parents? Aren't kids with downs supposed to be monitored so they don't eat paint chips and post on the Internet?
>180kg highbar is something to be proud of
Tbh I might be able to front squat that.
you also are like 10kg heavier than me
Alright fine I can respect that
You're a faggot still
kekkk i don't know where it's from, sorry :'3
So less than 2x bodyweight
Get the fuck out
blah blah blah
I own a piece of your mind forever
blah blah blah
how does it feel
blah blah blah
To be fair I'm 15 kilos lighter and squat 10 less (lowbar)
You're kinda weak esp if you've been lifting a while
And I could squat that beltless and highbar 10 months when I was your bodyweight.
Where is your God now?
It's the piece that used to belong to trappy. Now it wants your blood.
A) thats a bad pee pee
B) thats an e-stat
A. It's smuk_frog you ignorant cretin.
B. I did when I finished my cut at the end of last March before doing c6w. I was 193lbs. This was before I started recording every lift.
>tfw actually hyped to start project dietmemes
The first week is looking fun af and full of memes
>tfw don't even know how I'll superset bench with pendlay rows
>no 6x10 sq/bp/dl
The issue of filtering trappy is u never know when there's a new thread
Sorry, I'll remember to turn the trip off when posting a new thread next time :'3
That's an OK worn around
I wanna bodybuild because I'm a really bad at powerlifting. Been trying since 2014 and I'm no good.
Give me expert bodybuilding advice please
How the fuck am I supposed to do Rack pulls (I don't have boxes) supersetted with regular DL??
no matter what anybody says on here u should know that u r a good person :)
its literally impossible to be bad at powerlifting if you train the lifts consistently
what kind of program were you running
You can if you're a GDE the likes of plg has never seen up until Rasputin
I really doubt anyone can be bad at PL assuming you train every lift regularly unless you outright have MS or kleinfelters
Shut the fuck up, pumpkin head
I don't think he's a GDE he just needs to try harder