Vegan Bulking

>Veeky Forums told me you can't get big if you're vegan

lmao fuck off you liars

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Easy to do and vegans have more testosterone. It's a win win

Hitler was vegan and loved animals

>vegans have more testosterone
[citations needed]

wtf I love vegans now

sarah snyder for sauce, if any anons were wondering.

>get "big" in spite of something
>claim you got big because of it

I seen a body builder with one arm. Cut off your arm it seemed to work for him.

Whenever I see pics of girls like this that are obviously part native, I always wonder if they are real hardcore daddy died at age 3 from cirrhosis native, or if they're liek omg i'm part native and thats so cool even if that most likely means my ancestors were enslaved in a sex trafficking operation and her children were taken from her by white men native

> vegans have more testosterone.

>something good about a vegan
>"it's not due to the vegan diet, it's due to other factors"
>something bad about a vegan
>"haha, totally the vegan diet's fault. wouldn't have happened had they eaten meat."



Fuck off, Richard.

I saw a guy who looked exactly like the green goblin today. It was really weird.

>can't get big as a vegan

Pretty sure there are hundreds of millions of obese indians who just stuff themselves on biryani rice, saag aloos and margaried naans.

Did you look into the mirror, Richard?

fucking kek every time

It couldn't have been him, I live in a small town in a small country where he doesn't even speak the language.

Fact: more non-vegans died trying to climb Mt. Everest than vegans.


Also: all dictators who commited genocide breathed oxygen. Really makes you think, doesn't it?

nuts oats and rice. it's not difficult

>fat gf watching Naruto

What the fuck are you rambling about

>what I eat in a day
He shows literally two meals, both of them together barely 1300 calories i would estimate. How the fuck is that bulking?

also, "my psychiatrist says I need to get my brain scanned"


who the fuck is that fat chick he's living w/ stuffing her face while watching naruto lmfao

that can of coconut milk could be 800 calories, but it does look like he shared it with his brother

>normiebook tier images

fuck off retard


wow it's almost as if people are extremely genetically diverse and some age better than others regardless of their diet and lifestyle. that picture is the equivalent of saying "well this one woman smoked cigarettes for 90 years and lived to be 105, smoking must be healthy!"

jaden smith sure will give her some good dicking

Fact: all vegans who tried climbing Everest died.

Fact: You have no proof of that.

that's his wife

what the fuck

She became a fucking ham beast jesus.

Why the fuck did you make me watch that fucking shit? Who the fuck thinks that shit is entertaining? All the food looked terrible and low protein, he looks unhealthy as fuck, his voice is pretentious as fuck, and his why became a hambeast.

>All the food looked terrible and low protein
>pea protein
>low protein
>low protein
>vegan burrito w/ 30g protein
>low protein
>coconut rice

you didn't even watch the video you stupid faggot, just another dumb hater

should have read your comment before watching the vid

many regrets were had

She's just bulking



quick question.............. why isn't my tongue lodged up her asshole?

vegetarian, was 70 years ago so stfu about it already, and i love animals too, doesnt stop me from eating them.

He probably didn't even read your comment, how mad are you?

Someone told me you can keep a shitty diet and opinion of what to eat to yourself.

lmao fuck off

>doesnt stop me from eating them
you're literally not hitler

It takes a special talent to get fat on vegan diet

not really. i know a ton of vegans who live off of oreos and potato chips.

oreos are vegan? since when?

>implying you need to bulk to unleash your chakras and become an avatar of the Old Gods

not vegan if you count cross contact with milk as not vegan. i don't think a lot of people care, since veganism is not an allergy.

jesus christ why did he marry this fucking leeching dyke

No it doesn't. Most cookies, candies, sodas and juices are vegan.

wait why is no one talking about the part where he says the psychiatrist thinks he is having psychotic symptoms. that's hilarious

i havent been clicking VG threads for a while, how did he get raided by the cops?

No they don't. Stop spreading bad science.

You can, but you're gonna make it harder for yourself.

But why doesn't it, tho

You're just doing in eight years what you can do in four. It's just a waste of time

>8 males, lacto-ovo-vegetarian
>vegetarian diet
>vegetarian diet
>last study totally unrelated
All those studies consist of samples of max 12 people.
Here's a proper study involving 700 people, MADE ON VEGANS: "Vegans had higher testosterone levels than vegetarians and meat-eaters, but this was offset by higher sex hormone binding globulin, and
there were no differences between diet groups in free testosterone"

Get btfo, faggot. Who's the one spreading bad science? Fuck you.

veganism is literally healthier than any meat-containing diet could ever be

nice shitpost though

>vegetarian diet
Exactly, think how much worse vegans are then. That was also just one study, why didn't you respond to the other three? Cherry picking, that's why.

>there were no differences between diet grouos
Kek , thanks for proving my point. I think the lack of b12 is fucking with your thinking

>literally drinking estrogen filled milk

LOL fuck off with your bad science bro

Also nice sample sizes faggot
Lets see you climb mount everest user, you are not weaker than a vegan are you?!?!?!?!?

wow look at this

>think of how much worse vegans are then

stalin and mao ate animals

You know you are really running out of arguments when you cite falsehoods like the Hitler vegan claim

And yet children will die if you put them on a vegan diet

"It is the position of the American Dietetic Association that appropriately planned vegetarian diets, including total vegetarian or vegan diets, are healthful, nutritionally adequate, and may provide health benefits in the prevention and treatment of certain diseases. Well-planned vegetarian diets are appropriate for individuals during all stages of the life cycle, including pregnancy, lactation, infancy, childhood, and adolescence, and for athletes."
A lot more children die at the hands of incompetent meat eating parents than vegan ones

But not due to malnutrition. Honest that was a shit attempt at damage control

Learn from Clarence.

An example of how the only way to be a swole vegan is to juice.

yeah, let's discredit all the good tip because he roids.

it's almost laughable how delusional you meat cucks are
Patrik Baboumian vegan and holds world records
Kendrick Farris hold american weight lifting record and vegan

if meat eating is so superior why didn't meat eating use their superior strength to beat their records? I can't wait to hear no response or what mental gymnastics you will use to try and rationalize this

i didn't use any arguments. It was a joke, you spaz
but if you want anecdotal arguments against veganism just look at that cunt vegan stains
wow, vg is filtered phrase now?

lol, it really is. guiz, guiz, try posting v... g... phrase, lol

Literally anyone will die if they only eat soy milk and apple juice

Just like how anyone would die if they only eat meat

Wrong. More bad science. Veganism is destructive towards children.

Children who are raised on strict vegan diets do not grow normally:

Children develop rickets after prolonged periods of strict vegetarian diets:

"There are some links between vegetarians and lower birthweight and earlier labour"

Effects of vitamin B12 and folate deficiency on brain development in children:

"Particular attention should be paid to adequate protein intake and sources of essential fatty acids, iron, zinc, calcium, and vitamins B12 and D. Supplementation may be required in cases of strict vegetarian diets with no intake of any animal products."

These next five are case studies:

Cerebral atrophy in a vitamin B12-deficient infant of a vegetarian mother:

Severe megaloblastic anemia in child breast fed by a vegetarian mother:

Consequences of exclusive breast-feeding in vegan mother newborn - case report:

Nutritional vitamin B12 deficiency in a breast-fed infant of a vegan-diet mother:

"We report the case of a 7 month-old girl that presented with acute anemia, generalized muscular hypotonia and failure to thrive. Laboratory evaluation revealed cobalamin deficiency, due to a vegan diet of the mother."

> Deaths per year of people due to vegan diet xxx - x,xxx

> Deaths per year due to SAD ( standard american diet) xxx,xxx,xxx+

Where in those studies did you read that milk was a factor in the results? Where in those studies did you read that the subjects drank large quantities of milk?

>nice sample sizes faggot
OK cool what makes you think that the same results wouldn't happen? I mean it already occurred in four different studies. Go ahead and continue your denial gymnastics though.

Also go ahead and try to prove that milk is a huge enough factor to show a huge decrease of testosterone in vegans.

Not an argument

Why then do natty meat eaters destroy natty vegans in lifting every time?

Virgin gains has been lifting for SEVEN Years and only now has achieved a 4pl8 deadlift. Pathetic

So people wont die if they only drink soy milk and apple juice?

>macrobiotic diets
why do you need to lie to try and convince yourself you are right?

All of these people are not getting enough nutrients, if they took a b12 and d3 supplement and ate a variety of whole plant foods that met their nutritional needs

I could link you thousands of papers linking animal products to chronic disease

It's almost like there's less vegans than meat eaters. Fuck me, incredible argument.

I wouldn't be surprised if its true, there are few obese, etc vegans.

>Deaths per year due to SAD ( standard american diet) xxx,xxx,xxx+
>US population of 320M
>100M dying every year due to amerifat diet
>4M babies are born in the US every year
Yup. Seems legit.

hey vegans is this shit good?

being vegan also turns you into a psychopath

>Kendrick Farris
Kendrick Farris has been a vegan for like a year.

That's story for pretty much every single "vegan" bodybuilder or strength athlete.

>eat meat for decades
>use steroids for decades
>get huge and strong
>become vegan one day

>All of these people are not getting enough nutrients
That's because they are vegan.

>I could link you thousands of papers linking animal products to chronic disease
No you couldn't. We're omnivores for a reason. Get over it.

>there were no differences between diet groups in free testosterone
This is the key factor, retard. Free test is how you make gains and get horny. Having a high serum test means absolutely nothing if the SHBG is high enough

>tfw fourteen-eighty-eight ethical veganaryanmasterrace toobeeonnest

>mfw retards are convinced that a diet made up of turkey sandwiches and chicken breasts is healthier than a diet full of veggies

I eat meat and I can still guarantee that the average vegan is healthier than the average meat eater. I just eat that shit because it is tasty. I swear some of you have the mental gymnastics of a SJW just admit you like meat because it tastes good and youre used to it not stupid shit like muh b12

>15th vegan shilling thread of the day
>doing this every day

kill yourself anytime

>> Deaths per year of people due to vegan diet xxx - x,xxx
>> Deaths per year due to SAD ( standard american diet) xxx,xxx,xxx+

Deaths per year due to paleo gone wrong: < 3

Deaths per year due to keto and zerocarb: 0

>the average vegan is healthier than the average meat eater
This is because the averages for the meat eaters are fucked. Pit two men of equal health consciousness against each other, have one be vegan and the other eating proper meat, and the vegan gets BTFO in everything

I use it, i like it.

Should I point to all the lunatics that are omnivores that are also lunatics? Correlation ≠ Causation.

>omg guys, omnivores did 9/11, bombed the shit out of Dresden, Pearl Harbor, Hiroshima, Nagasaki, and they're currently out in the desert beheading people for ISIS propaganda videos.