>at party
>on dance floor
>pretty hammered
>go up to two girls
>say "dance? Dance?"
>one of them literally shoos me away
>"no, go away"
>at party
>on dance floor
>pretty hammered
>go up to two girls
>say "dance? Dance?"
>one of them literally shoos me away
>"no, go away"
Who is this?
Stop being an ugly creeper
you can cut down on process time and hit up more targets by
>making eye contact
>winking or blowing a kiss
>motion head to dance floor.
Either they come or they don't, if they don't, move on.
Not even that ugly. Or im delusional. Oh well.
Due to autism this is actually my first rejection
Maybe they just had something else going on that your low self esteem doesn't let you see.
Like talking serious stuff, girls always do that shit at parties. Like who likes who, who got dumped, who cheats with who and on whom, or how crippling depression has put her on the verge of suicide every night.
Women are fucking weird
Get used to it, happens all the time.
I'm 6'4 and popular and handsome and still get rejected.
They aren't rejecting you, just the you that you presented them at that moment.
Or maybe they were lesbians. Or maybe they had boyfriends. Or maybe they were talking about private shit.
Whatever lie you want to tell yourself works fine. Don't worry about it
Hard to not feel like a total bum. First rejection. Feel worthless
You'll get over it. Part of life for men, man up friendo
>winking or blowing a kiss
wew lad, that's some spicy autism right there
>First rejection. Feel worthless
Unironically, are you 16?
Come on man, stop being a dick to the poor guy.
Some people just start getting interested in the other sex later than others, or people have so low self esteem they give up before even trying.
Lacking empathy is a sign of autism, have you seen a doctor yet?
Only true betas feel the need to put others down like you just did. Male on male negging is not okay.
>Come on man, stop being a dick to the poor guy.
>Lacking empathy is a sign of autism, have you seen a doctor yet?
Yeah, you're such an altruist.
>Only true betas feel the need to put others down like you just did. Male on male negging is not okay.
Toughen up, buttercup.
No but like i said, first time ive ever approached a girl. So i guess in a way yes
In spite of what said, I didn't actually intend to put you down. Men get rejected a lot, even good-looking guys get turned down for a variety of reasons, so you'll just have to learn to live with it. Kudos on having the balls to approach her, though. That's the first hurdle and you've overcome it.
I can only imagine you staring at a girl blowing kisses and winking while nodding your head to the dance floor. They are probably thinking you are having a stoke.
>tfw using memories of rejection to fuel my self hatred and propel myself to improve myself
>tfw knowing this by definition can never end well
>winking or blowing a kiss
laughed out loud imagining gullible op listening to this shit tier advice
>Toughen up, buttercup.
Stop having dark skin
No, you need to grow up. You will reach an age in your adult life when you start to see that being a dick to others really doesn't do much for you nor for them.
Sure you can give them advice, but don't be a giant dick.
>>winking or blowing a kiss
>>motion head to dance floor.
is this a euro thing?
>>winking or blowing a kiss
>>motion head to dance floor.
I can just imagine a girl looking across the room at an alright looking guy before he starts twitching his head and contorting his face like he has Tourettes or something
At least you had the balls to do it. At my 21 I've never done it. Not a virgin tho
Any tips for a decent looking guy with 0 experience?
Get used to it, only 20 % of girls or even less are a potential partner and this number goes up only slightly with better looks. It is not wierd to get rejected and if they shoo you away what is the point of being with a girl that is an asshole?
Read the book 'models'
Seriously do it, this book is exactly for guys like you and it literally changed my life and the way how I approach social situations in general, especially girls since that is what the book is focussed on
hahahaha holy shit
>making eye contact
>winking or blowing a kiss
>motion head to dance floor.
lol this nigga is literally recommending night at the roxbury tier pickup tactics
>winking or blowing a kiss
>motion head to dance floor.
If you're Veeky Forums just go up to them and say "hey let's have fun" and point to the dancefloor.
Easy shit.
But clubs are garbage user.
Women don't have depression lol
I have never once spoken a word to initiate a dance with a girl in a club. It's all body language.
I will, thank you!
You forgot to say revolution op
>Some people just start getting interested in the other sex later than others,
If you aren't interested in girls by the time you're 14, you're gay.
jesus christ go to reddit already you immense fucking faggot. This place deals in tough love, deal with it.
>or people have so low self esteem they give up before even trying.
How do i get self esteem?
>say "dance? Dance?"
Posting in autism thread
>blows you a kiss
>mother in background taking the pic
Ah, of course. Fourfee Bafe. How stupid of me.
who be that?
>Drunk slurring "dance dance" like a retard
>Surprised when chicks are disgusted
You go, girl.
My main man, I know that feel. I´ve slept with 74 girls and had several threesomes, and the feeling of a new rejection sucks even if you know that you can get it done.
It will never stop being that way, the only solution is to be stoic about it.
Good luck man
>at club last night
>girl grinding against me
>feel an erection coming on
>she tilts her head like she's asking me to kiss her neck
>lean in close
>she turns around and looks disgusted
>walks away
How do I stop spilling the spaghetti Veeky Forums?
You didnt stop counting at like 48?
>say "dance? Dance?"
thanks for the laughs mate
you did nothing wrong user
thats fourfee bafetwo, idiot
not when you know how to actually do it instead of looking like an obese autistic sperg
There is no case you won't look like a fucking retard if you unironically blow kisses and wink
They were cunts user. Don't waste your thought over them and refine your approach a little more.
>he hasnt had a sister who's killed herself due to crippling depression and mental weakness
Lol, what a fag
Who This?
Nah, got an excel sheet for that actually
>tfw OCD about statistical analysis of pickups
>How do I stop spilling the spaghetti Veeky Forums?
Her fault. Why did she cause an errection?
wow PLEASE post your most and least successful pickup maneuvers
Please post
more pics m8?
So this is a general overview, accounting for which girls did it the first night, how hot they were, if it was a cold or warm approach, etc
Likewise per year
Least succesful is the usual wanna dance and such shit, same outcome as OP
Easiest is always warm approach from social, just be dominant and smooth at the same time, be clear about your intentions without being aggressive about them.
For cold pickup... there are lots of different ways, my favourtie ever was introducing a group of random guys to a group of random girls, you automatically become the leader of both groups. Got lots of drinks like that.
I can post some more in detail if this thread is alive in a few hours
baby wants to succcc
How is someone so autistic so successful?
wow. ok, in the first pic, what do "c" and "r" and "snl" represent? i figure theyre spanish abbreviations? i also like that you have specific data for blondes. and what do the "m" and "P" and "r" represent
> applauds
u did the right thing
Holy shit, user actually coming through with useful data! Good work, man. What's all the abbreviations? Also, what happened in 2005?
this was the best choice
jesus fucking christ Pedro, you're uppercutting my sides relentlessly
you'll receive a 20% discount when paying taxes for the wall. use the discount code "PORFAVOR"
not him but what ive been able to figure out so far is that the "c/w" in the first column on pic two is cold/warm approach. rubias are blondes.
Are you a manlet?
Abbreviations are things like c for cold approach as opposed to warm or social, r for blonde, a random x is girl takes facials, SNL means I fucked her the night I met her.
I love blondes but now living between Japan and Spain so the percentage is low, plus to be honest they seem to prefer black guys than Latino ime.
Analyzing mistakes and successes is the best way to get too at something user.
>My sides
Godspeed anons, if you have any questions let me know
As for 2005 I had a serious gf and did not cheat. 2010 is a good representative year for someone who actually tries to actively pickup and goes out for that. 2016 is tinder game for 3 months in Japan and little in Spain, but tinder in a 32mil people city will work fast af
There are people who dont do this?
M, p and r are hair colors, brunette ginger and blonde.
Sorry for all the separate posts, I'm on mobile atm
Fuckin' user delivering the autism. 10/10
Can we see a pic of you? Are you the Mexican chád or just a normal Pablo?
>mfw imagining what you look like
>go out with bros Friday night
>already pretty smashed
>order shots for us at the bar
>ordering next to me is a qt I remember from one of my classes last semester
>we never talked but she also recognizes me from class
>we chat for a few minutes
>it's loud so I have to lean in close to hear/be heard
>put my hand on her hip/back while talking
>we're totally vibing
>decide to head back to my bros
>tell her I'll find her later that night
>she says 'please do'
>I get too hammered and don't find her later eventually going home alone
This shit always happens.
Honest man in relationship and player outside of it. Sharing his data with us. Bless you, man. May great gains flow your way.
Are you by any chance a dog?
>Be at club with my dude bros
>get quite a bit of attention that night so feeling more confident than usual
>see two university aged girls dancing in their little group like right behind me
>Playfully grabbed the hotter of the twos ass
>She turns around
>"Uhmnn, No thank you!"
>I go "that wasn't even me!" with a shit eating grin
>Laugh it off and keep moving, fuck sluts haha
>fuck sluts haha
So exactly what you didn't do?
Lmao right? Fuck girls who won't fuck us bro, they're just dumb sluts who we don't even want lmao bro right bro?
You tell me
I'd say you're pretty attractive, idk about chád looks but if you're as successful as you say then you've got the skills/personality to be a chád easily.
>>winking or blowing a kiss
what is this the 1930s?