>arm day tomorrow
Arm day tomorrow
what the fucks wrong with you?
Years later they were the only problem with being able to use the internet
>measuring time in archaic "days"
>He doesn't enjoy every day at the gym
Never gonna make it.
Arm day is the easiest day because there's nothing to be afraid of (unless you don't bench with safety bars). You can go all-out without fear.
Failing a squat on the other hand sucks and failing a deadlift can snap your shit up.
>tfw it's the part of the vibration of arbitrarily picked hydrogen atom which constitutes a time to work arms
thank god, somebody else on this board has a lick of sense
>failing a deadlift
>snap your shit
You literally just drop it. If you can't feel a failin diddy before the point of a potential injury, ou deserve it
I currently do a 4 day split with an olympic workout on top of it. It fucking sucks. But should I do arm day? My schedule looks like this:
Monday: Chest/triceps + Olys
Tuesday: Back/Bis + Olys
Wednesday: Legs + Olys
Thursday: Chest/Tris + Olys again
I could add arms to friday? idk. Could prolly do more oly lifts too
Wrong. It's cesium.
>still using Caesium-133
Do you live in the stone ages, brute?
I bet you actually lift 'weights' too.
>have stochastics exam and 2 hws tomorrow, 2 job interviews, 1 blender castle model and 1 AJAX homework due tomorrow
>also leg day
nigga why am i not asleep right now so i can wake up at 6 and take modafinil
>arm day
>routine includes bis and tris
>should I do arm day?
>zumba tomorrow
>leg day
>really bad PIP in the top of my leg
>already had a rest day yesterday
Hopefully the advil doesn't fuck the pump
how is modafinil working for you?
I'm a student, and could use the easier focus
>Not lifting plutonium
Stay dyel, I'm making extraterrestrial gainz
If anything add more back to offset your chest days, you'll be hunched in no time without it.
arm day is a great day because you don't have to have such strong focus the entire workout because lol it's arm. it's also just purely for vanity which is dope
>tfw failed squat last time
fucking lucky I didnt hurt my back.
Arm day is my second favorite, you can just chill during a long workout listening to your favorite music and do curlbro shit until your biceps are all pumped up. No compounds to exhaust you or potentially injure you. Closest thing to a relaxing lift session if you ask me.
Nothing beats chest though.
core? shoulders?
>not doing arms 4 times a week at the end of every workout
>failing a deadlift can snap your shit up.
>mfw spine gives out before kung fu death grip