How are you holding up Veeky Forums?
>tfw no qt 3.14 tomboy gf
>guess I will lift until I find one
>one day r-right?
How are you holding up Veeky Forums?
>tfw no qt 3.14 tomboy gf
>guess I will lift until I find one
>one day r-right?
>tfw gf cucked me
>tfw she tried to fuck my friends
>tfw she said she didn't want a relationship then got a new bf the next day
>tfw the girl I'm talking to now makes me feel no emotions
>tfw it'll never be as good as her
>tfw I'll never 100% get over her
>tfw women are boring and repulsive
>only want to talk to them when i need to nut
Everyone feels this way after a break up faggot. Ride out the storm and you'll be fine.
T-thanks user y-you too
Seems like you have some hidden feels there friendo, it's ok, this is a feels thread. Gimme the details, who hurt you.
read your own fucking post, especially first 3 lines. how the fuck can you still be into someone like that after she did that to you? ultimate kek
Welcome to literally every man's experience since the dawn of humanity
>tfw I'll never 100% get over her
yes you will faggot. you think when you haven't seen or spoken to the cunt in 3 years you will feel pain? stop being a pussy go no contact. then you will laugh about it when you're with your next qt gf.
>tfw itll never be as good as her
get your head out of your ass and realize that it was never good with that other bitch to begin with. Anyone who would do that to another person is a piece of shit and no matter how good she looked she was a rotten person. Youll only get over her when you find someone that you consider "better". Chances are you cared for her looks rather than personality/character because i dont know what self respecting man would ever still have genuine feelings for someone that did that to them. Learn the difference between love and lust. Youre going to make it brah, as soon as you start to love and respect yourself.
My last best friend on the planet just got engaged. I am now officially the last one of my group of friends from school to be single.
Feels like utter shit because we already barely see eachother anymore anyway.
>tfw balding at 18
How fuckin cucked can one get
>tfw broke up with my high school oneitis cause I went to college far away from my hometown
>tfw she started fucking all my "friends" from high school
>tfw seclude myself from women and friends in order to never feel that pain again
>tfw years go by and it hurts less start making new friends and talking to hot grills
>tfw date a 10/10 qt 3.14 but she doesn't want to get serious because i'm about to graduate college
>tfw graduate from college and my friend a year below me starts dating her
>tfw now relapse and everyone aggrevates me and feel like I cant trust anyone
>tfw start to think about my oneitis again
will it ever stop fit?
Mine started at around 18/19 too but it was very slow. Only now at 25 is it becoming an issue.
Mine is going fast as fuck. I have the retarded jew hat balding too. At least if it was just the hairline it would look okay for a while.
Ty for validation that she's a piece of shit and I can do better friendos
She was my 9/10 and all I want to do now is hatefuck her then never talk to her ever again
>tfw when you make a girl that loves you cry
it fucking breaks my heart man because i'm wrong
No, it won't. You will continue to cycle through like this until you break it. And even when you do.
Human interaction will still hurt you. Sometimes, more often than not, and sometimes much worse than what it wasn't.
It can and will hurt you.
But it's worth it, its worth it being a human and interacting with other humans, because sometimes, it won't.
And that makes it all okay.
If I could go back in time I would cut my hair shorter sooner. Going bald now just means it's so much more noticeable if I decide to shave it.
>caring about a female's emotions
She was probably on her period. She would have cried over something or other if it wasn't you.
she will do the same thing to her current bf. forget that bitch and move on. if she tries to come back ignore her or get hurt again
Don't count on it though.
Find a better source of satisfaction and fulfilment. But try not shut yourself off completely from the world and them feels it can provide.
People suck. Women suck. Men suck.
But there are some quality folks out there. Good luck finding them. Try and enjoy the process.
Yeah lol ik she will
I'm gonna show him some DMS I have screenshotted and tell him that she send nudes to all of our mutual friends
Her reign of terror must be stopped
Me too. Doesn't help that i have an ugly head shape. I just got cucked all around.
guess i fell for the "women aren't a meme" meme
>been feeling this feel for over 3 years
Y-y-yeah user just ride it out, you'll be fine eventually
>got into a really bad argument over trivial shit with my family
>"well fuck you user, you're not eating dinner tonight" (I'm 26, only living with them because my apartment complex burned down two weeks ago)
>literal gains goblin, nah fuck that shit
>get pissed off, go to gym at 9PM even though today is rest day, squat PR fueled by rage
>do 6 sets
>go to mcdonalds
>order three mcchickens (best protein/cost and calorie/cost ratio (except for basic hamburgers and cheeseburgers, but those taste like shit) and relatively little fat)
>girl at the counter giggles a little, heavy jacket makes me look a bit fat i guess
>take off jacket, sit down, eat
>go back to counter, order three more mcchickens and two apple fried filled things (pic related, don't know the name in english)
>i'm wearing a tightly fitting hoodie btw, just put on the first thing I saw when I left
>she's mirin, plain stares at my chest and shoulders for a solid five seconds while
>smiling way more than your average friendly employee, way more than she was before
>order is taking some time, she makes small talk
>"sooo... did you just work out, sir?"
>stare at the ground for two minutes
>go sit back down, eat
>some teenage girls that were there were also looking at me
>a dyel with what was presumably his gf was also staring at me
>think "what the fuck, my chest isn't even that big", I'm a powerlifter and don't train for aesthetics anyway
>ride a bus back and forth until 1AM, get back to my parents' house, get in bed, shitpost on Veeky Forums
Fucking Christ this is why I'm always in my room except for work and gym
Gotta love autism, huh
A-at least I got mired, r-right brehs?
Really wanna join the army as a combat medic and do something with my shit life but I have zero confidence. It would make me feel so proud to tell people I do that, rather than still working in some shitty minimum wage job.
Literally just fucking do it. What do you have to lose? You don't need confidence to join.
>You will never be this autistic
feels good
I haven't felt any emotions from a girl in about 7 years. That's why I use stimulants on dates.
>>tfw no qt 3.14 tomboy gf
I'm not sure they actually exist, user.
what is a humble brag
For once my life is not a sob story
>Have childhood dream job.
>Been lurking biz and reading financial books, pulling myself out of student loan debt faster than I expected
>Have great group of bros
>Cut is going awesome. Getting gnarly vascularity and finally some ab definition
Only girl I ever truly loved just started dating someone else, so that was an ego punch. It's hard for me to date again. Every time I see a cute, single girl I think of you guys whose gf left/cucked you, and I think "whose heart did you break to get here?"
I love you guys. Fuck these roasties.
go to med school first
Welcome to Veeky Forums, now fuck back off to r*ddit.
shitty gfs and shitty friends, 2bh
>be friends with grill
>3 years passes
>she asks me if she wants to start dating
>"sure why not"
>start liking her a lot
>do so much with her that I never would of done if it wasnt for her.
>met her parents and visit her house
>cuddle naked and we both lost our virginity at 21. Lots of cute stuff, it was great.
>She was always around lots of guys though. This was always a problem between me and her. literally 2 social groups of guys friends.
>she has "depression" and hates being alone
>she starts new hobbies. Bam, more guy friends.
>found out shes a liar. expose her shit that shes done behind my back and other little lies that she just wasnt suppose to do
>we share very little interest in hobbies now
>she starts getting really close to another guy, talking everyday, telling him about the fights we have, ect.
>get really uncomfortable about this.
>decide to have a nice summer trip with her and tell her I'll pay for her ticket and we can go to the Caribbeans. the ticket is payed for her.
>declines and goes on a road trip with girl and said guy
>break it off
>she tells me that she never saw him that way and that I cannot be convinced.
>she starts dating him 1 month later
All of that shit was for nothing it feels like. Now Im improving myself but it hurts everyday.
I posted my whatsapp with a picture of a male model and cash for girls all around my campus, and I guaranteed them satisfaction.
So far not so good
what financial books breh
Not op, but I feel as though I don't care if I live or die. If I wont go on to grand things in the life then none of it really matters. The quote about Ceaser crying at the foot of Alexander the Great's memorial keeps echoing in my head.
what if you're just boring?
>do so much with her that I never would of done if it wasnt for her.
>being mired and doing nothing about it, just muh old autismo looking at the ground
In order of importance:
1) Rich Dad, Poor Dad - Robert Kiyosaki. This changed the way I think.
2) Richest Man in Babylon
3) Think and Grow Rich
Rich Dad, Poor Dad is an absolute must
>Engineer here
>Received word that some shit is going down in the tech world
>Massive data breaches
>Good job guys
post a pic and i'll consider dating you
i'm hot polish blonde with big ole tiddaes and a huge round ass
timestamp Mr baitman
>really badly want a corvette c3
>it'd be the only thing in my life that's purely for me that I'd really love
>too expensive
>have to settle for a cheap boxster to impress women and work colleagues
>only like it moderately
>still no source of pride in my life
>tomboy gf
i want one of those too user. one of my professors is just my type. i'm in love with her. they don't make enough like that
>they will ban cars that aren't self driving and internal combustion engines
The future is hell
>go on first date in six years three weeks ago (met on Tinder)
>think date's going pretty well
>ask for her number at the end of the date
>"I'll message you it."
Hurt pretty bad. Had a hard time going to sleep. Next morning, sure enough, the ol' friendzone message. Hadn't seen that in a while. Hardly ate that day and slept for twelve hours.
But since then, things have been pretty good. I feel like I've been taking a lot of steps towards improving my life, and my lifts have been getting better.
I think I realized that I have nothing a woman could want, absolutely nothing. For the time being, I am okay with that. I'm sure Valentine's Day will trigger (!!!) me and I'll feel like shit again, but things could be worse.
Just ate 6 slices of pizza for like 1600 calories but at least I'm under my total for the day still by 500
Shoulda bought the whole pizza lad
And had some tasty beer with it.
i just broke up with my girlfriend today i loved her i think but i'm not sad or happy i feel nothing
i lost my sense of taste and smell to a sinus infection a week ago and its still not back despite congestion being gone.
i havent had sex in over 6 years and this is already a worse feeling.
>miss my ex
>could easily find a new girl
>can't be bothered with "dating" and the effort that comes with it atm
>mope around instead
I'll download tinder once I'm done my cut...
>another Valentine's day
>another year with no date or gf
Maybe the gym can be my gf.
didn't mean to quote you m8
>boring day at work so i couldn't distract myself from my ex
>since the breakup, completely random, seemingly nonsense things bring back a flood of specific memories related to the thing
>the other day it was a park bench we sat on while playing Pokemon GO
>today it was a gift card that i used to buy her a gift when she was having a rough day
>resolve to burn all of the keepsakes when i get home
>no lighters or matches or anything of the sort in the house
fuckin a, boys. this is rougher than i thought it would be
Overall pretty good. Getting Veeky Forums, doing well in my uni courses and enjoying life as a whole.
My on and off girlfriend of the past four years has recently come back into my life and I'm not sure how I feel about it. I kind of hate her but will also always love her, you know?
She's also gotten really fat since we first started dating, I really keep trying to help her get fit but she doesnt seem too interested. I think I'll end up going on with my life without her while she stays doing nothing. Makes me sad.
Overall I'm happy. We're all gonna make it.
>love you Veeky Forums
>five years later here
Its hard knowing that she really was the one, and that she got away, but I've come to terms with it and you will too, user. Its a beautiful tragedy that me and her were lucky enough to share, and even that alone I'll treasure forever.
Didn't love her breh
Just got under 250 pounds for the first time since 8th grade. Met a great chick last week, had date 3 last night, we have plans for monday AND tuesday. I'm doing very well compared to the last 5 years of my life
Give it a few days or weeks. When you are less busy it will hit you and you'll cry your eyes out. Dont contact her during this time though
>tfw been happy for the past two weeks since hitting the gym
>don't really give a shit about women or gfs, just want to lift and make gains
>obviously starting off with noob tier lifts but seeing improvement over the weeks
>pretty much look forward to going to the gym after work
>just have ambition in my life to move forward, even if I don't completely know what I want besides getting fit
I think I'm doing better than I was doing awhile ago at least.
Any tips for someone who just got out of a relationship and wants to be able to feel emotions for a new girl? I've been talking to this new girl that's clearly interested, but my last relationship left such a sour taste in my mouth that I'm skeptical of all women
most women do suck. just put yourself back out there again. the time you take healing can also be spent getting to know someone new.
How old are you?
>tfw no conservative, atheist gf
>tfw all educated women I meet are leftists
>you will never find someone who agrees with your principles
Just end it senpai. Lifting is the only thing that keeps me sane, I would have bought a gun at a pawn shop and blown my brains out years ago if I didn't pick up an outlet for my anger.
>college freshman
>university in southern hemisphere (so summer school right now
>QT grad student (6.5/10) really really likes me
>alone for 18 straight valentines days
Do I gf the QT so that I don't have to be alone again
or do I leave her be and try to plow fresh pussy as the freshmen move in?
I guess this is a 1 in the hand vs 2 in the bush situation
Ive fucked up and realizing my life is more important than my personal time.
Basically I need to step up, lost lifts because I cant accept my shortfalls and disabilities that I'm trying to fiz and failing.
Where do you live user?
I recommend reducing your time on the internet, there's no point in being angry all the time and pigeonholing people, there could be a nice christian conservative qt out there you might like or a left-leaning atheist.
People aren't all the same and you're principles don't need to be 1:1, would you really be bothered by a religious gf who didn't impose her beliefs on you?
>tfw country with no easy access to guns but would bitch out trying to kill myself in a way that i could back out of
shit sucks
I live in South Carolina but the only place that is consistently leftist in the state (Charleston). I honestly can't deal with having kids with a Christian and having to go to church. I hate indoctrination like that, I remember going to Sunday school as a kid and none of the adults bothered answering our sincere questions. I also despise leftist collectivism with a passion.
I do need to spend less time on the net but where else can I find people that are in my ideological tribe?
>getting sick
>homework isn't done
>have work tomorrow
>don't want to miss lifts on monday
Damn, I'm the guy you're replying to. I think about suicide all the time but it's not the answer bro.
Don't let your politics define you, most people really don't give a shit if you are a left winger or right, as long as you are a decent human being and are open to discussion.
Sure most girls are lefties in Canada, but at the same time, most are rational and really don't care that much about the matter to scream in your face about it.
It doesn't get better and it will always stay with you as an intermittent haunting pain. Maybe you feel like it was your fault for how things turned out, maybe it was hers, but the only thing you can do now is to hold on and keep getting stronger. If something went wrong then its your job to identify those potential failures and correct them. Keep lifting heavy; while the pain won't get any easier, your spirit will grow strong enough to bear it and you'll move on one day. Talk to friends and people you normally hesitate to open up to. Keep your heart open for girls with their heads in the right place (not necessarily on your dick) and eventually you'll get past it. We're all going to make it, but there will be hurting along the way
That's the thing, it's not necessarily politics. It's about principle. Without them I am nothing, I do not meaningfully exist.
Not all churches try to indoctrinate people, I'm not religious but I have friends who grew up in church and I've been to functions to help out, really nice people and they are completely fine with people having their own beliefs.
One of the friends is openly non-religious but they still accept him, you must have been raised in a shitty church (like me).
Went to a baptist church growing up and they wouldn't answer anything you asked and told you terrible things when you were just a child.
Also like what said, I would bet if you were to meet more people/spend less time on the internet you would internalize that not all people are defined by their political beliefs or even ideology.
Honestly curious about what core principles that a partner would have to agree on.
who here /handsomevirgin/ here?
I am a 30ish year old guy who routinely gets asked why /nogf/.
>tfw 5.5 inch length
>tfw 4.10 girth
the worst? 6'2 with wide shoulders, wide pelvis and thick legs.
every day i just want to die. If you are not like me, and are feeling down, just stop and go live.
every time I go to bed I hope I don't wake up.
eventually at least though.
The only principle I hold is the non-aggression principle but that covers many bases, from . If I have kids, I don't want to hit them, spank them, etc. I was raised without violence and want to reciprocate that. In social issues, I vehemently oppose government wealth distribution schemes, non-defense warfare, etc.
I should definitely spend less time here but I can't stand joining local sports leagues or whatever people do to meet others at my age (26). I've fucked myself over by being so rigid in my beliefs but by God I'm going down with the ship. I guess I should stop bitching about it.
Man, individual worship as your self or with in your family is fine. As soon as you hit that organized shit its all bunk.
I feel like it would be easy to find someone who isn't aggressive.
A lot of people don't believe in govt aided wealth distribution and also don't believe in attacking other countries out of issues that aren't defensive.
Your beliefs aren't special user, the problem is where you live. People down south generally have all-or-nothing attitudes in my experience.
If they are "right" they usually disavow wealth distribution but will gladly attack another country or hit their child because "that's how my momma raised me".
If they're "left" they will support wealth aid but be against offensive warfare and hitting their child.
You really need to move somewhere else user, even in Ohio where I live there is a more diverse distribution of believes.
Also why do you NEED someone who has the same opinions as you.
I understand wanting to have a loved one who won't hit your kids, but how does them believing in welfare affect your relationship in the slightest?
There is definitely a crossover. If you believe the state should take someone's money/property against their will and without their consent, you're more likely to approve of violent solutions to problems.
I agree in-part though, it is partially where I live. Where I'll go when my lease is up, I'm not sure. Got some cash stashed, I might just buy a lot somewhere on the rural west coast.
>you're more likely to approve of violent solutions to problems.
Yes, I agree more likely.
Still would argue a large amount still wouldn't engage in violent behavior or support violent actions.
Best of luck to you m8, people are flawed and unfortunately you need these flawed people to be happy, try to find a qt girl somewhere out west.
>Best of luck to you m8, people are flawed and unfortunately you need these flawed people to be happy, try to find a qt girl somewhere out west.
I'm on it m8
>almost 30
>never gf
is it too late lads?
>both lost virginity at 21
Maybe YOU did
You shouldve kept her around your friends more before so she wouldve fucked them and you wouldve known she was a whore before you got attached.
>tfw having a depressive episode and want to die
>tfw will probably never feel true happiness
>tfw still have waves of missing my abusive ex
I wish I wasn't sober.
>text a grill I'm in love with (yes, legit in love with for the past few years, feeling hasn't gone away despite a few separate relationships in between)
>immediately feel like 'oh shit I fucked up I'm probably annoying her, I should play this cooler'
>doesn't text back for an hour or so
>she's receptive and it always turns out alright, I'm pretty sure she likes me
>still get this feeling of 'oh fuck man I'm just annoying her I should stop annoying her' every single time I text her
>absolutely terrified of fucking up because I want to marry this grill, don't want to make a mistake
Jesus christ lads this is stressing me the fuck out, how do I make that feeling go away?
How'd I do lads?
>mfw I just realized that I have literally never been on a Valentine's date
Met up with some chick on PoF. Worked out great. The weather was crappy today, lots of rain. We had coffee, got to drive her in my car for lunch. Ending up hanging out for 3 hours. Feelsgoodman.exe Didn't workout today, taking a rest. But man. She was awesome.
>Petite, redhead.
>Smart and can hold intellectual conversations
Fark man, I hope our next date goes well. She has that good girl personality too.
what part you from m8?
>Feel nothing
>talk to people and most emotions are faked or can't relate to them
>plenty of friends but I play the role well so no ones suspects anything
>not happy not sad always emotionally neutral
I feel like a psychopath
you should delete her number and stop bothering her before she ends up making you cry (if she hasn't already)