>I've lost the will to do anything but lift and watch anime
I've lost the will to do anything but lift and watch anime
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Thats your fault
Stop fapping and mire other people's lives
Pretty comfy existence desu
Post some good anime you like
jojo's autistic adventure
>tfw want to do the same but have to work
Is "Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon?" worth a watch?
It's a decent watch.
Has good action scenes, a few funny moments and fappable animu if you're into 2D.
Congrats. You have left humanity behind.
I'm my own master now
y'all weak ass faggots here. I bet no one of you actually lifts, just being a 2d closet homosexual.
These fucking weebs are the cancer of Veeky Forums.
user, he watches anime, this will only lead to him living vicariously through others, then pipe dreams, and finally complete detachment from reality.
look on what website you're on dipshit
not sustainable. omitting the fact it's void
- Vapid characters
- Beta male MC
- Shit love story
- Generic anime comedy
+ Decent art
+ Good action scenes
+ Nice sound FX
You'll have to watch for yourself and decide
Wrong person whoops
Just watch the first 14 episodes of SAO and then stop. I repeat STOP AFTER THE 14TH EPISODE. It gets cringy and just not good after that, first 14 ep are great though. Is it wrong to pick up girls in a dungeon is unoriginal shite, but if you don't value new or engaging animoo then it's fine.
You are the cancer of Veeky Forums
You came here 2 months ago, thinking this was an anime free board when people here used to post anime casually
Eventually most oldfags (l came here back in 2010 so l wouldn't call myself one) left because of you and your newfag normie friends' faggotry, leaving a shitty Veeky Forums with shitty memes
Anyone who has browsed for 4+ year can tell you the same thing
>this will only lead to him living vicariously through others, then pipe dreams,
I have a story in my head which I keep playing out in my imagination several times a day. It's a combination of different storylines from anime, manga, video games and tv shows with me as the main character.
Is it normal? How do I stop it?
No, unless you like watching trash for fun.
Disgusting bad taste.
Sorry they don't wanna watch your degenerate trap porn
I do the same, but I always think of actually making a manga out of it.. I believe making an anime in your head is coping mechanism to deal with stress of reality. I usually do this before sleep and instantly fall asleep.
>I usually do this before sleep and instantly fall asleep
I've been doing this for 10 years or so to help me sleep
one punch man, cowboy bebop
What the fuck are you on about? SAO was trash all the way through. The concept was interesting I guess but it's so fucking bad.
Berserk, Samurai Champloo
DBZ, Super and GT are shite
One Punch Man
Hajime no ippo
Histories Strongest Disciple
Half of Naruto
Bleach till the end of the Aizen arc
Cowboy Bebop
GTA until they get more then a little creepy with the body switching and shit
Older berserk anime and the new berserk movies.
Beblade Burst
Full Metal Alchemist, the first series, the second is okay just a step down
Robot Carnival
Vampire Hunter D
Original Jojo anime
>no TTGL
how do you stay motivated
>tfw girls on tinder say they like anime but have watched
I'd kms if I didn't have my workout to look forward to and cartoons to watch tee bee eitch. How'd I live this long anyways.
>You are ready for starting strength
>Initiate cocoon mode and max your lifts then cut.
Second arc kind of shit the bed.
You'll look like unbalanced trash and have no fucking concept of how to maintain or lift in a way that doesn't involve max lifting 24/7 or having anything resembling strength endurance.
holy shit i thought i was the only one, i used to make up these imaginary stories all the time. i still do
Anime went to shit again half a decade ago. I've been disinterested since. What shows are even popular these days?
>tfw only interested in watching this for the shortstack
It's an obscure kind of feel. Though it's not the first time I've watched a terrible anime for the girls.
I would start by stop watching anime and start watching live action shit like the wire, californication and whatever marvel shit is on netflix.
I have pretty much stopped watching anime. I have only seen like three things in the last 5 years.
attack on titan, one punch man and evangelion 3.33 movie
Neon Genesis Evangelion
Theres good stuff out there but theres plenty of shit. just like every single other medium.
What kind of anime do you like?
Start writing it down, or even better, learn to draw. 1 of 2 things will happen.
-You git gud and feel the satisfaction of seeing your dreams become real
-You realize that your ideas are actually trash and move on to something else
baka, just smdh