Powerlifting thread
Stop shitposting as user and be civil.
Other urls found in this thread:
>Stop shitposting
Kick trappy out and kill half the trips and then make it about power lifting again and then maybe
Fuck trappy cunt
>tfw you smoked some delicious marijuana for the first time in 2 weeks last night
>tfw you got high as FUCK
>tfw you wake up and your muscles are even more well recovered than usual
>tfw it's almost time to go exercise after a delicious breakfast
feel with me, family.
New Sheiko Elite Large Load program! It is high frequency (5 days/week) and has a stupid amount of volume that only a roider can withstand!
Updated all other Sheiko programs to include instructions and guidance!
Unfortunately I didn't have much time on yesterday, so didn't advance much with the Dietmar program :(
Sheiko Programs:
>Beginner (/plg/ internet exclusive)
>Intermediate Small Load (/plg/ internet exclusive)
>Intermediate Medium Load
>Intermediate Large Load
>Advanced Small Load (/plg/ internet exclusive)
>Advanced Medium Load
>Advanced Large Load
>Elite Large Load
Dietmar Programs (translated by c’’,)):
>Guide for competitive programs:
>New to competitions:
>Veteran competitive:
>Guide for volume program:
>Volume program:
>Volume program: (by Haugen)
I feel this feel with you brother. Cannabis best drug.
How can I keep my heel arch from collapsing?
That might be a real issue for me and my knees.
Real thead
>being obnoxious even when you're obviously not welcome
>believing you're actually helping anyone
>transgenders are not mentally ill
I hope livia cavalcanti dies
>>tfw you smoked some delicious marijuana
I love livia and I DO NOT CARE WHO KNOWS
I hope Sean flies Livia over to Canada and he chops her up and eats her
If people would just shut the fuvk up about trappy the thread would be good and trappy wouldnt talk about it ethier who gives a shit if shes here holy shit
Why did you give me 3 replies
lost a game of odds on last night that i had to message my ex and say i missed her
she was actually cool about it which made me genuinely miss her
anyway is high volume good or bad when cutting if i want to maintain strength
>If people would just shut the fuvk up about trappy the thread would be good and trappy wouldnt talk about it ethier
I study law please stop.
I dont get why are you mad with him when he isnt hiding with roiding and hes not saying hest natty?
>everyone bullies me, it couldn't possibly be I'M the problem
Daily reminder if your on here, your not lifting.
Already lifted or rest day. Yeah right, go to the gym faggot.
I love Lívia Cavalcanti and I don't care who knows!
That's kind of the wrong way to word it but "yes." You should never be dropping volume significantly just due to your diet, training should be about the same and you shouldn't be in so steep a deficit that it seriously hurts your recovery.
>Meet girl
>Think about our future together
who else does this
I do it with livia
When will the mods start deleting this general? This is pure autistic shitposting, not even funny it is, and it's full of cancerous tripfags that belong on Reddit. Maybe this shit only exists for containing you faggots, it'd be bad if you started leaking and contaimned the rest of the board.
Hey ur back
every time
im so lonely, lads
You dare steal my peep
Can we play soldat tomorrovski?
>Why do sheiko insists on doing dumbell flies?
Stretch under load. Sheiko doesn't want you to go heavy with the dumbbells. He wants you to get a good stretch, to get the blood flowing. And like McGill has pointed out before, stretching under load is probably way more effective at eliciting an adaptative response from the body than just regular static stretching.
So basically, think about the flys as mobility and improving the results from the bench work, and not as a separate work in and of themselves.
Use cables if you don't like dumbbells.
>If i replace it with triceps/lats work what would happen?
Your chest tendons will snap in 3 days. (kek not really)
>viability doesn't necessarily make something a good idea (to me/afaik).
Yeah, I'm reading through.
But I just happen to be autistic enough and have enough free time that I want to do this even if it ends up looking awful and being deleted in the end.
But I do have a good feeling about it. It's looking pretty neat so far.
>Please stick with x sets of y reps at z weight or z weight for x sets of y reps instead of Sheiko's soviet order
I actually reaaally want to do that, but since the spreadsheet is literally following the same layout as sheiko's I think it would be a bad idea... it would get everyone confused :s
I really don't like the reps x set scheme but I think... Well, I could also go back and change the sheiko spreadsheets as well. Hm...
Btw, have you given a look at the new sheiko I posted? It's 5 days per week. If it wasn't for the ridiculously absurd amount of volume...
But still, it can serve as a base for someone to make their own 5-6 days sheiko program - and really, sheiko and dietmar are very alike. Biggest difference would be that dietmar loves variations and sheiko loves to do the comp lifts.
My shoulders hurt doing flies so now I just do moderately heavy db press for the same reps.
I'll see if the cockfox wants to
I swear to god
Foot arch*
Guys, what can I do to keep my foot arch up in a sumo deadlift?
Yes massa
Will you guys be playing around 11 est?
scots might???? be flaking
bother him about it but yes it would in theory be normal time
rate my form
Sheiko elite is just the Fedorenko cycle, isn't it?
I wonder why Boris kept that one to 5 week accumulation and 5 week taper - maybe because the volume is so damn high accumulating for 12+ weeks would kill you?
>My shoulders hurt doing flies
It's basically the scapula thing I told you :P
If you depress them, it literally causes impingement of the supraspinatus.
Even people who don't get pain or have issues with impingement will feel it getting impinged if they depress the scapulae and put the shoulders in 90 degrees of abduction.
That's why it's important to let the scapulae rotate when doing OHP, for example (meaning people who prefer to do it seated or incline bench at almost vertical angles, where they can't move their scapulae, are more prone to injury... in an exercise that's not supposed to cause injury at all).
Or at least it's my guess. Maybe your pain is something else.
>When will the mods start deleting this general?
probably about a year and a half ago or somewhere around that
>it'd be bad if you started leaking and contaimned the rest of the board.
so you just solved your own puzzle
well done lad, go get yourself a cookie
It is my delts and pecs that hurt. Mostly pecs.
How to contain excitement?
Also, what has better bench carry over:
Flat dumbbell bench
Incline dunbbel bench
I find I get far greater pump with incline, but its less specific?
>Sheiko elite is just the Fedorenko cycle, isn't it?
Yes, just cleaned up a bit.
>I wonder why Boris kept that one to 5 week accumulation and 5 week taper
They only had 10 weeks until the comp, so my guess is that's the reason why. :P
Kind of weird that they wouldn't be preparing earlier but it's probably because he had come out of another comp or something and they were tight for time.
>maybe because the volume is so damn high accumulating for 12+ weeks would kill you
I'm pretty sure everyone here would die from that volume. No way you can run the 5 weeks of the prep cycle without steroids.
I'll be coming with more stuff though. Some of it with more sensible volume.
Can really no one answer the question?
Is there no one that has to consider this issue?
last night i was so excited that the trap was gone
now its back
>there is no god
>life is suffering
literally doesnt matter
stop worrying about the little things autist
how much weight were you using for the flyes? my arms are long as fuck and i couldn't get away with more than 30lbs or i'd feel discomfort in my shoulders
i know that benchpolkov dude runs modified fedorenko cycles or has run them in the past, but i'm not sure how much he modified the volume
iirc he said he felt better on that than he did on the adv large load, because the high rep bench pyramids were giving him tricep tendies
Yoooo. Though this particular one does want me to come over tonight to "study" and kill a few bottles of wine. If I don't get laid I will hand in my dicc tomorrow lads.
wish shit like this would happen to me
Rude. I just wanted to post dogs if I'm being honest.
But umm, powerlifting and stuff.
dont worry on the day of frogs they die first
FFS I come here yesterday to hear trappys had left and now he's already back
Couldn't survive without the pathetic orbiters I guess
Yea it's time to move on
Fuck you plg
Instead of depressing your shoulders, literally just flare as wide as you can with a higher scapula 'pinch' if you know what I mean. Comfy as sheeeit.
I've been finessin' on her for a whole semester lad. Long game has always been my strong suit.
Yeah, I saw him talking about.
Interesting stuff.
The best part about having that program though is being able to use it as base to adapt the program you are already doing into a 5 or 6 days frequency.
It's like I said to Isley, if he adds an extra day of benching he will certainly break the 155kg plateau.
I'm also considering increasing the bench frequency for Kermit. But now it's a bit too close to the competition to start messing around with these things, and he did progress fine benching 4 days.
There will be plenty of high frequency programs to come, though. Soon(tm)
Who else doing Westside barbell method but you're a loner so no crew just by yourself? Squat variation this week is zercher squat.
i bet you get turned away for going in those shoes Tbh
wew lad
yeah you were probably right to replace them with DB bench
i never felt like they did much for me either, i just stuck to them because they were in the program, if i ran it again i'd probably make the same replacement
jumping frequency from 2x a week to 3x a week didn't do much for my bench, didn't really make impressive gains on the 3 day over 80kg program for bench
now i think it might not have been enough volume
i hopped on greg's 3x bench intermediate high and have been scratching out small gains here and there in a calorie deficit
maybe i'll try Sheiko again in the future, but a higher volume one with more pump work for the upper body (seem to respond well to that for bench)
"Grab the floor".
I guess it's not an issue unless you have a history with it tho. I shouldn't have brought it up.
Looking forward to seeing it.
Haven't looked at it yet, tbH. Don't know when I will.
What does Sheiko adjust in the other programs for lifters on PEDs?
bouncers gonna fuck you up son
try not to show weakness, they can smell it
Send all transsexuals to the gas chamber.
I am fierce
Going to smuggle in alcohol, let's hope they can't smell fear.
>What does Sheiko adjust in the other programs for lifters on PEDs?
More frequent heavy work/skills testing.
>57kg Snatch+3OHS complex
>80kg Clean+3FS+Jerk complex
>not that hard despite being 92% and 98%
Oh heck!
Soon what. You snatch 70kg? I'm quaking in my wraps
ffs dino you are cheap as fuck
they are definitely gonna smell the drink if they miss the fear, hopefully they just take it off you and dont let you in than breaking it over your head but you never know
good luck
>tfw tall clean panzer's max for my warm ups
>mfw I weigh less than that fat piece of shit
I wish I had a friend like this
Should have specified power snatch too cause muh mental barrier
Plus the OHS was definitely the limiting factor on that complex you can see my shoulders wiggle and almost lose tightness on the third rep
Well, I can't squat because of knee pain and it seems that deadlifting too causes the issue.
It most likely is just generically bad knee joints that cause it.
But maybe it has something to do with my collapsed feet.
They definitely are collapsed.
Hue hue
me too on the snatch. i'm getting better though, been doing more hang and tall snatch work at 60 to work on getting under faster, all my prs are as powers though.
yeah apparently my coach is included tall snatches in next weeks programming cause he notices I'm being a shitter and not getting under the bar as easily as I can do with cleans(which actually look pretty good)
8 hour arms have made me so sleepy
Everything feels broke
Go to a specialist to get proper insoles, and you'll get exercises to fix the arch (can also find some by googling). Also make sure to get strong at external rotation and hip abduction while also increasing adductor flexibility.
That's it?
remember to tuck your dick in
did the gains goblin eat your legs
looks fine though, keep your elbows down
I've actually seen and met sparrow in real life, just didn't know it was her until today.
Pretty weird desu
Comfy thread~
Well, compared to the advanced programs, that one (Fedorenko's) has 1 more day of frequency (5 vs 4), and a decent amount of extra volume. And I've heard that Sivokon's has even more volume.
The intensity seems similar to the advanced large load, maybe only slightly higher than the prep 2.