If 2000ish calories are burned doing nothing each day, why does the source matter...

If 2000ish calories are burned doing nothing each day, why does the source matter? Are calories burned completely or not?

No you can only burn 3/5th of a calorie because the rest are niggories that don't fully burn so you have to put them to work or let the normal calories be in charge of them. Eventually they will scream about all calories matter or some shit but ignore them and keep burning through.

this, read the sticky OP

And this is why clean eating is a meme.

I don't see how calories burned has anything to do with where they come from

I did tho. I'm saying why does it matter that some of those are from protein and others are fat if they're burned anyway?

Because the time of being have ever really tried or think of doing something to do look more like

Are you serious? It's not burned like a fucking fire, do you know how the body works?

But if the macros are still used why do I need to bulk? Is "thermodynamics bro" just a meme?

I wish I could help you, but I don't know what you are even asking. You might as well be saying, the sky is blue, why do I need to bulk

>It's not burned like a fucking fire

A chemical reaction with oxygen is called burning.

Because a calorie is simply a measure of energy. Your body needs certain macros to do certain things. Sustenance is different from working out. You can technically live for years on a 12 pack of beer a day because it has almost everything you need. You will, however, look like shit.

If you want to build muscle, you need protein, otherwise your body can't build any. You need fat because of some reason I forget (Look up rabbit starvation).

Its a lot about what you are getting from the calories nutrionally. Also some foods take more calories to digest than others and others are stored nore readily than others.

Calories are not things. They don't actually physically exist. They are a measurement of the amount of energy that is released when your body burns them. That's why food packaging also say the energy value in kilojoules.

tl;dr Calories are not things.

I think that the 2000 that get burned are prioritized differently. For example if you needed 2400 doing nothing that day then you worked out and had mostly protein your body would use the protein for muscle repair then use the fat storages for bodily functions. I also think that yes thermodynamics meme's but at the same time I think there is a qualitative value to the foods you eat. If you eat something with a lot of nutrients your body will not have to use a function to fill the void and by doing so propel your muscles further with the workout. Also in respect with carbohydrates I feel that the glycemic index does have some effect. When you eat mostly sugars anyone can notice they feel sluggish they salivate more ect. So if you're cutting at 1500 calories and eating what ever you want but hitting the calories I think you'll be fine but with bulking I think the sources matter more because you're trying to turn the fuel into muscle instead of "complete combustion" and some. These are my two cents and this is just my bioscience opinion.


>Cutting foods don't really matter if you have will power; all calories used up (source matters less)
>Bulking you're creating muscles and need vitamins and proteins the body can't readily synthesize (source matters more)

jesus christ you are dumb as shit, source matters way more on a cut

"jesus christ you are dumb as shit, source matters way more on a cut"

>Not an argument

>this fucking thread

Jesus Christ OP, lurk more. No one even knows what you're asking. Sage and hide

Shut up. Now.

Your body needs protein to survive. If you do not eat sufficient protein your body will eat away at your muscles to get protein. By your logic, a 400 pound fatass could live for years without eating because "muh fat deposits".

I'm sorry do I need to elaborate something so simple and spoon feed you:
When bulking, you can eat shit food to hit your macros and still for the most part reach your micro nutrients because of the quantity of food you are eating.
When cutting, you would need to be stricter (IE SOURCE MATTERS MORE) to reach the same micro nutrient levels because you are eating less.
Obviously everything is within reason too

Am i getting baited, or is this how pathetic fit is now. That is not what i am saying at all

>I can eat 1800 calories of unadulterated lard and be fit because I'll lose weight!

Source does not matter ?

1. Diet related heath problems are the leading causes of death
2.better/cleaner sources of food are best for optimal performance
3.ideally eating vegan would be best for everyone as long as you cover all grounds when it comes to diet.

Tis burned isn't it? All the macros make up the calories in food.

>diet related health problems

Yeah because people consume in excess and become fat asses

Opinion discarded

it doesn't matter. you figured out the loophole.

t. I only eat 2,000 calories of plain refined sugar every day and I'm healthy as a horse


I guess so. I mean you are eating 1800 calories and your body burns 2000. Where is it gonna get the remaining 200??

source does matter, the small intestine uses protein as their main source of energy, so if youre low on protein your body will start disolving muscle in order to feed your gut, so if you wanna be a normal functioning human being you absolutely need protein. carbs and fats arent as essential as protein, however its easier for your body to use carbs as energy