Is Hell Week the toughest military training in the world?

Is Hell Week the toughest military training in the world?

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Can't be that bad we make the kids who pledge my frat do similar shit for initiation week

>holding hands with your military buddies
hmmmmm :^)

I'm in a fraternity, too. We have hell week, too. It doesn't compare, user. They still got to go to class, wear clothes, and not try to fight off hypothermia daily. It's significantly different.

That said, I think Cold War era spetsnaz was probably some of the toughest in the world.

Fit people lose huge amounts of weight during Ranger School. It's not as intense but it goes on for much, much longer and destroys your body rather than building it up like BUD/S.

Sounds worse to me.

Mentally? Possibly.

Physically? I doubt it

>it goes on for much, much longer

>Ranger School length: 61 days
>BUD/S length: 168 days

yeah those spetsnaz guys died from the training, before they even saw real combat

My recruit training was 154 lol

Cadre Course for the Australian (and probably British) SAS is worse than Hell Week by all accounts, as it's hell week for basically a month straight. You don't get a hot meal until day 8 and you pretty much average 2-4 hours of sleep for the first 3 weeks.

I always heard SAS entry test was the most physically challenging test in the world, but I might be biased because I'm Scottish.

They've tamed in back but it still kills a lot of people. Presumably only Mossad challenge you this much physically. Arguably the Spetznaz challenge you harder mentally, though I know the SAS torture you during training and again, often accidentally kill people.

its nothing compared to best korea trainings

SAS has the toughest

Well based off the fail rate and the quality of candidate trying out its easy to say Delta Tryouts "Long walk" is the hardest. 80-90% fail rate and nearly everyone there is already either a ranger or SF.


you sure? they can deflect axes with there abs man, that takes some hard training

The Hardest for me was the assfab.
I only got a 2 but I don't know what that means.
My CO said it was ok and just gave me another test. Only it was weird, pictures only and he gave me crayons.
I'm pretty sure I aced it though.

t. marine


Dude thats some high level shit, you sure you're not being prepped to work for intelligence? I just got some small colourful box with shaped holes on it and a few shapes to try to get in the box, was sweating bullets throughout that fucker.

thats because you are shit so it took extra long

Spetsnaz drug you and you wake up in the middle of a maze waist deep in pig guts and have to wadr your way out


SAS recruits have to undergo full blown interrogation

The SF in alot of asian countries is probably more physically exerting.

Holding hands while lying down in the sea is hardly the toughest, the underwater training isn't even comparable to most military diver training.

Sounds neat imho

>finally hit 1/2/3/4 to get ready for the military
>can hit 300 PT score pretty easily

>realize that every advanced infantry unit requires a comprehensive swimming course
>watch the Combat Controller episode of Surviving the Cut
>get anxious just watching the scuba course

Is Ranger the only special combat unit that doesn't simulate drowning during training? Or do I just need to finally get used to swimming?

Any marines here? Is it true that you lose gains at camp Pendleton?

>he literally pays for friends

It's hard, but only a week. The Winter Mountain Leader Courses in bridgeport are the hardest courses that I know of, in terms of length and how much you physically have to do. That and Bridgeport is probably the worst place there is to be in the winter.

Only if you don't train on your own.

My friend is a marine officer, when he came back from training he looked bigger but may have just been in my head. He definitely didn't get smaller and he was already a big guy

according to a navy seal (jocko willink) hell week is not training. it is a baseline standard that you have to achieve to be able to join the seals and start actually training with them. and it is far more about willpower than anything else.

You may need to do some swiming for sure but ive never heard of them simulating drowning during normal SFAS
if you go to the combat diver course then hell ya.

how does simulated drowning work exactly? Do they just pull you out right before you lose consciousness?

For you

Brazilian AF (PELOPES)

Not sure if the toughest but having to crawl bare skinned on fire ant hills was very shitty and I still haven't fully understood the purpose of it.

Well they do drown proofing and tie your hands and feet and usually make you swim and perform excersises like that. Also while scubaing they will attack you and rip your mask aoff and tie your hoses in knots. If you are actually interested then id recommend watching part 5 of the 6 part buds documentary or look up the surviving the cut episode on combat divers.Download it or watch this crappy version on jewtube

This is more common than you think, though. My dad was navy special forces (eod diver) and multiple people died in their training while he was stationed at the base where they conducted all of it. The divers had to recover anyone who drowned in any kind of navy training there, and occassionally it would be their own classmates.


I'm also in a frat.

How stupid do you have to be to compare pledging to military training? Our "hell week" is nothing compared to that. By that point you're already not gonna get dropped you basically just have to stay awake and get hazed.

>Its a "people post outdated/fictional wikipedia summaries of what happens in their favourite COD unit and somehow determine which process is more difficult based on that" episode

My town's religion has an initiation where, when we turn 16, we are sent into deep Fiordland with nothing but knifes, rifle, ammunition, and a water bottle. If we don't survive 6 months without coming out we are not considered men.

My village's mysteric cult has an initiation where, when we turn 12, we are sent into deep sacred grove with nothing but gladium, bow, arrows, and a water goatskin. If we don't survive 1 year without coming out we are not considered teens.

Conta mais dessa porra aí.

to get your mind stronger obviously

my household has an initiation, where, when we turn 5, we are launched into space with nothing but a fishbowl for breathing and we have to survive in the sea of metallic hydrogen deep within Jupiters gaseous atmosphere at roughly 5 million atm while being blasted by ionizing radiation for 1000 years or we're not considered worthy of life and our parents throw us out into the woods to starve.

My Community's belief system has an induction ceremony when a child turns five we must venture into the vagina with only a loincloth and a blade and a carton of cigarettes and survive for 11 years to be considered a toddler

You also have to live in a shithole, so probably yeah

Treinamento de selva. O pior é que nós nem somos avisados sobre os formigueiros, apenas mandam a gente rastejar por um campo mantendo a cabeça abaixo da vegetação. De repente formigas everywhere e metade dos marmanjos chorando.

It only made me hate ants even more desu.

Hmm no I don't think the SAS has a 'hell week'

Every week is hell week where I live

O que você sabe sobre o 1º BAC? Existe um mínimo recomendado de flexões, abdominais, etc como existe nos SEALs?

Elaborate please

Youre right
They do have "Lucky Dip" which is a fucked field ex with sleep dep, no food and constant movement which varies selection course to selection course
As well as all the other fuck fuck games on the selection course

Australian commandos also have whats called Demarcation at the end of their selection course. For the last three days (when youve already been pushed for the last week on minimal sleep and food), you get absolutely zero sleep and youre physically and mentally active non stop. In between being smashed in the pool, youll get a famil with a foreign weapon system, then be expected to use it the next day. Shit like that.

São praticamente os mesmos requerimentos do SAR, menos o teste de pressão.

That's also how long a pigmy goat carries.

Mas isso é o mínimo ou o recomendado? O que eu quero dizer é, no caso dos SEALs, existem quantidades mínimas para ser considerado mas existe também uma quantidade muito maior para ser competitivo. Por exemplo, o mínimo de barras é 6 mas eles recomendam pelo menos 20 para ter uma chance real de conseguir uma vaga.

Isso que eu postei é o mínimo. Claro que você deve sempre tentar mais que isso, mas honestamente a quantidade de candidatos aptos não é tão grande ao ponto de você precisar de algo muito além disso. Os SEALs além de bem pagos tem toda uma mítica em volta deles nos EUA então as vagas são mais disputadas. No Brasil pouca gente sequer sabe do 1o BAC. As reprovações vão acontecer ao longo do curso, mas raramente quem tem boa forma fica excluído na avaliação.

Muito obrigado.


Not a single one of these Navy pussies would survive finals week at engineering school.
4 hours of sleep each night? It's like they have too much free time lol.

Ranger school is not a requirement for rangers RASP is. Ranger school is a leadership course.

I think it's actually like 4 hours total.

Did you have also to fight monkeys, crocodiles and anacondas?

Are favelados considered monkeys? If so yes.
I've seen plenty of anacondas and alligators (no crocodiles in Brazil lrn2geographic range of animals shitlord) but obviously never had to fight them. You'd need to be beyond stupid to get caught by one.

We pay to not hang out with people like you

what did you have to do in your initiation?

If you mean during boot camp then possibly. Just eat what they give you and try not to stress too much. Your physical activity level isn't too strenuous so you won't be shedding weight.

If you mean being stationed on the base, not at all. There are gyms in almost every area.

This is accurate.

I was there with a battalion that had a 25% casualty rate from the winter course. Plus I had a trash BC.

> Frat boy


There's a documentary on YouTube that covers seal training, I remember this being true in it. Hell week comes first to weed out people who aren't committed. Only after that comes the technical underwater stuff.

Its still brutal, during the 50 metre underwater swim test instructors are dragging unconscious recruits out of the pool. "Sure he passed out, but his head bounced off the wall so technically he passed". That's some dedication, to stay underwater til you black out rather than fail.

A couple of lads trying out for SAS reserves selection died on a march a year or two ago. They haven't toned down the march but they did pledge that there would be a couple more water stations on the route.
Anyway, it's whatever. Soldiers die in training fairly often, I mean yes it's rare but it does happen - an infanteer died due to I think a negligent discharge on a range only a few months ago did he not?

My dad works at nintendo and he says royal marines is the toughest, so there

If you're trying out for rasp, they push you into a pool with gear on and you have to take it off underwater. Then you swim like 20 m


great, the next time we get invaded by concrete and bricks i guess we'll know who to call

this is the stupidest board on Veeky Forums

Anyone notice that every single one of them has chad jawline?

Kek. This looks like an animated version of sir's New Years comic.

Most failures in BUDS is the dive phase.
Hell week is a test of drive and hunger. Dive phase is the same but adds fear, critical thinking, and actual testable skills.

At least thats what the documentary said kek

I had always heard that they literally drown you and then revive you to see if you will trust them and that sounded quite hard to believe.

Then I saw this in the news last year:

lol more like sent to christchurch with a Q of gear and have to rob a dairy. fuckn inbred southerner

I can handle shit like that, it's just the shit where you tread water for an hour straight or they take you down and thrash you around in your scuba gear and you have to fix everything on the spot.

The merit badge did not prepare me for that shit.

>dat pic

Albert Bierstadt?

Ivan Aivazovsky.


very nice.

Gotta love romantic era painters, especially those with a fondness for the sea.

>le engineering is hard meme
Physics majors laugh at you retards every day
You're probably IE or EnvE too you fucking pseud

>4 hours of sleep each night?
Maybe start studying earlier?

Yeah I got hypothermia and had to be hospitalized during my hell week of pledging. Still promise it doesn't come close to comparing to what military forces use to train their most elite units.

>come on dawg
>I'd pee in her butt
>rye wheat Alfalfa

SBS - is SAS selection followed by 'wet dems' atleast one candidate will die every entry and the risk of hypoxic brain damage is high. Also all training is performed at...... Maximum Dive Depth.

>Still not greek
What are you black? Get out of here.

where is mercenary bro when you need him?

I keked.

My society has a custom where at 2 weeks of development fetuses are extracted, handed a bottle of brandy and sent out to: harvest the soul of one depressed Russian chess grand-master, beat Superman on the Nintendo64, gather dust from the vast plains of Mars, win the love of a good woman and get a medical degree. If we do not succeed we are not allowed to gestate further.

Give this a read. Was written by a soviet defector in the 80s

My town's religion has an initiation where, when we turn 16, we are sent into deep South Auckland with nothing but knifes, rifle, ammunition, and a water bottle. If we don't survive 6 months without coming out we are not considered men.

and yet here you are

Physically they might suck, but I suspect the mental torture is what really breaks people the most

All selections suck at the SOF level.

They're so bad none of these guys want to do it again and would rather be at war. That's how bad it is, they'd rather be in mortal fucking danger over doing a selection again.