What body type do I have?

What body type do I have?

Also my tits are pretty normal I swear its just the lighting


have any pics with undies on? hard to tell your body type while naked

Looks like Ecto

Concentration camp survivor. user I'm so sorry for what the nazis did to you.


Hnnnngh post dick, my fetish is being dominated by a guy who weighs less than me. I'd let you wreck this pussy any day

B-but this is a blue board!

post boypussy twink

What body type am I?
I'm thinking ecto

Your ecto/trapmode

Ecto, perfect body to play a childrens card game

post on imgur, and send link

But I'm pure!



How the fuck are you all so hairless


with that lightning even my grandma corpse would look like a twink

no homo

please nude, I need it for an art project



How tall are you? and how much do you weigh?

You seem to have pretty good genetics for "aeshetics"... wide shoulders, narrow waist.

Nice shoulder width, you could look pretty good if you ate and lifted

no way that is you, I've seen that pic like million times throughout past few years.



Not me (OP)

6 ft, maybe 6 1
I weigh a bit under 150 last I checked

Thx bby

You are clearly a faggot trapped in a woman's body. Start lifting and eating to become a buff gay dude like the rest of us.

no homo but... i mean your basically built to take it up the ass

you were made for dicks

post butt now

Fuck off faggots, no boipuccy 4u

wew lad, you need to be dicked to release all that pent up tension

No, although I have been dry for a while and have a lot of pent up sexual frustration as a result.

No way dude I'm 6ft and half an inch and way bigger than you and I'm only 159 lbs

Idk what to tell you, it was at least 145 a couple months ago

why does the one on the left look like a titan from SnK?

>still believe somatotypes are a real thing
How stupid are you fucks?

train to Auschwitz mode

Making-me-have-gay-thoughts-again mode.

no u