Whats the point in being Veeky Forums when a bunch of skinny or fat guys run the world?

whats the point in being Veeky Forums when a bunch of skinny or fat guys run the world?


Because they don't run your world.

Who said beingt Veeky Forums would make you rule the world? Just do whatever makes you happy you autist

Because you'll never be like them so do what makes you happy

I lift for sports/myself

My 'World' consists of my family, God, and work. Lifting made me on top of everything I did, the average person respects and likes a domineering physique. My first son is due in a few months, then I'll be his 'world', and it's all due to becoming Veeky Forums.

you mean jews, with inferior genetics, shorter lifespan, big nose, short avg height, kike face, and high iq

That nigga can't buy muscles.

When with Roids, it will take work.

>Not the easily disposed of monkey of the NSA

The fuck are you even speaking on.

This fat asian guy has a hotter girl than anybody in Veeky Forums will ever have

because we're average citizens that have to get by on our looks while these rich elites can literally sacrifice babies straight from the womb.


Look at this face


I bet he's a flip.

Filipinos are the most POWERFUL race in the WORLD.

look at those titties

>I bet he's a flip.
lolwut. he is chinese.

Here is a full body view. Look at those thighs

I laugh at the HIDEOUS UGGO Asian girls that White guys 'brag' about while average-looking Asian men get girls like this


so....you gonna give a name or what?

Jesus man, is that your sister and you're jeleaous someone else is getting to fuck her? So one not fit guy got a hot girl? Not like being fit won't help get hot girls, or help with almost everything else in life too.

Fukk she's hot

Having money usually lands you good looking women

she is?

>not posting the men zuckerberg bows to

>this guy has a gf so l guess l can't get one

She has herpes. That's why she settles with a gook.

nobody has posted a pic of Zuckerberg's ugly Chinese wife?

why do you give a fuck what other people do?

She reminds me of 'star vs the forces of evil'
shameless degenerate cunt

You realise that herpes is normal and most people in the world carry the virus right

Yeah she is faggot

trump runs the world now

Survivorship bias.