Hey Veeky Forums, I currently weigh 290 lbs, and an diagnosed with fatty liver...

Hey Veeky Forums, I currently weigh 290 lbs, and an diagnosed with fatty liver. These past three weeks I've been sticking to a good diet and excersizing regularly so I can stop dying. Just for some extra motiviation, what are the changes you noticed when loosing weight?

Pic related its me

350lbs heaviest, 240 current, 40 more to go (6'5 user).
Getting shoes on in the morning doesn't suck, eating meals isn't an exercise (never thought it was until I lost the weight and realised the effort I used to put in), clothes are much easier to find and cheaper, cheaper to eat filling meals, guilt from being a fatass in public is much less, no judgemental stares eating at a restaurant. Literally every small thing you don't notice is significantly easier on you physically and/or mentally and life just feels ezpzmode compared to obesemode and you don't know why. It sucks now, it only gets easier.

I started to enjoy wearing fitted clothes.

>I need extra motivation from outside of my body to keep not eating like a fat ass and get to a normal weight

holy fuck drink bleach fatty

Here's your reply

That's awesome! Just remember that consistency is more important than killing yourself at the gym when starting out. I know so many bigger guys who get really into the positive changes they are making and don't actually form new habits. So don't skip good meal choices, and dont beat yourself up when you fuck up

Ive seen fatty liver under the microscope, its pretty horrific when you know what normal liver is supposed to look like

As far as weight loss changes, many of my clothes are now too big, I have more energy and I am less depressed, I am more motivated to keep up with basic hygene, my BP and RHR have come down significantly

losing weight isn't hard, you should'nt need motivation to just not over eat

Thanks for the input guys.

Everybody's different user. Not everyone has the perfect mental prowess like you do. I posted here because I needed some motivation.

>perfect mental prowess
it's not even mental prowess.

unless you have some sort of eating disorder it's literally the same for everyone

some people just don't care or don't hear that they're a disgusting pile of blubber and it's killing them until they get diagnosed by the doctor with "death by being a fatass"

Were all very impressed by how much better you are than all of us who have difficulty losing weight.

So take your (You) and pls go

>Just for some extra motiviation, what are the changes you noticed when loosing weight?

The biggest thing is how much better you feel.

You never really notice how dogshit you feel all the time since you get used to being fat, plus the weight creeps up slowly, so you don't notice small things like how winded you get all the time. When you finally start dropping pounds, even a drop from 250 to 220 feels like you're becoming a new man. Going from 220 to 170 is like being born again. You feel like Goku after he finally turns off the gravity simulator.

>But I want to look better!

Feeling better is 10x the value, trust me.

Don't rely on motivation, OP, that shit's too variable. Rely on discipline, doing it even if you don't want to, for the greater good.

sup bro. started 427. down to 249 today. don't go crazy with a deficit. stick to something that you can do 7 days a week. I lost most of my weight eating about 1700 calories a day, and kickboxing. i'd have one untracked cheat day a week. eventually i got to 300 pounds and i was eating too much on my cheat day and that put me into a 2 month plateau. if you're around 6' I'd say keep your calories to 2000 a day 7 days a week. you'll feel better in the long run.

A few victories, at least as of recntly. I'm fitting into XL shirts. So many opportunities for nicer clothing opens up right there. As you lose weight, continue clothes shopping, every 10 pounds treat yourself to a new pair of jeans, or a new shirt you've wanted. I recently just got into 38 pants, the last 10 pounds I've lost has mostly been ass/leg fat, so they're already quite roomy. Levi 541s are great, and you can find them on sale quite often.

I enjoy walking now, I have zero problems parking in a far away parking spot and walking through the store. I don't have to buy massive coats anymore, there's just more room for me.

I go to the movies ALOT. My ass no longer rubs on the recliner button. I went to a hockey game, stand up show, and basketball game, I wasn't uncomfortable in the seat or ashamed for being too wide for the seat.

It's the little things though, when you walk by a window, you see your reflection, and don't recognize that person and realize it's you. It's punching two new holes in a belt, and needing to punch two more in a month or two.

But those are all experiences I was granted by not falling off the waggon, and remaining disciplined. Yes, I've had bad weeks. Christmas was rough, and there were a few nights straight where i went and bought a carton of ice cream after work and pigged out, but I knew stop it. If you feel like you're getting beaten down, take a 2 week diet break. Calculate your maintenance calories and eat 200 below that. that can really help.

I'm down to 200 from 245 (goal 150) and I feel much more comfortable at all times. Being 245 was just downright uncomfortable. Laying down at night for bed made me feel like I couldn't find a position that satisfied me, for example.

I'm this guyIt's kind funny you say you were uncomfortable, it's hard getting used to my bony knees touching eachother at night or my pelvic bones. it's an interesting experience

>never gets easier, cravings will always be there
>will look good in clothes
>will have to change your entire wardrobe
>you'll start seeing every piece of food as a calorie
>save tons of money on fast food
>wont get tired being alive, going upstairs, or walking around

I've heard this a lot and I really don't get it. Nobody works consistently all their life without motivation. Life is a wave, a fluctuation of things happening around you. How can a human not react to this?

>350lbs heaviest, 240 current, 40 more to go (6'5 user).

At 6'5 you want to stay around 220.

200 is pretty skinny my man.

I am currently 349 at the same height.

What was the diet like? I think I am about done with the IIFYM meme.

Damn.... The shoe thing got me. It is one of the things that most people dont ever think about nor experience. The amount of suck that happens while out when an overweight person notices that their shoe lace has become untied because you dont want to labor in public trying to tie it.

Good job on dumping the weight. Your post adds to my motivation to continue.