Would you use steroids if it was as easy as going to the store to buy groceries?

Would you use steroids if it was as easy as going to the store to buy groceries?

What happens if you take steroids and don't work out?


it is that easy, i would start taking steroids literally right now if they would not give you acne at all. I could care less about gyno, hair loss, hair growth or balls shrinkage


And Accutane is normally available




18 BTW

Sorry for the invert-shift


>muh ethics!

stfu faggot

u dont gain muscles, and u get all the nice side effects

You only list superficial side effects but don't seem to care about the potential damage steroids can do to your inner organs at all

Absolute madman I swear

Fuck you

The only reason i dont do steroids is the difficulty of finding a reliable supplier with hi quality goods if I could get it at the pharmacy is I'd be one happy motherfucker

No I'm fine with eventually reaching the natty limit and not risk my health.

Kek you gain as much muscle as a natty who works hard in the gym

>be overeem in japan
>have 10/10 natty body, young face, fuckboi brit haircut, ko power 4 days, submission skills
>get ko'd by the wind and shit
>take roids

>overeem now
>good ko/ submissions
>large arms, chest, upper back
>took so much shit that his head grew
>get ko'd even more


just dont use too much, cycled test e 350 e5d for 100 days and had zero acne or any other sides... only sweat at night like hell

If they were legal and I could get frequent blood tests without anyone hassling me then yes.

Only if it was significantly cheaper. The test isn't expensive but the estrogen blockers and shit are.

it literally is lol

it's actually even easier, you get it in your mail rather than you going to the store


ITT: More newfags who cant be bothered to read a 5 minute article about IM test

i can answer this from experience

don't gain muscle (in any noticeable amounts) but don't lose muscle either, harder to gain fat, lose minimal strength, high blood pressure

I think i'd at least have a go.

Where can I get my hands on it

It's easier than going to the store and buying groceries because it's all done online and takes 48 hours for delivery.

And I do, so yes.

Acne is a result of hormonal changes, not the steroids themselves. Use them like you're supposed to and you're fine.

Depends how much you take. You can (and it has even been done) put on muscle purely through taking steroids and eating and not working out. It's just fucking pointless.

>but don't seem to care about the potential damage steroids can do to your inner organs at all
Most people don't take orals any more and even those are fairly safe for the liver these days. That said, there are still 1 or 2 which are taken by celebrities which are known to still cause liver damage in acute cases but either way it's ultimately about not being a retard and taking steroids isn't cause for concern alone

Then you didn't look very hard. It took me literally 10-15 minutes to find and order for my first cycle

>Plain answer
>No bullshit
>No moral or ethical nonsense
>Slightly jaded health implication but not on the side of ridiculousness, albeit arguably illogical
I wish more of Veeky Forums natties were like you

They are legal in 99% of the world. You can take blood tests without anyone hassling you both online and in person.
Nonsense answer.

They're a lot cheaper than almost all compounds, especially because you're typically taking as little as 25mg EOD. Steroids are definitely expensive in general though.

that pic is comfy af

can't say on 4chin without getting b&

Fuck no.