Starting accutane

Hey guys finnaly gonna be starting accutane, what should i expect? will it affect my lifts ? Any users on here that wanna share thier story?

accutane (isotretinoin) is literally goat of acne treatments. It didn't affect my lifts at all, but gave me a lot more confidence in my body. I still have some body acne, but all the acne from my face is virtually gone. I did 30mg/day for 2 months and then 20mg/day for 2 more months during my treatment. Would highly recommend it.

I took it before I lifted but bring chapstick with you everywhere you go. Shit would dry my lips so badly if I smiled they would crack and bleed. And don't get the cheap shit, get the aveedo or Burts bees. Probably want to drink more water too. Also take it with something fatty as its fat soluble, maybe like pb.

Also I forget the dosage I was on because it's been 10 years but I was only on it for about 6 months, my face cleared up and then I never had any issues since then. Maybe the occasional pimple but that's it. It was worth the bloody lips and ashy skin for the 6 months.

>I took it before I lifted but bring chapstick with you everywhere you go. Shit would dry my lips so badly if I smiled they would crack and bleed. And don't get the cheap shit, get the aveedo or Burts bees.
This, so much, on it right now and it's like I have two strips of sandpaper for lips when I get up in the morning.

how do I get it? Prespiction?

First month on 20/mg rn, still on my first year of lifting but stats going up. Drink water

currently on tetracycline, will go for accutane next if this doesn't work
good luck m8, I know how much acne sucks

utterly reks ur skin lad, i have a scar on my lip from where my lips used to tear when ever i smiled

it literally dries your skin that much

it reduces any type of mucus your body produces, therefore you'll have drymouth/eyes/vagina (if grill).

also and most importantly: do not take it for more than fucking 6 months, and do regular kidney tests. I've had a patient that kept on taking the damn drug and ended up 6ft under due to kidney failure.

does it affect hair growth. my hair is thin enough as it is and i dont wanna mess with that anymore. it

Fuck your lifts, you need to buy moisturizer, lots and lots of moisturizer or you're gonna regret it

Your face is gonna be white and flaky as shit the first month or so of treatment, your hands are most definitely gonna be dry, be red as fuck and hurt as well. Also get something for your lips cause they're gonna get so dry you'll get open wounds just from opening your mouth.

Lip balm should be a requirement. I still have minor acne on my chest and back. It made me depressed too.

well im already depressed about my current acne lol

>get sore more easily
>dry af skin
>5 months of chapped lips
>chapped urethra
>confidence boost

good luck. drink water

yes, go see a dermatologist

You must have been on a hectic dose.

I've been on 20mg ed for about 6-7 months now, skin got pretty dry at one point and lips did too but I just used lip balm and moisturiser and turned out ok

I stopped using liquid soap to wash my face and my acne went away after 4 weeks

oh i'm still on it, i've been on 30mg twice a day for 4-5 months now and i still have those red marks from the acne and a big black piece of shit on my cheek

bad RNG senpai

Don't do it with steroids because it will fuck up with the aromatase inhibitor. Other than that it's fucking amazing

took it from 16-18 at 1 full year on 0.5mg/kg, and ended with .2g/kg, and from 22 till now with super low dosage 70mg per week, every 4th week in month


I got prescribed 80mg-a-day about a week ago and definitely already got dry lips and my joints feel dry as bones. Get pic related, it's magic.

for those who took it how long until you saw improvement? what level of acne did you have

Took it last year while lifting. Didn't really affect my lifts just make sure you take it with a fatty meal for the full effect and to prevent nausea.

Only real side I had was super chapped lips. I looked like Leonardo dicaprio in the revenant if I didn't use chapstick.

Your skin becomes super sensitive to the sun and you will get burned way too easily even with suncream
Get ready to look like a faggot everywhere you go but you will need it so badly, stay out of cold/windy winter weather too
You face will flake and it will look gross, make you you lather that shit on before you go outside, cetaphil is a good brand
Get ready to be dryer than a gymbunny at a minecraft convention because without this constant hydration not only will it contribute to dryness but also potential kidney damage
This is a no brainer, dont want to get stomach ulcers like a bitch
Remember how I said you will have flaky skin all over your body, now imagine that in your bed clogging pores etc, dont be gross


I'm gonna see a dermatologist this week, might be put on it. I've read a bunch of shit about it online, and as far as I can tell the deal is - it works for the vast majority of people if you use it correctly, however it's fucking brutal and just about everyone has the side effects, you just hope the ones you get aren't too bad. I'm not sure yet if I should just give my acne a few more years to try to grow out of it, just in case I'm one of the unlucky bastards that gets some permanent damage from it.

You probably already know, but just in case - do not fuck around with it, do exactly what your doctor says. Wear sunscreen all day erry day if there's any sun outside.

tried yours and pic related was better for me lad

If you are emotionally unstable just be careful and talk to your derm about it. I was fine but a friend of mine was super aggressive and kept having thoughts of suicide that went away after he stopped taking it.

I wish I could go to the Burts Bees factory and roll around in a big vat of their lip balm.

>dry eyes

hmm i wonder if it's a problem if I've had Lasik?

Joint pain for me is pretty bad, oddly enough my lips aren't that dry, I just use aquafor 3 times a day. Eyes are dry though need eye drops just to wear contacts or I scream in pain on insertion. Hair no longer needs to be washed daily (it used to be so greasy it had to be washed daily). No depression despite being predisposed to it.

Currently on for 2 weeks at 40mg, any one get any more side effects after two weeks? Or are the ones of listed all I'm probably going to get. My acne is finally starting to clear.

I'm pretty sure it isn't. It is most certainly a problem if you want to have Lasik after a course of accutane though.

Yo. I identify with that.

From my experience, it's pretty rough in the early stages. 1st month or so acne got worse in addition to the dry skin/chapped lips that everyone else is talking about. Confidence and motivation tanked during that time which affected my lifting some, but you just have to remember that it'll get better soon. Not exaggerating when I say ~8 months on it turned my life around. Good luck bro.