Jesus christ, Veeky Forums, i need help. I went from healthy and fairly fit to a hungry...

Jesus christ, Veeky Forums, i need help. I went from healthy and fairly fit to a hungry, hungry skeleton who havent picked up a barbell in 2 years. I have absolutley no energy at all, my body hurt all over and i eat junk food all the time. HELP ME TO GET BACK ON TRACK. I have no idea where to start anymore. What do you do when you loose all motivation and fall deep to self pity? I know there is no quick fix and that the sticky covers pretty much everything. But damnit... i need something to get me energy and lifelust quick.

Just lift and eat bro

>lack of energy

Go to bed as early as 10 pm.

Get up when you first wake up unless it's before 4 am.

I usualy go to bed at 9pm. Wake up 6-7am. Have to set an alarm most days for school.

You sleep 9 or 10 hours. That's too much. You're oversleeping. People don't realize this is a thing because it's rare that someone would willingly go to bed that early.

>tfw you imagine each crease of her abs as a separate butt, all parping in unison, she smothers you into her stomach and you feel the warm gas expelling onto your face, giving you the endorphin rush that lifting does not fulfill anymore

Hold me lads

>sleeping 9-10 hours per night

Holy shit are you in middle school? If you go to bed at 9pm, get up at 5 and workout before school

Do a check up on your general health, you may have tapeworms or some other parasite/condition

So basicly i should try to wake up at 5am. Since i cant stay awake longer then 9pm each night.

Nah, im just tired as fuck all the time

Do you have a job or study?

I study

Feeling tired at 9 pm is unusual. Are you sure it's physical tiredness? A friend of mine just told me the other day he goes to bed that early as well and it's because he's "glad when the day is over". So yeah. Could it be that you are so depressed you end your day early?

Not sure, all i do all days is sit by the computer. Either studying or playing games. I doubt that im depressed, even thou i dont realy enjoy life at all. I just want some energy so i can do the stuff i have to and want to during the day

You're posting this on Veeky Forums so when you say all you do is computer stuff that begs the question if you work out at all.


I thought i made it clear by my post that i dont. And need help to get back on track

go to a local restraunt and ask for cocaine you have found your answer

Well, in that case a good time to start working out would be early in the morning before school. You go to bed that early any way, you can get up at 5 or 6 and run or do calisthenics or something. Everyone else will say weightlifting is the one size fits all solution but I think if you've been sedentary for a long time you need to loosen up and build some basic flexibility and strength first. No point in fucking around with a barbell if weightless squats are already difficult.

Are there any good routines for training with only bodyweight at home? I have no way of doing chins at home unfortantly

If you get up that early you can go on any playground, there's bound to be a bar somewhere.

I'll have a look tomorrow. Im at the point where my body feels like its decaying so i have to do something asap

Well the first step is going to the doctor and getting a full check-up.

Do people realy do that? Do you just call your doctor and say "Hey, do a full check-up on me"?