How do you make her feel that shes the lucky one instead? Its getting tiring to be the one always chasing...

How do you make her feel that shes the lucky one instead? Its getting tiring to be the one always chasing, I want to feel wanted too

Other urls found in this thread:


you have to be Chad

Eat her pussy.

What did he mean by this?

You can read all the stuff like , No More Mr Nice Guy, Book of Pook and so on.

But it all comes down to value yourself, your time more than hers. There should be prioroties more important than her. Your career, your health, your hobbies...
Meeting friends instead of her because you enjoy their company more than hers at that moment.
Go on weekend trip to a new city on your own instead of spending it with her Netflix and chill on your couch.
But also things like disrespectful shit. If she is causing you drama you do not need deal with it. Your time is more valueable.

I'm not saying you should treat her like shit. I'm saying you are on a mission and she could take part in it if she likes or you are leaving her behind. You are driving and she takes the passenger seat if she likes to.

next time she texts you reply a minute later and say you're doing x but i'll talk to you soon as im done.
sets the tone you like her but not good enough to drop what you're doing
Stop caring, if you do care pretend not to.

If we're talking about 8+/10's that's pretty much impossible until they've experienced how shitty most men are, and then they'll be in their late 20's and washed up

They have dick lining up for them and they know it

So many quality posts.

Love black Phillip show, desu, but it's about taming a hoe, not finding a good girl.

I'd recommend the latter for most guy. Even with a good girl you'll still have to be on your toes though.

This. Read those books.

With the statement you made you are already on the right track

>tfw you ignore a grill and she keeps trying to talk to you

It doesn't make any fucking sense

same here bro, i'm with my gf for 2,5 years and its always the same, i'm the one that needs to make her feel wanted, desired and shit, because there are guys that hit on her and i'm not caring, but the thing is, she doesn't do shit to make me feel wanted or desired, she tells me i'm hot and gorgeous, but thats it, and guess what girls also hit on me, so yeah, i don't feel like going after my gf anymore, i couldn't care less if she break up with me, its basically over, just waiting for some shit to happen for me to break up because i'm too much of a pussy to break it up out of nowhere

quit being a pussy, but be generous/caring, that's all

suggest a threesome

by improving yourself or dating someone below you. everyone essentially has a "value" to others in terms of dating.

i'm seriously considering it, i've never really wanted to have one, and even when she sugested i thought it would be a bad idea, because i'd definetely focus on the other girl, so it may be a nice way to break up right?

>then they'll be in their late 20's and washed up
as a 30-something guy I disagree with this. I really enjoy meeting these late 20s/early 30s "washed up" women. at least the ones who've worked through their mental issues, are done with casual sex and have grown into mature, confident, caring women. sure, they took a lot of dicks and probably a lot of therapy to get there, but who cares if they're great women now.

I'm always impressed with how self-centered Veeky Forumsizens are

good women value generosity so much that you would be impressed

even if you're being good and generous only for getting her to chase you, it's always worth it

especially if you're fit and generous and talkative, in a woman's head that's add up to : daddy material : lax and cool but responsible

now, if you're willing to slay mad pussy everywhere, this is even truer...

Guys, please listen to this user. When you do this, you may feel what your doing is wrong or not nice, but if you make everythign about the girl then she will lose attraction to you.

Be attractive and date down. It's the simplest way.

This. Be good-looking, be ambitious/passionate, and be a good dude. If a girl doesn't appreciate all those qualities in a partner, then she's not worth dating. If you don't have all those qualities, then acquire them.

Idk. Maybe it's bitterness over the fact that they did in fact act so fickle in their prime days and now it's clear why they're coming around. I don't feel like I owe them anything at this point and they could just as soon go find Johnny Cuckmale to try to settle with.

Become the chad
Get some nice shit
Fuck bitches raw
Never date a woman who'll think breaking a date is a thing, your time isn't valuable, looks down on you or think you're a temporary thing.
Always see and present yourself as a valuable person.
And occasionally date a less attractive chick and bang her back out. Make her feel like she's beyond lucky to have you and make sure she's talkative.

got nothing to lose m8

>if you make everythign about the girl then she will lose attraction to you.
this, definitely. I'm a very kind, caring person and those are great qualities that women appreciate, but only if you remain a leader and don't become a servant.

speaking of leadership, I've been surprised by how much women WANT to be led. if you're always asking for her opinion, want to do things her way just to be nice etc. you're not giving your partner what she really wants. don't confuse this with being an asshole or bully, it's about being a strong, confident and caring man that she can look up to and feel safe with.

>you're not giving your partner what she really wants.
shes not giving me what i want also. takes two to tango. i'm not your babysitter bb, you can suggest shit also

you'll be less bitter if you have a rich sexual history yourself. I think this bitterness about women enjoying an active sex life is mostly about the guys' insecurities. I mean, it's inevitable that women, and especially hot women, at that age will have had multiple sex partners before you. So the question is really how many do you accept. 5? 10? 30? 100?

10 is probably my ceiling before I lose respect for a girl in her mid 20's

then find a different girl. girls like that exist. I was talking about the majority of girls.

I'd agree with a lot of these point. It just seems like a lot of men now don't realize that once they turn 18 their female counterparts are fair game to the entire male population. Fortunately the world is a big place and the fact that you have the resources to fly to another part of the world step off a plane and instantly meet women with a completely different mindset will change their views on women. The blacks would call that OP photo ho chasing.

You may have a product that doesnt sell in your market but you can move a town, city, state, country over and be the hottest product on the market. Why do you think the Africans leave their country to go to European ones if theirs is so amazing. They are bottom of the totem pole there and go someplace else where they get a fresh start.

I miss that show. Better you than me on taming hoes though. A hoe is a ho is a ho. Too many men try to do this and are shocked when they have a kid and its not theirs.

tru dat

I agree with this when it comes to focusing on your dreams and passions, but it's simply not how you treat a woman you want to be your wife, especially if you don't want to be treated the same way.

Be true to yourself, but remember that as a couple, that means prioritising each other.

not him and idc about their sex life. just don't be the chick who has been lots of bad guys who has treated them like shit and out 50 diff walls when you meet a decent lad.
sex is great but emotional abuse isn't.

10 is not many, though. that's about one new partner a year. I mean, even my landwhale, ugly female friend (she's a great person, but honestly repulsive physically) had 3 partners by that point. if she was hot it would probably be at least 5 times that number.

>nice way to break up
yeah nah

there are no good ways to break up just do it

Try being rich as fuck.

But just because you can doesn't mean you should. That's the whole reason most men think less of women who don't have the self-respect or self-control to not sleep around.
Personally for me the number matters less, and more so the reason. If this girl exclusively only had sex in the context of serious relationships, that's pretty valuable to me. I think very little of women who are okay with casual sex or have had casual sex past the age of 18.

have more value than her
>nicer car
>nicer place
>nicer body
>better dancer
>more friends
she is a loser without you.

As a guy who only skimmed this thread quickly and had 9 sexual partners before meeting my current GF (i didnt ask her number but I'm guessing less than 5 based on how little she knew what to do)...

I think the main reason guys are insecure about their girls having multiple sexual partners isn't based on how many they have had personally. It's more about playing the numbers game.

If a girl has had 5 sexual partners, what are the chances of some of them being better than you? What's the chance that your cock isn't as big? Etc... If the number is 5 then the chances are slim unless you suck.

But if the girl has had 20+ sexual partners, for example... The chances that several of them had bigger cocks and a bunch of them were "better" than you becomes pretty big. I mean... how likely is it that you're bigger and better than 20 random guys? I mean yeah if you've got a monster cock then you probably won't worry about that so much.

Switch genders and women have less to worry about. They know that pussy is pussy. And they know that when a man nutts, he nutts. It's all very similar, and any differences in terms of "tightness" can be resolved with a blowjob... And even though some argue against this.. all blowjobs are the same. They all feel more or less the same as long as they don't scrape it with their teeth lol.

So yeah. It's all about ego. It's easier to get an ego boost by being better than 5 guys than HOPE you're better than at least 80% of the 10 or 20 guys.

That's why virgins are so desirable to us. Not because "oh that shits so tight", because it's not. I've fucked 2 virgins and they were exactly the same as every other sloot. They fucked themselves with hairbrushes every day for years growing up anyway... But it's pretty easy to beat a hairbrush. So the ego boost is easy to achieve.

I almost dumped my girl in the early stages because she said her ex was black. I thought the chances of a black dude having a bigger cock than me was pretty high. CONT.


But turns out by "black" she meant indian. So no problems there. Indians have the smallest cocks of them all so I went round to her house as soon as I found that out (from fb stalking) and fucked that bitch good to establish myself as the cock-hammer-almighty.

That was 6 years ago. Now her little sister who I used to help with homework is about 13 now. She is growing back. Not a pedo but in about 3 years I'm going to make her call me daddy.

>tfw same name as their father
>tfw praying to god my hair-line stays safe for the next 3 years

>I think very little of women who are okay with casual sex or have had casual sex past the age of 18.
most hot women these days have at least tried casual sex at some point. I mean, a hot women is bombarded with male attention. The chance that somewhere, at some point, at least one of these men makes her lady parts tingle enough that she'll fuck him. just imagine all kinds of girls constantly wanting to fuck you. at some point you'd probably fuck one of them.

where I personally draw the line is cheating. casual sex is fine, cheating is not if you ask me.

This is wrong. It goes against their nature.
Believe me, you lead and women follow. Relationships never can be equal, there is always one part more invested than the other. In a healthy natural relationship this should be the woman.

You are doing her a favor by leading. She will be more happy as a follower. You can see it in small things like deciding what you do on a date, where you are going to eat, which bar you are going to visit and so on. Ask a woman what she wants to eat and most of the times she avoids making a decision, she feels uncomfortable doing it.

Exactly, most women are okay with casual sex. I don't want most women, I want someone above such trashy behavior.

why is it "trashy"? what disgusts you so much about it?

I'm not saying don't lead, I'm saying don't make her feel like she's less important than your friends or your distractions. If she's going to be the mother of your children, she will want to know that you value her and your kids more than you value outsiders.

Your dreams and your passions are extremely important, but ultimately your family has to come first. Literally every 20+ year marriage I've spoken to in my life working with families has said this. Not these online PUAs

Women should exercise more self-control since they know sex is exceedingly easier for them to come by

That's my standard for a potential life partner, doesn't have to be everyone's. I'm pretty hot for a male and don't bed anything that comes at me.

Giving in so easily to pleasure just because you can. Like a more extreme and disgusting version of gluttony. Clearly this woman has no standards and cannot respect herself enough to keep her legs closed. Why should I respect someone who can't respect themselves? What value does this woman have besides her vagina?

stop memeing lad

not bad...not bad at all
Just when Im ready to give up on Veeky Forums posts like this give me hope that everyone isn't a total degenerate now.

what you're saying is pretty common (want to have the biggest dick, be the best lover), but I think it's kinda missing the point. the "ideal" penis size is not actually that big (look it up), and "best lover" is very hard/impossible to quantify. my current partner is way more experienced and "better" (technique etc.) than my previous, but is the sex better? I don't even know, sometimes it feels amazing and sometimes it's mediocre, which was the case with my previous partner as well. some days we had great chemistry and the sex just rocked. it had nothing to do with skill, we just wanted each other badly.

Okay. I see. We are not that far apart from each other.

I said value yourself more than her without treating her like shit. If you llike her, or even love her, there is going to be a healthy dynamic between your time spend with others, your distractions and her. Do not ignore that she is invited to take part in it.

I let women approach me. I've never had a problem getting laid and it works better than chasing pussy and getting yoyr heart broke. Key is to never get overly invested, and even in LTRs.

I'm 6'1 / 175 with sandy blond hair and blue eyes. Probably a 6.5 - 7, so not crazy attractive.

I don't understand

Thanks, I guess.

Its about two things

1) Be confident
2) Be happy being single

The confidence comes from knowing you have other options. When a girl shows interest in you then sure, reciprocate, but don't suddenly make her the centre of your world. If she makes an unreasonable request, say no. Don't degrade yourself by going out of your way to accomplish some task in the hope it'll get you laid. Instead of asking 'am I good enough for her?' or 'does she like me?' ask yourself 'is she good enough for me?' or 'do I like her?'. Its surprising how much this can shift the dynamic. Its a women's marketplace right now, but in ten years time when you are in your 30's it will be a man's marketplace. You have plenty of options. Act like it.

If being approached is common for you, you're at least a 7 and/or very outgoing and sociable.

Doesn't bother me and the how many partners question should never come up. Only cucks care

I've banged over 20 women legit and dozens of escorts. Bumped coke and dropped acid. She doesn't have to know I did any of that dumb shit

Holy fuck
This is some alpha shit right here
>"women ask you questions cause they want you to be chivalrous so they try to force you to be chivalrous"
>I.e. "which side of the bed you want to sleep on?"
>"This side baby"
>"Oh but then I won't be able to see the TV"

I gotta start thinking like black philip. Tired of chasin love.

So what would be the appropriate response in this scenerio? "Sucks to suck" or what?

>Giving in so easily to pleasure just because you can.
hot women say no to countless men. they're not giving in "easily". if they did their count would be in the hundreds.

>Clearly this woman has no standards and cannot respect herself enough to keep her legs closed.
what if she fucks high quality men? it's men who lower their standards when they want to get laid, and because of this women can hook up with some great guys that wouldn't otherwise want a relationship with her. ironically, she lowers her standards when she settles for you.

>Why should I respect someone who can't respect themselves?
Having sex with someone means you don't respect yourself? You have a very twisted view of respecting yourself.

>What value does this woman have besides her vagina?
I guess pretty much the same value as she would have if she didn't have casual sex. She'd have the same looks, education, career, hobbies etc. Your point seems to be that if a girl has casual sex with someone it immediately destroy her entire value as a human being. That's a fairly extreme view and my guess is your relationship to sex is not the healthiest.

Why is everyone always saying that you need to put on a huge act and shit?

Fuck if a girl doesn't like the way I am, doesn't like the fact fact that I am very little self centered and "nice" and loses interest because of it then well, she can just fuck off and make room for the next one.

Why the fuck would I suddendly become an ultra self centered person that takes himself incredibly serious and thinks his life is a "task" that he "allows others to join, maybe" when that just isn't me?

I like to enjoy life and I enjoy harmony and taking myself not so serious in order to please people I care about.
I won't change that because more women will think I am cooler that way.
Fuck that and fuck everyone who tells others to do that.

> (You)
That's what I was meaning though. It's different for us. We are men... Sex is sex and we can't really rank the sex like they do... If they are hot then it just depends how horny we were beforehand.

For girls though it's different. They can clearly rank which men are better at sex than the others.

Do you usually smile at them or something before they approach you? Girls stare at me all the time but I've never been approached, though I never smile at them.

When you put on an act consistently you eventually begin to adopt that mindset intrinsically, if you can stick to it.

A lot of guys, especially around here, fall into the pit of obsession over a girl and turn into lap dogs, naturally, and need to be snapped out of that state of mind.

gotta make a new profile m8. new act new you

My wife had 5 partners before me, I've only had 6 including her.

What fucked me up was not that she had fucked 5 dudes in her life, because she's really hot and had a ton of male attention, but the fact that she lied to me about it. When we first started fucking she told me she had slept with 3 guys, 2 who she had dated and 1 who was a one night stand from tinder. I found out by creeping on her social media that she had at least 1 more, and I literally demanded that I know her real number or I would break up with her. She banged 5 guys, 2 one night stands and 2 that she dated, 1 was a casual thing that just didn't work out. She had also blown 3 random dudes from Tinder. Surprisingly guess what was the worst part? They were all unattractive as fuck which made me think I was also unattractive (low self-esteem) and that she had such low standards that *even I* could bang her.

I really tried to be okay with it. Our number was the same, but all of the girls I fugged were one night stands or casual fuckbuddys, plus I had gotten head from about a dozen other girls including 3 prostitutes. I have a big dick, 7 inches and 5 inches girth (wrapped around) but that didn't matter

After 2 years I could not take that shit anymore. I don't know what it was, but I could not fucking deal with it. I was constantly going through swings of feeling insecure and wanting to call her a slut and whore and generally just make her feel bad because of my own insecurities. *HOW COULD SHE DO THAT* I would say to myself, as if she was supposed to be some pure virgin reserved exclusively for me

I broke up with her.

I started to have casual sex and it only reinforced the ideas that I had about all girls being sluts and trash, because most of these girls I would bang within the first 2 times of meeting them. It's been 4 years now and all I want is Theresa back.

Why would I want to adapt to that mindset?
I despise it and find it disgusting, literally everyone runs around with it.
It's easy as fuck to take yourself serious and think about your needs and wishes first.
It's hard not to.

I don't want to call you out here, live the way you like to.
But I am very proud of being different in that regard and I surely won't change it because it makes me more generic and thus compatible with more girls.

The only thing I agree with here is that people that have problems on here should learn not to let themselves get treated like shit.
But that only involves dumping shitty girls. That's it.

lol @ the fucking losers in this thread saying casual sex is okay and not a big deal, just tell me WHYYY i or any other decent man settle for some woman that has casual sex? That is not the norm , thats just the norm for women that you hover around

There are a good amount of women who know their "value" but don't fuck guys casually because they know the emotions you feel during sex aren't things you can ignore

This sounds odd i know but having more then 10 partners and thinking its normal is poisonous thinking.

maybe i don't like my women to be dead fish in bed?

Well, I'm not really that hung up on it lol that is probably something you needed to get psychologically checked out cause I can just about expect most girls in their 20's to have had 5 sexual partners. Tinder hasn't even been out that long though what exactly was your timeline here?

I'm not exactly sure what you're even trying to advocate. Weren't you professing a don't give a fuck attitude earlier? And you follow that up with encouragement for humility?

Because women should value their vagina in the same way men should value their time and commitment. It's like watching a man go up to women he barely knows and asks them to marry him. It's pathetic and disgusting. If a woman fucks without first seeking commitment, she's worth less as a woman. It's only extreme if you surround yourself with whores. Most women I know are in very healthy relationships and value themselves more than stooping to trashy behavior like casual sex.
Meanwhile the women I know that are okay with casual sex are completely okay with cheating on their boyfriends with me or other men. These women have no value aside from what's between their legs.

>value yourself
This. Genuinely believe that you have value and that you can live without here. Believe that you want her, not NEED her, and she will pick up on this and treat you appropriately.

>They can clearly rank which men are better at sex than the others.
even if we believe this (I'm not sure I do, but whatever), it would mean that sleeping with more guys gives a more accurate assessment of guys' performance in bed which is a good thing unless you suck. Plus most casual hookups are kinda disappointing and will skew the "results" in your favor. On the other hand, it's not necessarily easier to be a great lover to a girl who've had a couple of long term relationships with great guys (because she's a high quality girl, right) who worked hard to become good lovers and figured out exactly what drives her specifically wild.

the "dead fish" argument.

Women learn as much as you let them learn in bed, you can fuck a virgin and if you show her what you like and what she likes she will become whoever you want in bed.

That's the beauty of fucking a girl with little or no sexual experience.

i had a ltr for 3 years with a girl that was a virgin, she would fuck my brains out like 3 months after she lost her virginity. Freshly fucked women are insanely thirsty for sex and super willing to learn, and i guarentee you if you talk to any guy who was in a ltr with a virgin he will mirror my comments.

it's not natural for a woman to have sex with a fuck load of dudes, you just think it is because you've settled.


as shitty as it is to say this, a womans main values are her looks and the fact she has a vagina/give birth. That's literally it. everything else is a meme or is a characteristic any human can get .

>shes loyal!, Shes honest! she helps me push myself!!

Those are all things you can find in a male friend.

If she devalues herself by ruining her looks or being easy to sleep with what worth does she have? very little.

>If she hasn't had sex with 100 dudes before you then sex will never be enjoyable with her
This is fucking disgusting. Seriously no way you're not trolling at this point. Just date a fucking escort then.

>What fucked me up was not that she had fucked 5 dudes in her life, because she's really hot and had a ton of male attention, but the fact that she lied to me about it.
I'm sorry, man. I absolutely agree, dishonesty is a much bigger killer for a relationship than the girl having a sexual history. Her past is in the past, but feeling like you can't trust her affects the present and future.

>They were all unattractive as fuck
Did you ever figure out why that is? Do you honestly believe that was her "level"?

> she would fuck my brains out like 3 months after she lost her virginity.
alright bud the roleplaying needs to stop.
you fuck girls they don't fuck you. remember that next time virgin

Entering the discussion. I think it's more of "hey that's an attractive trait" kind of thing. For me at least, I'd fuck a women that has had a lot of casual hookups and fuckbuddies, but I'd never have a relationship with them. They're for getting my dick wet. Like a woman wants a man that has experience, for men the desire is reverse, they want traits such as purity, virginity and low experience with men, that's an attractive thing, instintively for males. (not saying that everyone thinks and feels that way, but most do, although being slutty is falling into normality that people don't make a big deal out of it). It's the same situtation as a woman "not being comfortable" taking a man's virginity, which is more common than you think.

Why are men not in the right of choosing not to pursue a relationship with a girl because she's had multiple partners before. It's not an attractive thing, it doesn't show femininity, and for many it's even gross that she's been fucked by a lot of other men.

A smirk or something can hep, but just making/holding eye contact a couple times is all it really takes. A girl will only approach you if you're actually attractive though

i like sex
she likes sex. this pure maiden fantasy you have in your head isn't healthy

If that happens it means you're bad in bed, not her.

Needing a woman to take control in the bedroom is literally the most beta you can be.

>You fuck girls they don't fuck you
what a manly man this user is wew. so when a girl rides you , you become a faggot? nice projecting lol enjoy your 20+ kill streak gf that im sure youll end up marrying cause you're so fucking lonely

look man i told you already. the roleplaying needs to stop

You're contradicting yourself over and over again.

If you're being overtly nice and doing things for someone for no reason other than to appease them, to try and win them over, to try and get them to view you better.... then you aren't really being yourself, are you?

This is that beta mindset you see all over leddit. It's so contradictory yet they somehow can realize it