What's wrong with my shit, Veeky Forums?

What's wrong with my shit, Veeky Forums?

My shit's been runny and stinky like this for months - I don't remember the last time I had a solid shit. My fibre intake is good, no history of bowel problems or any other issues.

More like what's wrong with your toilet? Where's the water?

Go to the doctor.

Do you drink milk or consume any dairy products? Because if so, there's your problem.


Never change Veeky Forums

1:go see your physician
2:have you been drinking any coffee?


Had this problem from high calorie diet, excessive pasta etc.
Make sure you're getting a prebiotic in, like Yakult or something

Yes, but it doesn't have that effect on me - I've drunk coffee on and off to see if it was the cause.

My point exactly. Every time I go for a shit (which feels like a colon cleanse) I shit so much you can't see the water anymore

Probably your intestine bacteria are not doing their job for whatever reason. Ask your doc and eat lots of yoghurt. And I mean lots.

Stop doing GOMAD if you're lactose intolerant.

Get on my level

I always need to make poopy within like 30 mins of a meal. It's usually a pretty normal looking poo though, and my diet is bredy gud apart from probably too much black coffee and sips. Hope it isn't bum cancer desu.

Always meant to ask, is it true american toilets have the water coming up really high?

dude i have these loose shits for months too

I also only shit every 3-4 days

i chug coffee cause I'm cutting but I swear its been like this before too

what do

vær hilset. hæmoride?


Interesting, whats the reasoning?

easier to drink closr to mouth

I had that problem when I was a lardass and ate a bunch of processed stuff and drank alot of alcohol.

I ate alot of yogurt with live cultures and took probiotics now I have some nice thick solid tight turds.

eat more fibre

I mean apparently, because I've never seen a toilet with such low water as the picture.

I assume our water comes up high so that shit is totally immersed and is less likely to hang around. Might also make it easier to clean the thing.

more oats, yogurt and a probiotic

>when you take a shit and the shit splashes in the water and the water hits your bum

Less smell, less mess

food poisoning / stress / coffee

go to doc

Go to your doctor. If it fucking stinks, and especially if you start getting any blood in it, you might have inflammatory bowel disease. It's super fun. Go earlier rather than later and you can control it sooner.
Of course it could just be an intolerance or stress or an infection too. Worth getting it checked.

Good luck brah

you guys know colon cancer is one of the fastest rising cancers right?

Hadde samme, 3 daga med blod i potta. Trur det va en intern hemorroide