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Health #404
I don't do back(or front) squats because of an injury. Back squat might be the best exercise for legs but not necessary
/plg/ - Powerlifting General
Why do we hate manlets so much?
Had my testosterone checked: 7.6 with a normal range of 11-30
Which is better?
8 pack anybody?
What was his problem?
So what are your hobbies user?
Browsing tinder for the first time in a while
What happened to him?
Does Death Grip ruin your erection quality?
Alright, lets settle this once and for all
How do i get THIS body? what's his routine?
Is Wahlberg Natty?
Glutes General
Daily reminder
What do you think about the old adage that if a girl is not fat with an average face that's she's at least a 5
These are my stats
Fuck fat people
Veeky Forums...
Favourite exercise
Fasting General
Face rate thread
Why does Veeky Forums hate this book...
Trap thread
Gotta get that low bf % for facial gains, user!
Hello guys. I've come to the terrible realization im just a loser. And I don't know how to fix myself
Well Veeky Forums my mom just crushed my ego
How often do you feel inferior to other men?
What do, fit?
What the fuck do I inject in me to make this horrible tendonitis go away...
What out of all my diet could be causing acne?
That first sip of my life
Start doing kegels
Starter Pack Thread
How is your friday going Veeky Forums
Whatcha lookin' at user?! Don't ya see im bizaayyy?!
Tfw cute girl at the gym keeps checking me out
I need help
Cody Garbrandt
Lifting mangos
that teenager who can't go past 30 on the machines
When you scream "FUCK NI**ERS" in the gym for anger based before attempting a second rep of PR...
/plg/ - powerlifting general
Find a flaw
Landwhale here (big motherfucker, huge). Is it retarded to lift while I'm trying to lose weight...
Doesn't smoke weed
How do you get drunk and not feel like shit the next day?
Never had a gf
How do I start talking to the gym receptionist? I want to ask her out
Is DBZ the most Veeky Forums anime of all time?
Whats a good way to make fast progress on squats? Been stuck at 285lbs for a while
When you walk past girls do they glance at you? All arrogance aside...
Let's get serious for 0...
Well why are you still natty?
Take what you want - Go get it
Never lifted in his entire life
Now that the dust has settled, and we know scooby is on gear. who is the new natty king of Veeky Forums?
What are fits hobbies outside of lifting?
The real test redpill
Does Veeky Forums eat chia seeds...
Veeky Forums obliterated?
Underrated lifts:
How many coffees do you have per day Veeky Forums? I usually have between 8 and 10 a day
I just bought two of pic related because healthy fats and stuff. I have never eaten avocado before
What's everyone having for lunch? Pic related
/Manlet Hate Thread/
That first sip of the day
Whos youre favourite Veeky Forums female youtuber?
Who does Veeky Forums like more, dumb bimbos or intellectual "feminists"?
Thoughts on Parkour?
Youthful appearance
Requesting the Veeky Forums version(s) of pic related...
So these guys do everything wrong and look like this
Symmetric strength thread
Just survived my first month of cutting. It was hard...
Friday 6pm
Has an attractive girl ever hit on you because of your gains?
Dicklets of the World rejoice !
Come home from gym
/fat/ Fatty General
What is actually wrong with being fat/obese?
When did you realize muscles were obsolete?
Someone keeps using my whey, i seldomly use it and my supply keeps going down. How do i protect it?
Are you man enough to decide right now to take cold showers for the rest of your life...
/Things Dyels Say/
Dumb shit normies do
Bulk or cut?
What do you guys do between sets at the gym?
/plg/ - powerlifting general
Personal trainer anons, what kind of workout could net this body? 5'9 150~ is the stats. Maybe 160...
Chest DOMS
Did anyone actually made it?
Daily reminder that high test alphas like their women over 300lbs
Redplll me on sushi
When measuring your dick do you measure from the side or the top?
What's your goal body?
The fuck am I suposed to do with the yolk after removing the egg white
Who do you pray to before a PR?
Nofap general
How do I know that my workout was effective and I didn't just waste my time?
Embarrassing gym stories thread
I-I want to marry Sparrow-senpai!
No visible results
Is KETO a meme?
Just where did it got all wrong?
Any of you get over your oneitis by getting Veeky Forums? I got over mine today. Trying to make it brahs
Do you lift with your glasses?
Candida Overgrowth
Fat people are people too
/fraud/ - steroids general
How do I focus in the gym with all these sloots?
Advice thread
Does Veeky Forums like going to the sauna or steam bath?
How do I lose this? I always felt depressed whenever I gaze upon the mirror after shower. Yes...
Girl rates me a 6/10
Watch out Nazis!!
Still can't get a gf tho
Redpill me on alternative sleep cycles, Veeky Forums
Cooking Chicken
This is what men want
What Cologne does Veeky Forums wear? Pic related decided to try Kenneth Cole out
Post stories girls mirin
Videos you watch before the gym that make you want to leave humanity behind
/fph/ - fat people hate
Lotus from Calgary, powerlifter, read and msg me before it's deleted
I just wanna be loved god dammit
Well Veeky Forums? Explain yourself
Agreed to train with this guy i met at the gym
Its all about abs and face
How many days of rest should I have between benchpress workouts?
What black magic was used in this transformation? It can't be just weight loss, can it?
"We're all gonna make it bro thats it"
Anyone else get Veeky Forums for a weird reason?
Hey Veeky Forums what does
Please tell me none of you still count your macros or obsess over eating clean
"Wow user, how do you make it look so easy?"
Walks into gym
If dubs, we all make it
Just be yourself bro
It's post SHTF and there are no gyms or barbells anymore, only what you can find or build yourself
Will this work
You send her a snap
WHO HERE /30+/?
How do I train my neck
Inside the disgusting life of the chocolate golem
You meat heads obsess with muscle too much
Fit I'm on acid
This man tells you that lifting weights is a waste of time and you look unnatural. What do you do?
How do I get a gf without settling for leftovers if all women are sluts and horrible people?
Veeky Forums jobs
Do we still have /chess/ threads on Veeky Forums? Haven't seen one in a while
Job thread
How do you lift whilst simaltaeously being crippled from depression?
So did becoming fit actually help you to get laid?
/plg/ - Powerlifting general
Skinny to hueg
I've been using my sister's butt plug as a test for the last 2 weeks and I've found it really helped my squat...
Do you shave all your bodyhair?
I keep getting accused of using steriods by people who have little to no knowledge of training of dieting...
Thanks assholes for destroying any confidence I had left
I am living proof that a aeshtetic physique does not get you laid (23 year old virgin)
Vegetables ruin your gains
/fat/ Fatty General
/fraud/ - steroids general
That feeling when you lost a bunch of weight, shaved your dumb ass beard, got ripped...
This is your cut for the year
Friendly reminder
How does Veeky Forums schedule fapping?
Daily reminder that this is the body females want on a guy
Becoming stronger AND staying small possible?
Piss off nobody cares
Just did 3pl8 squat m8s
no high test thread
What are some of your life troubles that lifting won't fix, Veeky Forums?
Getting into Navy SEAL shape
Post your height, weight and bench press max and how long you've been lifting Veeky Forums
PR - Personal Record
Sexual Fitness
Pre Workout thread
Hey guys, I'm willing to create some statistics about our average Veeky Forumsizen
First sip of the day boys comin in from phoenix
Someone asks fit or Reddit red pill how to get girls
Is he a hero in your eyes?
If women care so much about body...
So I posted my deadlift form like a week ago, and it was the worst thing anyone's ever seen...
Why even live
Just be confident, girlfriend!
Veeky Forums webms
Autistic things you do at the gym
Fitness Cringe
What does fit think about the buff dudes?
This meme have gone to far
Does this picture triggers you!?
Stop balding
Teen girl I met at the gym a week ago
How physically fit or wealthy do you have to be, to hook up with someone this pretty/hot ?
That are some big muscles you have there user, but are you big where it really matters?
Drinking oil complications
Does anyone know where he is? Does he have an instagram, facebook or social media platform he frequents on?
Natty overlord is developing gyno
CBT - jacked manlet edition
Does anyone else feel like their main problem with regards to cutting is drive-thrus?
Veeky Forums humor
You've been on SS for 5 years
Are there any Veeky Forums approved sodas? I'm 1 day into not drinking coca-cola and I'm literally dying
Tats on grills
Do you sleep in the nude, Veeky Forums?
Iskra - Queen of Veeky Forums
Almost 2 weeks into no fap
/bwg/ - BodyWeight General
Haven't pooped for about a week
Lotus Powerlifter from Calgary
How the fuck are all guys here so tall...
Do you ever get tired of being militant about your diet?
I should go to the gym, but I'm disgusting after work; I should shower
The Catalyst
Well sir, I have a fart fetish as well as a face-sitting fetish
>his mom fell for the formula meme
Shoulder Day
ITT redpilled diets
Calling all Veeky Forumsizens who actually know their shit
How do you not get a boner when spotting girls?
ITT: Things that fatties say
GF watching Magic Mike
Be Honest
Now that the dust has settled
Hey Veeky Forums i'm going to the gym for the first time
Tfw big hands + work manual labor
Why do you losers care so much about your claves? Woman could care less
Creatine Any Good?
Beautiful display of what situation we live in today
Hey Veeky Forums
Inspiration Thread!
This is what sip boys want. Prove me wrong. Protip: you can't
Best whey protein currently available?
Bench press is a fucking meme lift
Gf comes home
Veeky Forums fag here looking for some advice
Can deadlift 4 plates
What physique do I need to attract this?
The Effects of Hyperthermic Conditioning on Muscle Growth (Hypertrophy)
What was your first day at the gym like?
Have no hobbies or friends outside of the gym
Drinking coffee in the morning
Tfw genetically superior to all of you
Quest bars, just looked up the nutrition and it's pretty nuts. Anyone tried these? Are they edible?
What gets you hype to lift/im out of shit to listen to
Just ate 2 jars of pasta sauce
How many times shits do you take? It's at least one a day for me, more likely 2...
How do you guys motivate yourselves to go? I never feel like going to the gym unless I'm doing arms
Starting a cut. What do y'all do for your macro ratios? 50 protein 35 fat 15 carb
Who is your rolemodel Veeky Forums?
I think that universities should have free whores for the students to use. Of course they wouldn't be free...
This is thread #4
Is there hope for me?
Alright Veeky Forums, you're putting in the time to move those weights, you got your headphones on...
Is she the queen of Veeky Forums?
Sexual health
Is he right?
/fraud/ general
Sarcastic mires?
Fph thread
Averaging Veeky Forums
Cousin posted this on facebook
How do you wanna look?
Tfw no matter how much I lift I'll always be black
I have not lifted in over 2 months fit
Which pre workout do you use?
I need a quick reply. I ordered the Ohio power bar but after ordering they tell me it is a 2 week delay...
Veeky Forums feels
Every gym day is also trap day
What books are you reading for brain gainz?
Implying your high test fatties can come close to a specimen like this
Sure you're big, but can you fight?
What nutrition can be found in fingernails...
Gym staff confiscated my protein gumbo
Mfw a hairlet speaks to me
Just checked my protein powder and WHAT THE FUCK Veeky Forums? It's a soy isolate and has soy lechithin in it...
Ideal thread
Stories about how you saved gym culture
Enter the gym
Femanon here, 21 years old. Is it even possible to work out to look like this, or is it all genetics...
I thought I didn't like 3D anymore but I just started working at a new company and there's this girl that makes me doki...
My 14 year old cousin (6ft, 165lbs) just hit 1pl8 dl today, 10 days from a month of lifting...
Whats the deal with Jeff Caviere?
Graduated from university almost two years ago but just lived at home and worked in humiliating part time retailcuck...
How is your fashion sense Veeky Forums?
What would it take for you to give up lifting?
Is meditation really just a meme after all?
Bf is 5'11" and 260lbs
Sex drive gone
Beards aren't manly
Gains goblins
Been stretching religiously everything related to squatting daily to fix my buttwink, for a whole fucking year
My delts look like shit what do
What's the difference between DB Rows and BB Rows? Which one do you prefer and why?
Public gyms are nightmares
So, I need some advice guys! I've been seeing this guy for about a month when he suddenly broke it off...
How do I acieve ottermode?
What kind of gains could I expect by pushing a rock up an incline every day(or however long would be an optimal rest...
Stupiest thing i heard in the gtm
You'll never be as fit as Justin Bieber
Should I use tren? I have a hard time gaining mass
Redpill me on bananas, Veeky Forums
It has been a long drive and you have a long way to go...
How much can you curl for 10 reps and what is the size of your arms?
What do you lift for?
We've made it with our muscles, but how do we make it with women?
I'm finally happy when i look in the mirror
Effective weight loss tips please
Make this Veeky Forums related
Tfw you fell for the nofap meme and now can't get an erection to save your fucking life
Being trans at gym?
/jbh/ Jason Blaha Hate
Does anyone know this guys name?
I hope you guys don't do this
Audio books
/plg/ powerlifting general
Is Adderall going to kill my gains?
In the locker room changing
Can someone objectively rate my face
Veeky Forums Approved Tattoos
What are some natty attainable physiques?
You didn't bring that bland chicken and broccoli to the potluck again did you user? try some of the cake I made!
Redpill me on cold showers
Hey guys, I quit Veeky Forums about 3 years ago...
Cutting season
Tfw I just can't build up a good chest
That guy with a stinking breath every single day
Not losing shit
Anyone else got a knee that clicks all the time?
Anybody here have any experiance with SARMS?
/fraud/ general
I fell for the Stronglifts meme
Time Under Tension
So Veeky Forums, why aren't you hittin the needle yet?
Why is the left trying to take GOMAD from us?
How can you eat so much
Is this impressive (even slightly) for normies?
Is the increased cancer risk worth it?
Hey /fit, so pretty much i have the figure of pic related...
You're at the gym and this autistic fuck comes inside, shoots the qt3.14 receptionist in the head...
Mild gyno thread
This is what girls want
Tfw no traps
Show me the last guy on TV your wife or gf wouldn't shut up about
What are some god tier Cologne?
Just a reminder that hipster and boyish bodies are more desired than muscular ones
Why is this look no longer in anymore?
This is the body that girls wants. No point going above otter mode
Is this PPL routine any good or are there better ones? which one do you use?
What's Veeky Forums's favorite post-workout cigs?
Any of you phags do BJJ? Or some other sort of grapling? I just started 1.5 months ago and I'm loving it
Hey fit
Push Up Thread
/fat/ Fatty General
Is there a fat to chad version of Zyzz?
Someone explain to me how this is possible? He/s fat and has a sixpack, that's just a lie
Is this shit good for cutting out meat but still getting enough protein?
Rippetoe: People who post "SS is a meme" on the Veeky Forums board are DYEL and do it wrong
Well, majority of people will agree, that 2/3/4/5 is a good and achievable goal strength goal for natty lifter...
Do you need blonde hair and blue eyes to be 10/10?
Favorite deodorant ?
When you sip the competition
Daily reminder that there is no reason to squat and deadlift if you aren't a powerlifter
Newfag here, just recently started working at a gym. The thing is i have no fucking idea what I am doing
Veeky Forums has made me insecure about being 5'9. how do i get taller?
Last rep face
Find myself day-dreaming about this dude at the gym
Is this healthy, or should I just throw it out? Also other healthy foods that a student can afford
General Injury Thread
Help With Tits
Will lifting help me be less beta?
/plg/ power lifting general
Is it best to take preworkout before or after your workout?
Sip thread
Reminder that this is considered perfection on SS
Took a confidence hit today
Cutting General
Tfw you'll never have a thicc Amazon gf
Hey Veeky Forumsizens, need some help
Is he natty? He insists he is, but I don't know about many natty guys that are this big
/nofap/ general
Is Aikido a scam?
How do I into fucking a fat chick
Deadlift progress
Did lifting turn you into a Chad?
Is no fap real? Who's tried it? How long did you go?
Redpill me on DNP
I'm not really here to spot some anti fap crap but;
Sup Veeky Forums, I rarely come here, I see no better place to ask this
TFW black
Visited snap city. please kill me
What are Veeky Forums approved Test pills for energy?
Is there more to life than sex
Dear Veeky Forums I hope you have a great workout tomorrow and something good happens to you, no matter how small...
Hey guys, about to take my first sip ever, can we get a sip thread going?
Tfw your abs are finally starting to show for the first time
Have i made it yet Veeky Forums? Its been 6 years these natty gains are drying up
Why even try lifting in college when DYEL fratbros are getting all the hot women?
How late is too late to "make it"? 25?
Did you fucks make me gay?
Full body workout plan to get Thorbod?
Ideals Thread
Cartoons about lifting
Area your teeth white, fit?
How am I looking Veeky Forums?
What does it feel like to have a friend
This is what girls really want
How does one fix acne? I can't take accutane because of shitty genetics
Guys im finally training legs for the first time today,my question is...
When did you realize that the whole "women don't prefer manlets" was a meme?
Itt: memes you fell for
Last night I dreamt I bought a second hand car from Scooby
Look, I'll make you an offer. I'll give you a 7/10 gf for 50% of all your gains
You're now thinking about her
What are the best supplements?
Not living in australia
I sync my lifting routine around my female flatmates laundry days so I can sneak into her room when she's at work...
/fhg/ fat hate general
Fucking Failure
/jbh/ Jason Blaha Hate
Are there even people here who dont like high test/brrappp girls?
Tfw she doesn't respond
Too poor for gym
/fraud/ steroids general
High Reps and Light Weights vs. Low Reps and Heavy Weights
Walk into the gym
Tfw only 4 meters tall
I lift, do yoga and cardio. Would you say I have a good amount of lean muscle or do I need more definition?
:Routine General: Critique others, and get feedback on your plan
What helped you develop will power? Or quit your bad habits. Need some help anons
Goals Thread Nigga
Be honest Veeky Forums you lift to have a cockgoddess bounce up n down ur small dick
Tfw .75/2/2/2
Are Veeky Forums women generally conservative, or liberal?
Veeky Forums waifu thread
What you eat today?
What's the most calorie effective way to get drunk?
How do i become a cool bad boy that girls want?
Are cheat days pointless since you're throwing all the past gains or no?
Does Veeky Forums drink alcohol?
Is Carrot Top natty?
That guy who lifts alone
What's the point?
/fat/ Fatty General
Male with wide hips
Guys how the fuck do i deal with my hairy ass crack? how do I trim it or whatever? please help
Is this the ideal female body?
/plg/ powerlifting generally
He doesn't lift for a beautiful death
The ultimate supplement
How do you deal with hunger while cutting Veeky Forums?
Who else /gymbully/ here?
Remember when we used to have beta/cringe threads?
How do you master the art of self control?
What cheers you up when nothing is going right for you, especially after you dedicated 1+ years to lifting?
Lifting and ROTC
>tfw too smart to lift
Can I get a form check on my power clean? Ignore the failed jerk please
Is there any point of even continuing? I've lost 2 stone and I feel the same. You can't spot lose weight...
I'm 20 and I just fucked a 15 year old after she complemented my muscles. Does this mean I've made it?
Hurr I can lift x amount of weight I'm pretty strong
*blocks your arteries*
Does Veeky Forums believe in fate?
Alright fit give me the best you got
What's Veeky Forums approved breakfast?
/Lanklet Feels Thread/
How do I stop binge eating?
What do you think about AlphaDestiny?
'user you're so muscular these days, I love it. Can you lift me up above your head? I'll make it worth your while
How to increase neck circumference?
Beverages general
/fit / conessions
That girl at the gym really isn't hot without makeup
After countless years of suffering finally get gyno surgery
So Veeky Forums, are thick girls a boy's best friend?
/plg/ Powerlifting General
Going to the gym by yourself
Humor threat
ITT: post your current stats to your goals. Hope to achieve this before years end-
30 days. Does this seem like a reasonable improvement?
Lifting for 4 years
Been saving images from Veeky Forums for the last 3 years during my lunch breaks. Dumping my folder...
High test thread /HTT/
Crockpot purchase
How long will it take a lanky ectomorph to break out of skelly and at least into otter mode natty?
Cant stand this cunt
Connor Picks Up Girls AT The Gym
Signs someone doesnt know what theyre doing
FACT: Training for Ninja Warrior is the best way to get Veeky Forums
I don't want girlfriend that isn't a virgin, but it seems all women today are whores who don't save themselves
Fatties never lose weigh-
You missed out on teenage love
As someone who started running a month ago
*blocks your path*
Hit lmao1pl8 OHP Veeky Forums feelsgoodman
This is driving me crazy
What up Veeky Forums, any recipes for chicken breast with only a microwave to cook it with...
/plg/ - powerlifting general
I quit BUDS. It is the only thing I want to do. I am afraid of combat but I have a drive to go back...
Veeky Forums how the fuck do i initiate a conversation with a girl??
Body Fat %
Intermittent Fasting
Hey Veeky Forums are sardines goat?
YFW you didn't fall for the caffeine meme
That first sip of the day
7 foot 7 has to eat 5000 calories to maintain
Can you do more Chinups/Pullups than Jason blaha ?
Dirty Gym Beggar
I thought no fap was a joke but im starting to believe
/v/ here. I'm a fatass looking to get fit. Im curious as to what my body fat percentage is...
Defects you have
Do I have a chance with her Veeky Forums?
Balding thread
Is this achievable natty?
I don't see any point in living within the bounds of the expectations people have of me anymore...
>he thinks his muscles makes him a better fighter than the average guy
I am strongly considering plastic surgery. Pic related as well as Rhinoplasty
So I went from 110 pounds to 160 pounds in 6 months (all muscle no fat gainz)
How does Veeky Forums fight temptation when trying to lose weight?
Night Owls
Is Trump alpha?
Should you do OHPs inside the power rack? Note I have my own home gym so this isn't an issue of hogging the rack
General aesthetics help
That Guy Thread
/fraud/ steroids general
Veeky Forums ylyl
/fhg/ fat hate general
Well Holy fuck I actually have a date with a hot girl this week
Does anyone take advantage of your gym? Not in a bad way, but more of a poor-fag way. Examples:
Veeky Forums cringe
/fatgen/ losing water weight edition
Infinitely more impressive than picking up something heavy
How do I fix this posture, Veeky Forums?
Do 19-20 year old girls feel sexual attraction to 30 year old fit males?
Veeky Forums books
Not eating enough fat causes low testosterone. Can you still eat enough fat without having to play macro Tetris...
Hey man can I work in?
Buying condoms
Qtddtot sqt
SSRIs & Gains
Paralyse gut for max calorie intake
Veeky Forums approved media
/fit I just realized the impact aesthetics have on women
No one is actually 6ft tall
Ask a guy who makes 6 figures a month, has traveled for the past few months to 3 continents, 6 countries...
Uni student
Appetite Suppressants
I'm wanting to cut from 83.2kg to 72kg over 5 months
Never entered overdrive mode and passed out in the gym
My dick is 4'3 inches long
/plg/ - powerlifting general
ITT: your face when someone calls you thin
/plg/ Powerlifting General
Dad 5'5 manlet
Can any one suggest muscle gain/bulk diets that retarded. around 3500cals...
If I'm gonna cut how do I make protein shakes with water without it being fucking DISGUSTING?
Do any of you guys have BED? It's so fucking hard to deal with, I don't know what to do
Got a hernia at the gym today doing situps, boys. I did squats and deadlifts before, but fucking situps did me in...
How does Veeky Forums deal with binge eating disorder?
Going to club alone
White rice vs brown rice
Really makes you think
Be kind. Where's Veeky Forums femanons at?
What are some Veeky Forums approved movies?
Tfw the prostitute calls you handsome and asks if you have a girlfriend
Typical autist here, spend all my time in front of the computer playing runescape and league of legends...
Does Veeky Forums train for the pump, or is it overrated ?
/bwg/ BodyWeight General
I never let strangers work in with me no matter what equipment I am using
Why did this guy breed?
Transformation Thread
Women's sports
Bought one of these, never realised
Is this achievable natty? Has the photo been shooped? What do you think this dude focuses on...
Fatty General
ITT: People you thought were big before you started lifting
Girl abandoned me, almost cried in gym
Haven't seen one of these in a while, infograph thread
This Chick asks you to do this at the Gym, What do?
How do i into berserk mode?
All I see are subhumans
Best type of exercises you can do in a small room to lose weight?
ITT: Stupid Normie Interactions
Do you shower st the gym, you fucking homo? No? Why not? Got a tiny dick?
Ok fit I want to see what sort of people are on here let's hear the hand you where dealt in life and give advice on how...
Who are you lifting for?
/plg/ Powerlifting General
Cut or bulk?
Vegangaines dissing Pete
Motivate me to go to the gym tomorrow instead of dicking around ar my friend's place
Started going to the gym. Dropped 20 lbs. do I have the type of body for guys like?
How much did you dudes grow after your 18?
Veeky Forumsness cringe thread
Is it possible to have cheat meals when you're eating at maintenance levels? I'm a bit discouraged...
ITT: best tasting proton
Too much water?
Kegel Excercises
Veeky Forums wishlist
What's your opinion of roids?
Does it make you taller?
Is GOMAD a meme?
This is the average faggot calling you a manlet on Veeky Forums
Worst kind of people in the gym
Movie on Youtube Bodybuilders
What's worse: skinnyfat or fitfat?
Fuck Off With This"Just Be Confident" Meme
Hey Veeky Forums, im trying keto and so far its is going well
Daily reminder to just give up
Good lifting feels thread
Which one of you did this?
Sunday Hungover anxiety/illness general
Veeky Forums webms
Dial wrong number during facetime
Tfw no matter how much I lift my name will always be Bobua
Manlet therapy thread
/fraud/ steroids general
What would you pick Veeky Forums
What do you guys think about kratom?
I'm 18 and do I have potential ?
Hi Veeky Forums. We're all here for self improvement...
Fit Careers
How do you guys handle going out to eat? Do you just accept the burgers and fries...
I can't fucking gain weight bros. i just wanna be a big lad... FUCK
Gym is closed
Face gains
/30+/ RISE UP
Be honest, when did you lose your virginity Veeky Forums?
"Nice body user, what sport do you do?"
Limp Noodle
We are all gonna make it brah?
Punchable fitness faces thread. I'll start
Im not sure where to put this...
Bulk or Cut: No GF Edition
University / college gymbro thread
/plg/ Powerlifting General
You're in the club and these dudes slap your gf's ass. What do you do?
Fictional goal bodies thread
Looking for an honest talk
Progress pics/transformation to chads thread
Be me, 19yo virgin
Jerked off 4 times today
Even a scrawny DYEL nu male can beat a strong CrossFit woman
22 vs 37
Im a 5'5" girl thats 185 pounds
Got drunk for the first time last night
Going to jail for a few months, what body weight exercises can I do to stay in shape?
You are telling me that the average person can do a proper 100 kg deadlift without snapping their shit up?
How to out of auschwitz mode?
Full body everyday?
How many sexual partners have you had?
Years of having no gf
How to be attractive
Just did 3x6 of 120 lb (total) dumbbell bench press
People keep telling me butter is too calorie dense and high in saturated fats to eat straight...
What does Veeky Forums think about Ryan Gosling?
Hi guys what do you like to eat cottage cheese with?
Is having a weak curl normal? I can bench 70kg and squat 120kg but I can barely curl 15kg for more than 10 reps...
Manlet General
Teach me how to lift a thousand pounds, Veeky Forums
What's Veeky Forums eating tonight?
While you are counting MACROS and eating fucking BROCCOLI, Chad is eating PIZZA and banging STACEY
I have a bachelors in Kinesiology
Are girls worth it Veeky Forums?
Want to do keto. Mfw too poor to afford low carb food. 350lbs. Is it over for me?
How you holding up
Tomorrow i buy nuts
Clarence is vegan, why aren't you?
What do you think about this transformation, Veeky Forums? It's on the front page of Reddit
Why aren't more women on anavar?
He fell for the "cardio is a meme" meme
Easy cutting meals?
The Sun has fallen out of orbit and is going to crash into the Earth...
ITT God-Tier Lifting Albums
What was that about your abs user?
Down 20 lbs. what parts of my body can I improve from here?
Did you get the girl?
Is he roiding? He claims he isnt but im calling bullshit and i wanna ask the pros at fit
Pure strength training
You know what to do
What's with the influx of lookism fags on /fit?
Is there even a point to getting Veeky Forums if you have a small dick?
One chance a life ugly shitskin manlet
This triggers the Veeky Forumsizen
Should I talk to her on Monday?
How To Get Thicc?
Should I do arm isolation, or chin-ups and dips will be enough?
/gbg/ - Gains Blessing General
Movie on Youtube Bodybuilders
/plg/ Powerlifting General
Would you ever get a tattoo...
How do you like your waffles, Veeky Forums?
Running General
Just benched 2pl8
Lifting and Facial hair
Good feels thread, no sad cunts allowed
Help me Veeky Forums
'cmon user, take your shirt off.. show me those arms and abs!'
Does Lenny have the worst gut ever recorded?
Give me the quick rundown on vitamins, what ones are actually worth taking?
F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5
/fatty/ general
Any of you guys listen to podcasts while training? I've just finished pic related and I'm looking for something similar
Did you start lifting to impress girls?
Am I putting myself at risk? Under 1000 daily calorie consumption
Hey Veeky Forums
Are there any Poles? If so which gym in Warsaw you go to and why is it Jatomi złote tarasy?
Thoughts on thicc baes?
A girl walks up to you and says, "you're a big guy". How do you respond?
How to win at life?
What the FUCK is this shit on my foot?
Fitizens' car
Veeky Forums approved meal plans?
This is me, 150kg (330lbs) 1.75m (5'9)
If I have wide hips should I neglect my obliques and work my upper body more to even out the proportions?
Are stomach vacs a meme or do that actually work?
What music genres do you listen to while working out?
/tip/ thread
1st year of lifting, what to focus on
Am i cool?
How the fuck do you faggots activate your pecs?
Anyone been doing Kris Gethin's 8 week trainer? Thoughts on the workouts or any noticeable gains you've made?
Redpill me on crossfit Veeky Forums
Is squatplug a meme, been using one for a while now havent noticed any significant difference on my squats...
Last threads
/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood General
Video Games
/dng/ Dueling Network General
Video Games
/vrg/ - Virtual Reality General #139
Video Games
Today is the greatest day of my life. I have finally accumulated 1M LINK
/STG/ Suicide Threshold General
Food and Cooking
Anyone else feel like they're learning a shitload about markets from all this?
Did anyone else lift because of him
[Daily Bike Thread] - /dbt/
When will the most coin miners stop mining, because it isn't anymore profitable?
>boogie will never undo the damage he did to himse-
OmiseGO And Vitalik Buterin Donate $1 Million In Crypto To Charity For Ugandan Refugees
Warcraft Lore and RPG discussion
When your girlfriend tells you that you aren't big enough and you aren't a real man
/wfg/ - Warframe General
Video Games
Last time it worked
Don't panic
Hey Veeky Forums...
/agdg/ - Amateur Game Development General
Video Games