Psa: even if you make it you won't make it
Why even live
True, CNS fatigue and dieting hard does ruin your sex drive
Stupidest insinuation of all time
>Then the researchers contacted running, cycling and triathlon training groups, university athletic departments, and publications targeted at endurance athletes and asked them to alert members and readers to the questionnaires, which were available online.
>Almost 1,100 physically active adult men completed all of the questions. Most were experienced athletes who had participated for years in training and competitions.
Above is a quote from the article. This is about cardio/endurance training. I don't think people on this board typically do very long high-intensity cardio sessions to prepare for marathons or triathlons.
This has nothing to do with lifting weights a couple times a week.
The kind of lifting a lot of guys here do does impact cns so badly that it basically fucks their entire week up.
There's a reason the natty russians and old strong men always followed the "do as much as possible while remaining as fresh as possible". Mantra.
Take roids, problem solved
HA that article is bullshit, I've alway been a high drive male, lifting has only increased that. stop being fgt bitch bois a get ur cock wet all day after PR deadlift no wraps no chalk just strength and grit. explain that homofag
Lifting makes me horny as hell. These Twinks are doing something wrong
I'm always hornier after working out and shit
but I'm not a marathoncuck so
> inferior genetic problems
Must suck for you
This is true but who gives a fuck. Quality over quantity.
can confirn
sex drive went from jacking off twice a day as a pizza eating skinnyfat to essentially 0 after starting lifting hard and dieting
This is in regards to extreme levels of training. If your weeks are nothing but pushing every lift till failure, this may occur with you.
what does it mean if I workout a lot, diet well and can jack off like 5 times a day easy? Can't be good right?
i don't know about you guys but the more I work out the more i want to destroy my girlfriend's anus
>no wraps
Enjoy your unwanted pregnancy senpai
You have aids
Eat more saturated fats.
oh wow much funny I'm laughing so hard HAHAHAHA
Christ, tell can't you i'm talking about weight wraps for lifting heavy? not everyone sex talk about all time.
Man do you read your own posts?
Who gives a fuck I'm a virgin
>men who get fit may feel disillusioned by their mediocre partners
I hope you realize that no man who exercises reads these, they're designed to make fat lazy shits feel better about themselves when they order another bigmac meal and delude themselves into thinking that "yeah, you're sabotaging your sex life, mhm"
Like there is absolutely zero jacked persons on earth who give a flying fuck what that shitty article has to say
Uh, that's a good point actually. Happened to me when I lost 40 lbs back in 2009 and realized I had settled for a bland gf. Left the country and started a new life as soon as I realized.
Whoops. That one got me
ya I lots of read, but don't own posts
are there also studies for this? My strength is pretty decent (so I don't think I have low test) but I have literally no sex drive at all. could this be because of hard training?
What race are you?
It's a mental disorder, you're so used to expecting no sex and posting feel posts and sad frog pictures that your biological makeup is literally evolving to save energy for squatting and not fucking.
white, sometimes I have to use translate
I understood his post you must be dyel
>the more I work out the more i want to destroy my girlfriend's anus
Dude, just take a look around.
The natural dudes who bust ass, like really go balls to the wall, during exercise and fuck up both rest and calorie intake have nothing in the way of a libido.
This is a clear and present sign of being fairly overworked. Most interesting part? When you're at that point, sex doesn't really matter to you.