Intermittent Fasting

Does anyone have experience with IF for 16:8? What were your results like? How difficult was it to pull off or explain to others?

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Why explain it to others?
Keep your diet to yourself unless you wanna look like a self obsessed cunt

Man it changed my life. I finally got the physique I'd dreamed of after a couple months. So easy to get lean as fuck. I'll never cut any other way now. Absolutely love it. Also trained fasted and alternated high carb days and high fat days.

It was easy to pull off with my schedule, 9 to 4 work. So I'd fast from midnight to 4 or 5 the next day. And i loved not eating at work.


amazing, 1.5k deficit is easy. i don't even have cheats/maintenance any more

hard first few days, easy after that

>1.5k deficit

*1.5kcal, for a deficit of 700 - 900

Forgot to add. Retards will always tell you how its bad and breakfast is so important and eating a lot at night makes you fat. But results speak for themselves. It would bother me so much when people tried to force me to eat. So fucking annoying. I could never imagine trying to do that to someone.

I was 190 at 6'3 here and it was so easy to get that lean... for the first time in my life.

With the right motivational material, it is quite easy to pull off.

But when I see an ugly chick, the whole mood is ruined and I know it won't be a good nut.

So seriously only a couple months and you saw some big results? Do you cycle on and off or do you just stick with it years round?

not him but i'm 3 weeks in, 17lbs down seeeing huge differences (206 - 189)

it's really weird reading these posts of people losing like 2lb a month

Do any of you have any scientific studies on 16:8 IF? How do I know you're not getting the placebo effect? The one study I read mentioned fasting for 24+ hours 2-4 times/week.

How long do you need to fast to get benefits?

this is me
Yes. Very fast results. Stubborn fat deposits around the midsection finally came off.

When I'm bulking I'm a little more lax on it but any time I'm trying to get or stay lean, its IF every time.

16:8 meaning you are allowed to eat for 8 hours a day, right?

It's hunger management. That's it, there's nothing else to it, it just makes maintaining a deficit much easier than if you eat tiny meals throughout the day. Instead, you deal with a little hunger in the morning and can enjoy bigger meals in the afternoon, which is when you want to eat and relax.

There are no "scientific studies" as there is nothing to study. It does not magically burn fat, your deficit does that. I have no idea why you're bringing up placebos.

Please understand this. I'm not trying to be a dick, but it's calories. It's just calories, alright, don't fan misconceptions about magical diets.

check out martin berkhan's website. he writes a ton of good articles. One thing that is absolute is that it makes it easier to eat a small amount of calories and stay satisfied. Thats a recipe for success already.

The 16 hour thing comes from the fact that after about 16 hours, the breakdown of protein into glucose for fuel takes over. If i remember correctly.

check out though

Yeah, I did IF hard.
It was basically one meal where I had to eat everything I needed in one meal and that's it.

But I ate whatever I wanted when I wanted saturdays.

Lost a metric fuckton of fat and i worked out before I ate my meal and 2-5 hours before bed.

BUT I was cold all of the time, would sometimes feel out of it and I was a bit of a lazy dick.

Calories is weight, but there are ways to improve body composition. Calorie partitioning.

there was a study somewhere where people who fasted lost the same amount of weight as those who didn't, but more of the weight lost was fat.

>not doing 23:1

Yes, but that relates to hitting single digit bf% whilst retaining heavy muscle. To the average fatty just losing weight, calories are everything, and IF is great for that.

It just makes it so easy. I read a post today, a guy who binges so hard on junkfood once every fortnight that he spends the rest of that week working it off. He needed to in order to "cope", and so was basically writing off every other week in terms of his diet.

IF ensures you don't do stupid shit like this, spending an entire year losing 30lb or something ridiculous.

>On IF 16:8
>Also on a fucked up sleep schedule right now due to 12h shifts at work and having access to loads of drugs
>remained awake through my first meal in my feed window
>crash the fuck out after consuming, for some reason
>wake up outside of my 8 hours
>stomach growls the second I look at the clock



you really must do better

>not doing 48:24

Mirin. Where did you start?

Please kill yourself.

Failing that, at least try to do research before you spread bro-science and admonishing others for not worshipping the Curl as you do. It took me all of 30 seconds to go to the NCBI site and search for "intermittent fasting"

about 196 but way softer and less muscular.

>calories in < calories out
>bro science

Are you responsible for all these BCAA threads lately?

e a t l e s s f u c k i n g f o o d

I'm not even talking about losing weight you fucking troglodyte.

Yeah, undoubtedly. I got all my protein in today though so I at least didn't fuck up my macros.

So I tried what would be considered IF over the past few days where I'd stop eating at 2300 or 0000 and not eat again until 1700, so basically 7:17

but I find it WAY too easy to get all my calories and go over my TDEE during those 7 hours. I typically eat dinner, fight off food for an hour then eat a second dinner, then snack on things like cottage cheese and eggs or beans on toast. I seem to always meet or beat my TDEE despite trying to pace myself.

Am I too greedy for IF to work or what's the deal?

>Why explain it to others?

Some people aren't autistic and actually get asked to eat with other people.

Cutting with IF as soon as I stall. Should I count macros?

You're not a hobbit. You don't need two dinners.
You need a dinner with lots of filling low calorie veggies then maybe a dirty as fuck IFFYM snack later.

You'll also need to be a bit more active or do a simple workout routine to help burn whatever overages you did. OR you can do the much more easy thing and not eat as much that night or eat less the next day.


>You need a dinner with lots of filling low calorie veggies then maybe a dirty as fuck IFFYM snack later.
My dinners just now are
>150g chicken
>100g rice & lentils
>150g celery, onion & carrot

Veg make up 60%+ of what I eat.

>ou'll also need to be a bit more active or do a simple workout routine to help burn whatever overages you did
I lift heavy every 2 days. Currently a little above 1/2/3/4

>OR you can do the much more easy thing and not eat as much that night or eat less the next day.
If I could I wouldn't be posting.

Don't do it, you'll fuck up your gastrointestinal system. You're not meant to starve for several hours then to binge. Not long term surely.

PLEASE tell me what it is you actually do in intermittent fasting. My mid section and thighs are the bane of my existence that I just cant seem to get rid of

how did that ship get stuck there and how is it getting out? is it an icebreaker?

Scientific research rig from what I recall, couldn't say. Google it

IF is not only about Calories... the most important and beneficial thing about IF is that your Digestion System is not working 24/7!
You Body goes on a fasting state every day and in that time can work on other things (Regeneration, repair).
You can lose faster weight, but your Body benefits alot more than only the calories def.

To the ones that are no doingt it, try and you will see yourself.

[Citation needed]

>be me
>fast through my restdays
>so about 36-72h
I am losing appetite.
pls. help.
but then again, I lost kgs in a week

martin is a fuckwit, cant stand that guy. fuck him

actually that sounds like what every animal in the wild does.

When do you lift while doing IF?

Also, it's not like hunter-gatherers always had food lying around to have breakfast. Meaning they hunted fasted

Eat for 16. You fast the 8 hours you sleep.

Depends on how fast you wanna lose weight. Lifting on an empty stomach will make you lose weight faster but at the cost of losing more muscle than if you had lifted after eating a meal.
That's my experience with it, anyway.

How do you get into intermittent fasting? Do you just go straight into cutting breakfast (that meal for example, I know you can cut dinner as well) or do you start eating less and less in the morning, then finally stop?
Also, can you drink tea in the morning and during the time where you aren't supposed to eat? I'd ideally go for 12:15-6:30 as my eating hours


Cut out breakfast.
Tea and coffee are fine as long as you're not adding anything to it. no milk or sugar. And those hours look fine, that's about the same schedule I did
Like I said, that was just my experience.

Thanks for the help
Also, I never add anything to my tea or coffee. It tastes like shit once you add sugar or milk, loses the natural taste

Will Intermittent fasting cure my IBS Constipation syndromwe?

You might have some hunger pains when you first start skipping breakfast. Drink lots of water to help with that, and then just remind yourself why you're doing this and think about how good your first meal is gonna be.
Survive the first week and then it becomes pretty easy.

That's a terrible idea. Fasting fucks with your metabolism and makes you binge. The most efficient way to cut is just a reasonable caloric deficit of like 15% your recommended daily intake to maintain your current weight.

Why don't you give it a shot

It's completely changed the way I cut. I had more progress on IF in a month than I did cutting for 4 months on the 6 meal/day diet that scoobert recommended. Highly, highly recommend.

However, starting it off is pretty shit. The hunger pangs will be annoying as fuck for the first week or two while your body gets used to it. My eating window is between 12:30 to 8:30, and usually I don't get hungry until about 1.

also, my arms and chest are noticeably larger, while my body fat is dropping. I know it's /impossible/ to gain muscle while losing fat, and I've been fairly meticulous about my calories.

The doctor chick that's on Joe Rogan's podcast every now and again recommends you go the extra mile and don't drink coffee or tea while fasting, which makes total sense but is a pain to implement.

how am i supposed to function in the morning without any caffeine from tea or coffee?

If I straight up cut everything I consume for energy in the morning im not going to get anything done until my first meal

If you are doing IF, take it a step further and go on a ketogenic diet. Low carb, high fat.

what is better for IF?

16:8 or 18:6?

Seriously make an effort to get rid of those love handles

>which makes total sense
Brah there are basically no calories in coffee or tea, less than 5 for sure.

You are thinking about this all wrong, it's not some miracle meme cut, it's just a way of eating. 2 hours either way makes no difference. I eat basically 1 extended meal at night, under 2 hours, and still no difference.

>How difficult was it to pull off or explain to others?
I played competitive video games for the entire day. Would forget I was hungry and go to sleep after

If they're not autistic then they wouldn't have a problem moving their eating window a few hours, thereby making it unnecessary to "explain" anything.

idiot. intermittent fasting reduces your metabolism a lot less than constant calorie reduction does.

My mom is trying to redpill me on this shit.

I think its retarded. You're not losing weight cuz mah insulin levels, you're losing weight because you're eating way less.

Why not just eat smaller meals throughout the day so you don't get hungry and feel shitty when fasting.

Yeah, and that's why it's fine to drink them while fasting, you're still around 0 calories. But by drinking anything other than water you don't get to take advantage of some more subtle benefits, like some stuff about enzymes. Watch the latest podcast with her, she explains it convincingly.

You could eat a single meal a day and still gain a lot of weight

If you can't handle waking up and not eating until 8 pm then maybe you should stop fucking being a bitch

I do it by starting my eating window the moment I d rink my morning tea, it sucks cause school gets in the way, but I take food with me, so i don't have to stuff alot of food in the brief time that I'm home afterwards.

Stay fat, fattie

Assuming the same caloric intake you dumb nigger. That should have been implicit.

My point is, it's calories in, calories out. IF is just for dumb faggots who can't or won't count calories properly.

So then why can I eat over 2000 calories and easily return to my previous weight eating normal? Yeah no

I fast and meticulously count my calories been making great gainz at the gym still and I'm losing weight

You still count calories on IF you dumb nigger


>Muh insulin levels = making gains while losing weight

Sounds like bro science to me.

Illiterates like you talking as if you know anything about metabolism.

Because after 18 hours of fasting, HGH spikes 2000%.

Testosterone up significantly as well.

Lifting after 18 hours of fasting is glorious. Just make sure you are keto otherwise you'll kill yourself due to lack of energy.

Does it suck eating once a day? For the first few weeks yes. After that, you adapt, and you gainz. There's also considerable satisfaction that comes from disciplining yourself and having your eating habits under control.

16/8 is great. 22/4 is better. Good luck bro.

Dat 26hr day that only IF gets you

>not living on mars

never gonna make it

Just a quick question:
Should I still be eating at a 500-800kcal deficit when doing IF? Is it necessary?

>Because after 18 hours of fasting, HGH spikes 2000%.
[Citation needed]

Do you want to lose weight? Yes
Do you want to maintain weight? No
Do you want to gain weight? No


i agree with you in that the deficit is what causes the fat loss and most of the info surrounding if is probably broscience. but i think there is something to be said about hormone manipulation and insulin's role in contributing to fat loss. i'm no nutritional scientist but i think there's probably a little more to it than calories in < calories out.

how can you train fasted? since i've started cutting i have to bring an extra banana with me to the gym to eat mid-way just so i don't crash. i can't imagine doing any kind of cns-intensive work like heavy squats or deads completely empty.


Not that dude, but while there may be many individual processes in the body that change the rate of fat loss, how much impact do you think they really have?
It's negligible, and cals in/cals out always wins. Even if IF was some magic meme, what's going to happen, you hit your goal 1 week sooner.

Cals in/Cals out over time to reach your desired goal. Everything else is just noise.

Whatever bro all I know is that I hit a 215lbs bench press while still fasting

That was a PR too

Just. Don't eat for 16 hours til dinner.

Eat your TDEE -30% @ Dinner - or as much as you can. But, get lots of complex carbs - not simple carbs. It seems to help for hunger pangs in the morning.

I adjusted to it by taking 200mg Caffeine, kills my hunger pangs desu and can use as a preworkout in the morning.


Where is your belly button?

>How difficult was it to pull off or explain to others?
Just don't eat in the morning. It takes a bit of time but you'll get used to.
I run 2 miles in the morning on most days and even fasted I'm fine.

So you leave work at 4, go to the gym at 4, cook at 4 and eat at 4?
Please respond as I pretty much also wanna train fasted and go to work but I can't envision it desu.

IT + HIIT as a skelly?
Will it make me lose muscle mass?
Is it worth doing for HGH gains or are they minimal?
As far as i know the more you fast for, the higher HGH release is and HIIT signals your brain to release even more HGH.

Answer would be appreciated.

It can be tough to eat the 'feast' meal if I'm at work and people think it's kind of weird but no one really cares that much. I feel way more focused and upbeat during my fasted state than I ever did while eating a proper breakfast.

has anyone tried intermittent fapping?
i.e instead of trying to only masturbate 5 or 6 times throughout the day trying to fit all 5 or 6 into an 8 hour window?
id imagine the benefits would be similar to nofap but i think i would find it more sustainable than nofap which we all know is impossible to keep up for more than 2 or 3 days

If you can manage a surplus without eating like shit, sure. I struggle to eat enough in 8 hours to gain weight without resorting to shitty fast food or something.

Sick mom science you fucking faggot.